Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Update #1

Star Conflict v.1.1.6
We continue to work on balance revisions. Much work has been started in the past and we will continue on this path. Be sure to write your impressions of the changes. We are carefully studying all of your comments and suggestions. In addition to the balance edits, we have significantly redesigned game mode selection, changed the map of open space, and made other changes to fulfil the numerous requests. We also added more corporate logos.


Due to changes in the mechanics of lead marker display, we corrected certain parameters of ships
Target lock time for all ships changed to average frigate level: 2.5 seconds
Main weapons deal 5% more damage to locked targets
Pirate Mass Shield Generator
This module has been tweaked in continuation of the work done in the previous update.
Energy drain increased by 67%
Range increased by 57%
Cooldown time increased by 25%
Effectiveness in passive mode increased by 124%
Effectiveness in active mode increased by 52%
Kinetic Supercharger
Since in previous updates we upgraded Kinetic Supercharger’s scatter radius, we have seen cases with allied ships coming under friendly fire.
No longer damages allies
Singularity Cannon
A single projectile can no longer damage the same object twice
A single projectile can no longer damage the same object twice
Multiphase Shield Adapter
Active time has been increased after detailed statistics analysis.
Now leaves 20% of energy after use
Active time increased to 5 seconds in standard modifications
Pirate modification active time increased to 3,5 seconds
Nanodrone Cloud
Based on review of module effectiveness we decided to make additional changes to some parameters.
Efficiency in passive mode increased by 35%
Efficiency in active mode increased by 17%
Active mode now works for 6 seconds
Mass Shield Generator
We also changed some characteristics of the module based on statistics analysis.
Efficiency in passive mode increased by 35%
Efficiency in active mode increased by 17%
Active mode now works for 6 seconds
Energy Emitter
Module parameters have been changed after thorough feedback analysis.
Efficiency in passive mode increased by 30%
Efficiency in active mode increased by 20%
Spatial Scanner
Now automatically enabled
Has to be manually disabled

Dreadnought battle
We decided to introduce new battle times according to your wishes
System Velorum
Battle time moved to 16:00 MSK

We remind you that the system consists of the following locations:
Water Harvest
Processing Rig
‘Poseidon’ Complex
Cobalt Mines
‘Ellydium’ Base

System Corsa Triama
Battle time moved to 16:00 MSK

We remind you that the system consists of the following locations:
Destroyed Station

We also tweaked battles times for a number of locations
System Olympus
Battle time set to 05:00 MSK

We remind you that the system consists of the following locations:
Colonization Hub
Abandoned Beacon
Ice Belt
Control Post
Service Shop

System Erebus
Battle time set to 05:00 MSK

We remind you that the system consists of the following locations:
Vanguard Outpost
Barter Zone

System Haldon
Battle time set to 05:00 MSK

We remind you that the system consists of the following locations:
Abandoned Outpost

Attention! Special offer for income earned by owners of various locations. The offer is limited in time. The end of the campaign will be announced separately. Promo will last at least for a week.
_ Processing Rig now produces iridium_
_ Vanguard Outpost now pays taxes in Galactic Standards_
We also tweaked iridium production values
Locations of level III now produce 50 units of iridium per 24 hours
Locations of level IV now produce 70 units of iridium per 24 hours
Locations that used to produce credits now produce iridium
Locations that used to produce Galactic Standards have not been changed

Added new corporation logos
Black Sun Empire
Angry Birds
Finniric Inc
Polish Hunters
Knights Forsaken

Changes in the interface have been made due to popular pilot demand.
You can now cancel invitations to wing or squad
Only the leader can cancel an invitation
Gameplay selection
You can pick any gameplay mode from a single window. Pilots can choose the mode they’d like to play in a handy single screen
Open space map
Reworked the open space map
Map scale can now be changed using mouse wheel. Hold LMB to move the map
Ship markers
Ship rank is now displayed instead of tier in markers

Power Shielding
Changed text description to rule out misunderstandings: ‘You have to win 4 battles.’
Contract can be completed in PvP and PvE

These changes are made due to the numerous pilot requests.
You can now use fuel from your cargo hold
Ship reactor always uses maximum possible fuel if it’s available in the cargo hold
Alien Pulsars no longer work through obstacles in open space
Now ships under the influence of Overload lose all the objects installed by them
These objects are destroyed
This includes drones, micro-locators, static barriers, warp gates and other objects erected with use of modules.
This does not include objects launched from the missile bay
This does not include objects launched by special modules

Bug fixes
Improved tutorial quest ‘Team Spirit’: now it works when inviting friends to the game
Fixed a number of text bugs
Fixed a bug with respawn invisibility in Dreadnought Battle
Fixed a bug with arrow marker colour distortion when two arrows collide
Fixed a bug with incorrect ship icons in ‘Last damage dealt’ window
Fixed a bug with invalid ‘Cancel’ button operation in some missions
Fixed camera angle in Hangar
Fixed a bug with ‘Neuroaccelerator «WPN-FS3»’ not affecting passive module effects
Fixed lead marker behaviour
Fixed a rare bug with mailing secret documents
Fixed Emergency Barrier status display
Text fixes
Fixed incorrect ship boost display


[Discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27519-star-conflict-v116-discussion/)

Star Conflict v.1.1.6 Update#1






Analysis of feedback and statistics on weapon effectiveness inspired us to introduce the following tweaks.

Additional effect strength reduced by 10%

Additional effect duration increased to 2 seconds

Additional effect now triggers once per second, not per 0.5 seconds



‘Spectre’ Field

Guard frigates having too many shield regeneration options as well as player feedback resulted in module mechanics changes.

In active mode the module now increases shield and hull resistances of host ship to all types of damage.

The more allies the module covers, the stronger its effect becomes

All modifications now recharge 55 seconds

Invisibility for allies remains unchanged


Emergency Shield Boost

Analysis of guard frigate module effectiveness showed that they consume very little energy from the initially planned level, allowing extremely easy simultaneous use of adaptive shields and this module.

Energy drain increased by 40%

All modifications now recharge 90 seconds


Liquid Metal Injector

We also introduced the following tweaks based on feedback and statistics.

Energy drain increased by 40%

All modifications now recharge 110 seconds



Continued tweaks of gameplay selection interface



Battle time for locations

‘Olympus’, ‘Erebus’, ‘Procyon’, ‘Haldon’ is set to 07:00 MSK.



We continue working on target lock time tweaks to follow up on the previous update.

Reduced to 2 seconds

Game chat mutes now also apply to voice chat