Star Conflict OBT v0.8.1

_ Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.1 _



General changes



Looting system

  • Reworked the looting system.
  • Upon discovering a valuable module, it is now necessary to “extract” ir from the wreckage of the ship.
  • There is a chance of breaking the module during extraction, in which case you will automatically receive credits for a broken unit.
  • The probability of finding loot has been significantly increased.




  • Slightly reduced Jericho shield bonus.




Covert Ops

  • “Orion” Targeting Complex improves damage by an additional 20%. Recharge time reduced by 15%.
  • “Plasma Arc” damage increased by 15%.


  • Weapon System Inhibitor efficiency increased by 30%.
  • Stasis Generator recharge time reduced by 50%.





  • Engineering frigates now only have 4 cannons (previously 6).






  • Current bonuses to module and ship characteristics are available again. They can be displayed by pressing CTRL.
  • Removed bonus display in the ship tree. Only the actual characteristics are shown.


  • Removed the warranty repair system.


  • Added the ability to send text messages to other players.


Bug fixes


  • Activating Adaptive Camouflage now correctly resets EMP bomb in “Detonation”.


Look, I’m glad you finally fixed the Adaptive Camo exploit. That is great. But where are the other fixes we have been asking for?


Why are engineering frigs getting a 33% nerf to damage output? The problem with engie frigs isn’t dps. It’s outrageous healing buffs that overlap.


Why are Jericho ships having their shields nerfed? That is their best feature and the one thing that makes them of any use. The are certainly not unkillable.


Why is it now possible to loot a purple module and then break it during extraction? Are purple modules not hard enough to find already?


Why is the warranty repair system being removed? It wasn’t that useful, but it was still nice to be able to get a free repair every once in awhile.


Why are Covert Ops and ECM getting major buffs? Stasis is already OP and annoying to boot. Plasma arc doesn’t need to be able to one-hit a frigate.


Of what practical use is sending text messages to other players via mail? We can’t attach items, so why bother?


What does “Removed bonus display in the ship tree. Only the actual characteristics are shown.” even mean? Will I no longer be able to view a ship’s unique properties unless I buy it?



Conclusion: Not happy. Not one bit. Hardly any of the community’s major concerns have been answered, and there are a bucket load of tweaks that we never asked for that will only skew the game even further in favor of a small handful of play styles.


Fix the nuke problem properly by reinstating full FF.


Fix the OP healing buffs by scaling their effect according to ship size.


Fix the stupid sector conquest setup.


Stop nerfing frigate DPS and give frigs back their 6 turrets.


Stop trying to strong-arm us into paying money and make a game that is worth spending money on.



Yet another slam dunk for Gaijin.


You guys deserve every single penny from making this game, and I feel lucky enough to have discovered this game and witnessed how you guys have improved it time and time again.


Great job Gaijin, truly.


I cant wait for what you guys have in store for us!

I think everyone is forgetting to tell Error something! So I will say it!!


Thank you Error for the patch notes PROIR to the update. You are the solar wind beneath our wings!!!

VERY TRUE, good point TacTicalWiZard :slight_smile:



Yet another slam dunk for Gaijin.


You guys deserve every single penny from making this game, and I feel lucky enough to have discovered this game and witnessed how you guys have improved it time and time again.


Great job Gaijin, truly.


I cant wait for what you guys have in store for us!

I aggre very wonderful game! :good:

Conclusion: Not happy. Not one bit.



You ever heard the term “If you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all” ???


Man alive, shut the xxxx up. No one wants to hear all that negativity you are trying to spread like some sort of disease.


Is that really how you deal with your problems? Grow up kid.

thanks for the pre patch update error cant wait to see what it brings +1 to you tic tac ppl need to wait and see before they complain about things it looks good to me at the moment and it can only get better IMO

Six to four is a hard hit, but if that’s what we have planned I’m gonna try my best to be a stealthy healer as best I can.



The ECM buffs though? If I can play ECM tier 2 I’m going to flip, the stiletto looks amazing, and I have fun zip zop zippity bopping around taking advantage of inti strafe and rotation, the jericho Inties feel like they’re burst fast movement, not perpetual, which is fine by me for using boost to dodge.


