Star Conflict Wiki

Thank you for your work all.

(Ok, this post doesn’t help to contribute to wiki…)

support is always appreciated

What’s the status of this? Wiki seems to be set read-only for upgrade for like 3 weeks. Or am I just doing it wrong?

Account creation is currently offline. If you need an account, please send me a pm.

No, error, the wiki has been locked for maintenance for more than a month now. I thought you knew.

Hopefully after the monday patch, wiki will be up and running for the public to update again.  I want to do stuff, but pointless until the next patch(and it being locked lol)

The wiki is online again and you should be able to work on it.

NIce work!

but after this patch lots of work need to be rewritten agian

I see what you mean by spam bots being a problem…

Though it seems the spambots are better at creating accounts than I am. The Request Account page is asking me to solve a Captcha that’s invisible.


Edit: Ok, so the user creation log shows that the spambots aren’t creating accounts, they’re just spamming the user pages of their existing accounts. Also they’re only spamming the User namespace, not Main, which is nice of them.

When some time frees up, I will apply my patience and OCD organizational skills to arranging that wiki.


Do we have a list of users actively participating in this endeavour?

Given Recent Changes is empty except for 2 edits by Skula and a ton of bots, no one is.

Which is unsurprising given you can’t create accounts. I never got mine.

You’re still interested though, yes? Error is currently working on finding the person in charge, or at least someone we can speak with to get this thing rolling.


I am beginning to develop an outline for how to tackle this project. If you have any suggestions, let’s talk about it here while we wait for verification.

The first big one would be a ship page template. The Russian wiki has some fairly nice looking ship pages in a consistent style, but they don’t use a template. I’d start by making one, then we can fill out the ship list without it taking ages and being riddled with copy/paste errors.

Then it’s a long slog to go over the main pages and update them for 0.8, add page(s) for roles and update special weapons, update and add active modules, and add new missiles.

Then fix some stuff that was broken even before 0.8, such as flesh out the mk3 module list in the faction pages.


And probably a bunch of other things, but that should keep us busy for a couple of weeks.

Exactly what I thought.


Are you familiar with the formatting of wiki pages, because I certainly am not. I don’t suppose learning would take much time, but that requires I either find someone who knows or wade through tutorials.

I learned by looking at the code on an existing page, and just copy and pasting alot. Its fairly simple. Once your able to hit EDIT to change it, youll figure it out in moments.

When some time frees up, I will apply my patience and OCD organizational skills to arranging that wiki.


Do we have a list of users actively participating in this endeavour?



I learned by looking at the code on an existing page, and just copy and pasting alot. Its fairly simple. Once your able to hit EDIT to change it, youll figure it out in moments.

Hmm~ It is a good plan. I shall go poke around in my spare-spare time.


Also, thanks Mustache. xD

You should find basic wiki syntax pretty easy to pick up. Stuff like headings, bold and italic are easy peasy, tables are a bit harder but not too tricky given an example to work from. Templates are a bit obscure though.

I think this thread or some other thread should be made for an info dump. Just pick a set of weapons/mods and dump the information in the thread, then we can just pick it up and add it to the wiki.