Star Conflict - Official videos for Secret Project ships

Official videos from Star Conflict Official YouTube channel:



Secret Project ships: (rank 15)


Empire Recon - Cyning

not available


Empire Gunship - Mjolnir

not available


Empire Long Range Frigate - Kraken

not available


Federation Covert Ops Interceptor - Peregrine


Federation Fighter Tackler - Jaguar


Federation Engineer - Octopus

not available


Jericho ECM - Caltrop

not available


Jericho Command - Saw One

not available


Jericho Guard - Ronin



Destroyer Project ships: (rank 8)



Empire Suppressor Class Destroyer - Invincible

not available


Federation Suppressor Class Destroyer - Procyon

not available


Jericho Suppressor Class Destroyer - Archon

not available

If you can match the quality and atmosphere of the official videos, then post them here.

Any official news on this, developers?

Gotta love the Ronin video in the beginning.