If only I had eyes in the back of my head to dodge more than whats in front of me though :(.

This is going to be interesting to see how it works. If the drones are now more effective it might justify losing the guns. Engineers did get the raw end of this patch though. Let’s hope superdrones makes up for it!


I -really- hope we get a patch that changes tier influence on sector control. DYN pounding t1 and t2 for easy victories is slightly annoying.


People forget that interceptors used to be the frigate killers of the universe this is just giving them that ability back. 

Definitely a nice patchlog.

It’s going to be interesting to see what happens, though I hope the game avoids telling you what sort of valuable module you are trying to loot until after you successfully play what I assume is a minigame for it. Also, the ‘significant increase’ in chance to loot is most likely referring to military grade and experimental [and possibly the loyalty]. If it was ‘everything’, that’d just constitute deleting the ‘no loot’ chance.

Kinda sad about no more warranty. I always used it on a T4 ship, and only after I’ve let it explode down to atoms. Then again, the only way I could ever think to NEED that warranty is if you successfully dropped all of your ships durabilities to zero and spent all of your money AFTERWARDS on mods.

The nukes do need to be able to hurt allies at some point. But please, do not remove them. And yay for the EMP fix, we can finally get back to playing that mode again.

You ever heard the term “If you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all” ???


Man alive, shut the xxxx up. No one wants to hear all that negativity you are trying to spread like some sort of disease.


Is that really how you deal with your problems? Grow up kid.


You ever heard of the term “tolerance”?


You don’t like my opinion, feel free to disagree. Telling me to shut up, on the other hand, implies that I don’t have the right to express my views.


If you deal with people you disagree with by telling them to zip it, rather than debating actual points, you have more growing up to do than I.


I’ll say it again. I don’t like the way this game is heading with this next patch. I’ve given positive feedback in the past, so I feel I have every right to give negative feedback.

This is going to be interesting to see how it works. If the drones are now more effective it might justify losing the guns. Engineers did get the raw end of this patch though. Let’s hope superdrones makes up for it!


I -really- hope we get a patch that changes tier influence on sector control. DYN pounding t1 and t2 for easy victories is slightly annoying.


People forget that interceptors used to be the frigate killers of the universe this is just giving them that ability back. 

Maybe if every Nasa team I’ve come across in t3 didn’t spam nukes, engies and guards I’d be more inclined to play t3 with my green and white modules  against your purples from your 4k+ games, until then keep your nagging about other corps tactics to a minimum :’)


I don’t know any dyn that play t1 though, and the reason there are so many dyn t2 is because our leader boots inactives and recruits from a pool of decent t2 active players. Obviously we’re gonna play in the most balanced tier and not Nukespam Engie heal everything.

_ Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.1 _





  • Current bonuses to module and ship characteristics are available again. They can be displayed by pressing CTRL.


I will say that I am hopeful that this means we are getting the little green text back.


My wilder hope is that this means unique sub-faction powers are coming back, but I think that might be too much of a stretch.

Good patch. Nice that ECM is getting some love on the CD’s that they have, now they can be more effective on the field. Also we use nukes also b/c everyone else is doing it with the crusader now so why would we put ourselves disadvantage if everyone else is doing it? I’ve said that the strong needs to be nerfed on missile slots in other posts but before 0.8.1 we have been still winning in T3. Legomancer your probably the only good player in your corp that I’ve seen in T3 i wish you would come up more because the competitions is getting stale until the Rise, Sky,DNO or ESB guys get on.

Nice to see inty is going to be able to kill frigs again :yes_yes:

I think everyone is forgetting to tell Error something! So I will say it!!


Thank you Error for the patch notes PROIR to the update. You are the solar wind beneath our wings!!!


Yes! The detail, timing and organization of the patch notes is a wonderful improvement. NASA really appreciates it and we have been able to have discussions about the changes, as opposed to discussions figuring out what the changes are!


We are really looking forward the practice lobby system!

  • Activating Adaptive Camouflage now correctly resets EMP bomb in “Detonation”.

