Starcruiser Mk1/2 [Ships]

Name: Starcruiser Mk1

Type: Racing Ship only for Open Space

Rank: 5

Shields: 1,000pts

Hull: 1,500pts

Shield regen: 100pts/s

Energy: 500pts

Energy regen: 250pts/s

Speed: 700m/s

AB Speed: 3,500m/s

AB Energy consumption: 250pts/s

Ship effect:

   ‘Starcruiser Engine’

   When afterburners are enabled, the ship reaches immense speeds and handling remains the same. While using afterburners, all other ship systems are disabled.


Ship has one nose-turret.

Manuvering ability is that of a decently evolved Tai’Kin.

Has only 1 cargo slot.

Has 2 active modules and no passive engine modules.


Active Modules:


Name: Jump Calculation System

Recharge: 10 seconds.

Energy: 500pts

Tooltip: Shows shortest path trails to every jump gate in the system you are currently in.


Name: Reverse Codebreaker

Recharge: 30 seconds

Range: 3,000m

Energy: 500pts

Tooltip: When a ship is locked on to you, activation will lock them out of ship controls for 15 seconds. They can still fire and use modules though.






Name: Starcruiser Mk2

Type: Racing Ship only for Open Space

Rank: 15

Shields: 1,500pts

Hull: 2,500pts

Shield regen: 100pts/s

Energy: 500pts

Energy regen: 250pts/s

Speed: 700m/s

AB Speed: 4,500m/s

AB Energy consumption: 250pts/s

Ship effect:

   ‘Starcruiser Engine’

   When afterburners are enabled, the ship reaches immense speeds and handling remains the same. While using afterburners, all other ship systems are disabled.


Ship has one nose-turret.

Manuvering ability is that of a decently evolved Tai’Kin.

Has only 2 cargo slots.

Has 3 active modules and no passive engine modules.



Active Modules:


Name: Distress Beacon

Recharge: 60 seconds

Energy: 500pts

Tooltip: Places a small beacon in space. After 10 seconds, there is a small chance that someone will come to help you. (75% chance to spawn a super strong AI fighter close to you after that time.)


Name: Halberd Strike

Recharge: 60 seconds

Energy: 500pts

Tooltip: Negates collision damage for 5 seconds. Ramming an enemy with the tip of the ship deals tremendous Kinetic damage. Striking an enemy at an angle will disable a random system of theirs for 10 seconds.


Name: Warp Interceptor

Recharge: 30 seconds

Energy: 500pts.

Tooltip: If any ship on the current map tries to teleport via any means, while active you will emerge at their exit point and they will not move.


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