Star Conflict OST

Pilots check our new music hangar themes (and refresh the old ones in your memory)



I really like new jericho hangar and special ops musics and some pvp ones but they seem not listed there. Got bored by the dark hangar theme though, so i changed station to solve the problem  :00555:

is there already a legal way to download it?

good music

by the way,where are the T5 destroyers

nice, add  OST to steam too

good music

by the way,where are the T5 destroyers



Probably April - May, maybe later

when will be music in Fed hangar ? btw t4 destroyers ? :smiley:

Most Epic ones:

Death Match Theme

Battle Theme 12


:012j:  :012j:  :012j: 

Doomb0t, there are 3 missing soundtracks. The one that plays in Jericho Sanctuary map, Ancient Ruins and Monolith remains!

Please, add them ASAP.



Thank you.