Wait, Detonation mode is still in the game? Where? I’ve played for weeks without a single detonation map. (Arcade and Sector Battle)

You completely ignore that they are reducing engi frig’s turrets from 6 to 4, which is a HUGE nerf. The small boost to drones is barely a buff at all. Engi frigs are having their damage output reduced by 33% in exchange for a tiny boost in team heals.


Ints needed the buff, as they’re by far the weakest ship class right now. I say this as a person who only flies engi frigs and fighters because of how fragile ints currently are.


You also ignore the fact that they’ve completely removed the timer on the win X battles contracts, which I believe will cause a huge spike in loyalty gain rate.


Further, it looks like drop rates will actually be increased rather than decreased. I’d hold off judgment until you actually see how their rework of the looting system changes things. If it reduces drops overall I’m against it as well, but it seems to me that they’re saying things will actually get better.


Your criticism of them changing lightweight hull doesn’t take into account how drastically they’re reworking ALL ship speeds. Given the big changes to everyone’s base speed, the original % boost would probably be OP.


And finally, you have no idea what you’re talking about when you refer to a  “2 engi/1 gunship/1 command squad” as DYN’s recipe for success. DYN doesn’t have any set recipe for success. We adapt our squads to the situation as needed and don’t ever require a squad to run X of Y ship — we play to have fun, not to win matches.

Reducing the Engineer turrets from 6 to 4 does as much as when they did that to the Guards: nothing. Guards are still amazing killing machines and they don’t need 6 turrets to kill as effectively as they still do.


Ceptors are along the middle when it comes to overall power. Yes, they need the speed but, given enough tweaking, they have far more survivability than a Command Fighter (this considering you can easily have 5 enemy pilots on your xxxx while you’re flying said Command Fighter and still survive for a full 2-3 minutes). The boost to hp, however, was very much unneeded, purely due to the fact that Ceptors are meant to be squishy. And by squishy, I mean a Pulsar can kill them in a few pulses if the pilot doesn’t gtfo. This is how Ceptors have always been flown, they are advanced ships for advanced pilots, you’re not meant to faceroll your keyboard and get 50 kills out of the blue.


Removed ONE contract timer. What about the other 11? Most of them still have the xxxx 16 hour cooldown for 1500-2000 rep. What about those, hmm? Removing a timer that grants you 500-1000 rep is nothing, tbh. The point I was trying to get across was that contracts have too lengthy cooldowns for little to no rewards. Removing one timer isn’t going to help the process of leveling as much as it should.

Look at it from most rookies’ point of view: You get to Faction Rank 12 faster than you get to Corporation Rank 9. Now, I know you should work for your gear (much like in any other MMO), but there are limits to people’s patience. At some point in the game, the pilot will go “well, f*** this”. Another thing is that you don’t need ONE corporation rep gain to unlock what your ship needs, you need, probably, all 6, or close to that to fit your ship.

Not only that, the Mk3 gear is an impressive boost from Mk2. Some of these boosts or cooldows are almost double, in some cases. Here’s a suggestion for the devs (if they even read these threads), boost the Premium gear just a tad further away from Mk3, maybe 5-10%. This will still keep the matches playable by all, but will give people a reason to spend real money on gear. Still not P2W, but you’re paying to get that extra edge paying people with little to no time to grind rep want.


The point wasn’t the fact that drop rates were decreased, I do believe they will be increased BUT, depending on the success percentages on those extracts, it might translate into an even lower drop rate of Military items, let alone Experimental.


I’m just saying there would likely be no benefit from using the Lightweight Hull, but you’re right, I didn’t take into account the speed boost ships will receive.


Oh, please, DYN adapts to tactics just as well as a car runs through a reinforced concrete wall. I’ve seen 2 DYN squads (full 4-man) actually USE tactics. Now those guys know how to play the game. The rest, from what I’ve seen, always fly in squads of 2-4 Engineer Frigates. This is even more annoyingly true in Recon matches, where I’ve seen DYN field six, not 1, not 2, but SIX Engineer Frigates. Out of 8 pilots. That isn’t adapting to the field, that isn’t tactics, those are just terrible pilots who know next to zero about the game. I’m sorry I’m biased towards DYN, but this comes from personal experience in the field with and/or against them.

Reducing the Engineer turrets from 6 to 4 does as much as when they did that to the Guards: nothing. Guards are still amazing killing machines and they don’t need 6 turrets to kill as effectively as they still do.


