Star Conflict v.1.1.8. Discussion

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So some issues were fixed but we all know which update everyone is waiting for :slight_smile: I’m glad the chat bug didn’t last too long!

There is something odd going on recently (since the second last patch) with the matchmaking during EU primetime (22PM GMT+3) in T5. You only get one sided matches and veterans seem to be victims of the matchmaker.


Even if you assemble a 3/4man squad of veterans, it’s not enough to carry the weight of the weak players that have no idea what to do - and that’s just unacceptable.


Skula fix plz.

[deluvas](< base_url >/index.php?/user/245607-deluvas/)

Hey there! Look there is no bug. Match Making is not connected to the time of the battle and it works in the same way all 24 hours a day.

Unfortunately it does seem to “balance” teams with a high level player on one side but since there are not many equal players, it ends up being one person with a lot of skill that has low skill team mates vs a bunch of average to better skill team which usually wins due to numbers. You have good and bad days with this . Again, more players would fix this issue so hopefully we will get more with the new content (although it will take a while to get to T5)

I am out of lemons! Out of lemon’s juice!

Bring me more melons! More melon’s juice!


Bring me the version 2.0.0 - the greatest and biggest update!

Bring me a new CGI/Cinematic trailer of Star Conflict with the release of version 2.0.0!

Bring me the more modes, maps and ships.

Secret Projects are my greatest!

Bring them all in, to celebrate!

2.0.0 will be a new beginning!

I can see a new wheel already spinning!


Review of the update 1.1.8 so far:



Unfortunately it does seem to “balance” teams with a high level player on one side but since there are not many equal players, it ends up being one person with a lot of skill that has low skill team mates vs a bunch of average to better skill team which usually wins due to numbers. You have good and bad days with this . Again, more players would fix this issue so hopefully we will get more with the new content (although it will take a while to get to T5)

I think like you do, MM is not ballancing teams, never did, but now is a shame how MM works. If I want to win a game, I need to kill everyone, if not, game is lost.

I think like you do, MM is not ballancing teams, never did, but now is a shame how MM works. If I want to win a game, I need to kill everyone, if not, game is lost.

xD this isn’t new. a few months ago in a team battle i got 19/20 of my teams kills. and that one kill was stolen from me lol. 2 lazy 2 find screeny. 

 2 lazy 2 find screeny. 


2 cool 4 skool

This game is a particular victim of players being so bad that they are actively costing good players wins.


It’s not new, but if the game had a greater population at least you could avoid getting them on your team AGAIN in the next match, which is what will happen for half a dozen games straight before you finally give up and go play something else.


This patch wasn’t meant to add much, it’s a holdover for the big one in September. Hopefully some concerns get addressed then.

2 cool 4 skool

school 2 boring to do it without SC forum breaks. pshhh u should know this mil. 


“Fixed a bug in Detonation mode”


You think? :stuck_out_tongue:


school 2 boring to do it without SC forum breaks. pshhh u should know this mil. 



“Fixed a bug in Detonation mode”

You think? :stuck_out_tongue:


I wanted to see a match with this bug and a large amount of players >:)

This might not be a significant patch to existing players, but WOW. I’m really really pleased about the update to the tutorial. This has been requested and finally listened to, and will help new players greatly (though admittedly I’ve not checked it out yet).


Now, the next big piece that should go along with this is ensuring that the “Help” menu is always kept up-to-date. It is currently not, and I made a long post about it, but the numbers might have changed. [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25331-revise-the-help-screen/)

The lady in the picture has rather slanted… body parts. They’re clearly facing a different direction than the rest of her body.


Meanwhile, this patch is tiny. Sure hope the big one coming up is good.

Overall this patch didn’t add much although the rework has been much needed for some time, it still misses some key details which players need to know about when they begin the game (eg; ranks, resistances, implants + implant restrictions, upgrades) but other than that, I think I’ll wait till September 1st for the next major update.

Since sometime last night, the oh so annoying server-lag/delay just disappeared for several battles in a row… wow what a feeling! I had forgotten what it was like to play without delay! I really really really hope it will last! It makes a difference. <3 

Overall this patch didn’t add much although the rework has been much needed for some time, it still misses some key details which players need to know about when they begin the game (eg; ranks, resistances, implants + implant restrictions, upgrades) but other than that, I think I’ll wait till September 1st for the next major update.

Those missions were also reworked, but you can’t see them because you can’t do them again.


The tutorial is not only the training grounds, it also extends into the training missions given by S.Galo.


So far I think they give a good hint of how you should do things.


The problem is most people don’t bother with reading…






Broken link :slight_smile: