Star Hunt 4 [Concluded]


Welcome to edition four of this here competition.

You can ask me questions, and I will answer them, if I can, in a way that does not blatantly give it away.


New home | Tag, you’re it! | Equals the phonetic pronunciation of no in German | Highlight | New | Owner’s … - - .–. —… -…-. -…-. … .-.-.- … – --. …- .-. .-.-.- -.-. — – -…-. .–. - – - …- .–. – .-.-.- .— .–. --.

Should no entries be submitted in one week, the hints may be refined. Should no entries be submitted in four weeks (January 16th, 2017), this star hunt will be closed, and the next will open.

Piece of evidence (What you’re looking for):


This was done in Microsoft paint in a period lasting about 5 minutes, please excuse the poor/mediocre quality.


Be the first to locate the evidence and upload a screenshot as a reply.

Should you have completed a previous Star Hunt, I request that any submissions be sent to me in a private message, as to not spoil it for anyone who has not completed the hunt.


A secret gift from me to you which you will receive in an undisclosed form at an undisclosed date. Note, you will not receive it in the mail at your actual house, but you will know what it is, when it is. It should also be noted that winning subsequent Star Hunts will not result in repeated prizes, and should the same hunter win more than one Star Hunt, whoever comes in place after them will be selected, unless said player has also won more than one Star Hunt. Winning multiple Star Hunts will result in additional prizes, but the first place prize will always go to a new person.






This Star Hunt has been completed.


are you kidding? Like? Really? The thing that just came out and basically everyone is talking about? … *sigh*

It’s not even worth trying. XD

48 minutes ago, PapyMcBites said:


I request that any submissions be sent to me in a private message.

I realize something was wrong with my life when I was tryin to sent to you a paint pic of my junk… sorry. I’m (almost never) better than this :expressionless:

2 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

I realize something was wrong with my life when I was tryin to sent to you a paint pic of my junk… sorry. I’m (almost never) better than this :expressionless:

Ahahaha what…?

Just now, PapyMcBites said:

Ahahaha what…?

Yeah, I was there… Painting it in microsoft paint and then I realized… Oh god. The joke is not worth the ban ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

54 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Yeah, I was there… Painting it in microsoft paint and then I realized… Oh god. The joke is not worth the ban ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Fine tastes, I admire a dad with a sophisticated phallus.


![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) EZ

Lol, I was just watching one of ORCA’s videos and just saw it. Was about to pm it then saw it was concluded ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)