Ceptors are along the middle when it comes to overall power. Yes, they need the speed but, given enough tweaking, they have far more survivability than a Command Fighter (this considering you can easily have 5 enemy pilots on your xxxx while you’re flying said Command Fighter and still survive for a full 2-3 minutes). The boost to hp, however, was very much unneeded, purely due to the fact that Ceptors are meant to be squishy. And by squishy, I mean a Pulsar can kill them in a few pulses if the pilot doesn’t gtfo. This is how Ceptors have always been flown, they are advanced ships for advanced pilots, you’re not meant to faceroll your keyboard and get 50 kills out of the blue.


Removed ONE contract timer. What about the other 11? Most of them still have the xxxx 16 hour cooldown for 1500-2000 rep. What about those, hmm? Removing a timer that grants you 500-1000 rep is nothing, tbh. The point I was trying to get across was that contracts have too lengthy cooldowns for little to no rewards. Removing one timer isn’t going to help the process of leveling as much as it should.

Look at it from most rookies’ point of view: You get to Faction Rank 12 faster than you get to Corporation Rank 9. Now, I know you should work for your gear (much like in any other MMO), but there are limits to people’s patience. At some point in the game, the pilot will go “well, f*** this”. Another thing is that you don’t need ONE corporation rep gain to unlock what your ship needs, you need, probably, all 6, or close to that to fit your ship.

Not only that, the Mk3 gear is an impressive boost from Mk2. Some of these boosts or cooldows are almost double, in some cases. Here’s a suggestion for the devs (if they even read these threads), boost the Premium gear just a tad further away from Mk3, maybe 5-10%. This will still keep the matches playable by all, but will give people a reason to spend real money on gear. Still not P2W, but you’re paying to get that extra edge paying people with little to no time to grind rep want.


The point wasn’t the fact that drop rates were decreased, I do believe they will be increased BUT, depending on the success percentages on those extracts, it might translate into an even lower drop rate of Military items, let alone Experimental.


I’m just saying there would likely be no benefit from using the Lightweight Hull, but you’re right, I didn’t take into account the speed boost ships will receive.


Oh, please, DYN adapts to tactics just as well as a car runs through a reinforced concrete wall. I’ve seen 2 DYN squads (full 4-man) actually USE tactics. Now those guys know how to play the game. The rest, from what I’ve seen, always fly in squads of 2-4 Engineer Frigates. This is even more annoyingly true in Recon matches, where I’ve seen DYN field six, not 1, not 2, but SIX Engineer Frigates. Out of 8 pilots. That isn’t adapting to the field, that isn’t tactics, those are just terrible pilots who know next to zero about the game. I’m sorry I’m biased towards DYN, but this comes from personal experience in the field with and/or against them.

Maybe if the other corps didn’t snipe our membership we’d have better members, but as it is, any dyn above 1400 gets hit on by Nasa and others trying to steal the better members to siren song them into the embrace of 4k+  Beta looters who have access to purples and the dream of more purples for their own ships.


Seriously it’s getting sad that whenever a dyn hits above a certain level Nasa/Pulse comes cat calling in to recuit them. xxxx its easy as hell to discover who’s worth the effort after others have dragged them through the hellgrounds.


Clap clap at you. I’ve had to deal with 3 straight weeks of “x has been scalped to nasa”

  1. I am very skeptical that this will end the nuke-spam. Why isnt the last change to FF just removed? Everything seemed fine before.

  2. The other changes seem to be quite good, if this will end Frig-wars? I hope so.  

  3. I specially like to see the new map (we could actually need a bunch of them) and to have my buff/debuff numbers back, good job. 

  4. Why did you remove the insurance? Many players used it to fight with their t4 ships now and then… so I guess there will be even less T4 players in the queue. 

Maybe if every Nasa team I’ve come across in t3 didn’t spam nukes, engies and guards I’d be more inclined to play t3 with my green and white modules  against your purples from your 4k+ games, until then keep your nagging about other corps tactics to a minimum :’)


Hey Lego


Can NASA buy you a pair of “T3 training wheels” to help with your transition to T3?