Star Hunt 1 [Concluded]


Federation, Empire, and Jericho maps (one each) | Fourth | High, not medium | Middle mouse button | No map to map | Walls | Look for repetition | Try googling some of the smaller repetitions | Easiest to locate in Jericho | The bracket things are there in game

Should no entries be submitted in one week, the hints may be refined. Should no entries be submitted in <some undetermined amount of time that is probably longer than a month>, this starhunt will be closed, and the next will open.

Piece of evidence:

╔Grekiskzerekbeshlethaurekwesklethdorncresh pethaurekoskcresh uskiskaurekkrillweskmern creshleth aurekpeth╗
   grekresh krilllethvevesk jenthwesk;aurek;krilllenth yirt creshlenth aurekpeth
   Fornesk krilllethforn pethlethweskxesh oskpeth oskqekkrillosk
   Forn yirtaurekherf jenthherfjenthwesk iskiskoskisk grekiskaurekkrilloskmern creshleth aurekpeth
╚htePkerua htelhserc triy htelksewkerua;nrofksew ksewnrof ksevevhtelllirk hserkerg                                                ╝


Be the first to locate the evidence and upload a screenshot as a reply.


A secret gift from me to you which you will receive in an undisclosed form at an undisclosed date. Note, you will not receive it in the mail, but you will know what it is, when it is. It should also be noted that winning subsequent starhunts will not result in repeated prizes, and should the same hunter win more than one starhunt, whoever comes in place after them will be selected, unless said player has also won more than one starhunt. Winning multiple starhunts will result in additional prizes, but the first place prize will always go to a new person.



This Star Hunt has been completed:


I’m on it.

This is gonna bug me until I win.

If you used enigma I need rotor info plz. I’m too lazy to try every combo.

On ‎11‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 4:27 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

If you used enigma I need rotor info plz. I’m too lazy to try every combo.

Nah bruh, manually ciphered it. You could potentially just use things in the game and cipher them to figure out which matches easier than deciphering this, unless you know what cyphering I used… I have a hint that will probably make this a lot easier, but I’ll wait a week before throwing it up there, then if still nothing I’ll just tell how to do it and see who does it first xD

dots and spaces are not decrypted?

3 hours ago, John161 said:

dots and spaces are not decrypted?

The dots are represented as… other characters… in the game, and the spaces are just normal spaces left untampered. There are however a few slight issues. I said “Federation map” but, this is actually visible in empire space and Jericho space too, and besides that, I said 8 or 16 and those were not even in the right category. I meant to say “High.” Just for these mistakes, I’ll throw up another two clues, and of course, correct the mistakes.

I think I’m getting closer ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

4 hours ago, niripas said:

I think I’m getting closer ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

Good ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) I was thinking for a first try this would be too hard being as how… ambiguous, how vague the clue/hints were, and that I should have done something else, but I already put this one up lol

Oh and just to make sure everyone knows, you can ask me indirectly related questions about it, and I’ll answer them if I can in a way that doesn’t give very revealing information.

1 week is up; 3 new hints added.

Heads up, this will be closed on the 22nd. I figure that’s a good date, seeing as it gives more time to this one, and it’s 2 days after the December update, meaning I can do something with the update after exploring it for 2 days.

Forgive my ships low level mods lol; I really didn’t care what was slotted so long as it did the job; anyway here is my guess at this and I’m probably way off but I didn’t read anything about guesses will get you banned or anything ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

My guess is the speed up element (green/yellow thingy)… IK I’m way off right? lol




Omg I’ve just figured it out.





3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Omg I’ve just figured it out.

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Correct, my dear friend ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) well done!


3 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Forgive my ships low level mods lol; I really didn’t care what was slotted so long as it did the job; anyway here is my guess at this and I’m probably way off but I didn’t read anything about guesses will get you banned or anything ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

My guess is the speed up element (green/yellow thingy)… IK I’m way off right? lol

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Fox found it

11 minutes ago, PapyMcBites said:

Correct, my dear friend ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) well done!


Fox found it

Owned it.

Now what? I wanna do another competition. This is fun. X3

Star Hunt 2 has now opened, yay!


nice lol; i knew i was probably wrong but not taking a guess makes me 100% wrong ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


31 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

nice lol; i knew i was probably wrong but not taking a guess makes me 100% wrong ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


lol I mean, worth a shot though, can’t say you didn’t try ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)