Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.8

Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.8 update 1


Significant amounts of Loyalty Vouchers can now be obtained as trophies


Faction change is now free

Significantly increased contracts profitability

Side of conflict assignments

Added a new assignment: achieve maximum synergy level on one of your ships


Added new matchmaking queue

For more information visit [our blog](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21604-matchmaking)

New achievement “W.I.T.Ch. Hunter”

Awarded during the “W.I.T.Ch. Hunt” event

Awarded for destroying at least 1 ship of each role with a special “MEM Inquisitor” missile

Unlocks the special title “W.I.T.Ch Hunter”

The special missile “MEM Inquisitor” is only available during the event

You can find more information on the event on the game’s website


Module icons no longer have ship role and class icons they’re installed on

Added warehouse tabs for upgrade kits

Additional devices

Modifications to the additional devices lineup

Battle firmware

now gives +20% to synergy and Loyalty Voucher gain

now lasts for 5 battles

costs 100 GS

Tactical software

now gives +30% to synergy and Loyalty Voucher gain for all allies

now lasts for 5 battles

costs 150 GS

Hacked firmware

now gives +200% to synergy and Loyalty Voucher gain

now lasts for 5 battles

costs 500 GS

Increased visibility of the icon reminding you of available implants
Tuned various effects in battle
Combat interface

You can now change prediction marker colour

Premium ammunition now also has unqiue effects

Plasma Gun I

Damage slightly reduced

Maximum spread reduced from 4,5 to 1,5 degrees

Coil Mortar

Rate of fire increased by 100%

Single projectile damage reduced so that damage per second increases by 20%

Upgrade kits

Description of the item being upgraded now has a link to the module in the Store

Upgrade kit description now contains information about the module’s availability in your storage.

Unique modules

Unique module icons now have gold frames

Unique module descriptions now have information about synergy bonuses

A unique module is a module that used to be called “Premium” before update 0.9.8

Mass Propulsion Inhibitor

Active radius reduced by 20%

Bug fixes
You no longer receive an error message when trying to drag the module in the same slot it’s installed in
Fixed upgrade kit naming rules: now they also include the name of the module they improve
Fixed module type names for various ship modifiers
Fixed a bug with unlimited ammunition packs in warehouse
Fixed upgrade kits descriptions
Fixed a bug with modules of wrong rank appearing in PvE loot
Fixed a bug with wrong currency icon in daily reward window
Fixed a bug with receiving effectiveness while using “Phase Modulator”
Fixed wrong display of several values in implant descriptions
Fixed several faction contract quests
Fixed a bug with ship characteristics comparison

Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.8

Maximum squad size increased to 4 pilots
Matchmaking: changed squad rating calculation rules

Depending on the squad’s size, it receives a bonus to maximum matchmaking rating:

2-pilot squads receive +1 to maximum rating

3-pilot squads receive +3 to maximum rating

4-pilot squads receive +6 to maximum rating

Pilots whose full rating lowers the average full rating are not counted in the full squad rating.

Loyalty changes

Faction loyalty can now be spent on upgrading modules

All your accumulated loyalty will be exchanged into the new currency: Loyalty vouchers

A pilot can’t have more that 1’000’000 LV with each faction

If a pilot has more than 1 million LV at the time of maintenance, the extra LV will not be deducted

If a pilot has more than 1 million LV, he won’t be able to accumulate more LV

If a pilot spends the extra LV, he won’t be able to accumulate more than 1 million LV again

Pilots who have reached certain loyalty levels by the time of the update will receive commemorative rewards

Added linear upgrade system for weapons and modules

The store now only sells Mk1 weapons and modules

Other modifications can only be obtained through upgrades

Upgrades are available in the Equipment tab

Equipment upgrades need various resources:

Upgrading to Mk2 requires credits

Upgrading to Mk3 requires Loyalty Vouchers or Galactic Standards

Upgrading to Mk4 requires artifacts

Introduced Upgrade packages

Available packages include Mk1 to Mk2, as well as Mk3 to Mk4

Upgrading modules with packages is free of charge

The used upgrade pack disappears from your storage

Packages can be found in loot after the battle

Modification renaming rules

“Military” modifications are now called “Mk2” and are displayed in green

All the “old Mk2” weapons, ammunition packs and modules will be exchanged for “new Mk2” free of charge

“Experimental” modifications are now called “Mk4” and are displayed in purple

All the Premium weapons and modules will be exchanged for unqiue Mk3-versions

Such versions have unique synergy bonuses: 3% per module/weapon

Synergy bonuses from various weapons and modules on the same ship stack

Upon upgrading such modules to Mk4 you still keep the synergy bonus

These modules and weapons have unique icons

Weapon and module prices have been corrected to reflect the changes

Starting packs now include ammunition and missiles

Balancing changes:

Beam Cannon

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Maximum distance change from +4% to -10% depending on tier and modification

Pulse Laser

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Maximum distance change from -8% to -10% depending on tier and modification

Heavy Blaster

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Ion Emitter

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Maximum distance change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Plasma Gun

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

RF Blaster

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Positron Cannon

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Singularity Cannon

Charge size reduced by 20%

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Assault Railgun

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Shrapnel Cannon

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Gauss Cannon

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Coil Mortar

Damage change from +2% to -14% depending on tier and modification

Charge velocity change from 6% to -11% depending on tier and modification

Reworked some module characteristics

Active modules


Repair Kit S

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time changed from -71% to +5% depending on tier and modification

Power increased up to 23% depending on tier and modification

Shield Booster S

Energy draw increased up to 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 34,5% depending on tier and modification

Power increased up to 39% depending on tier and modification

Repair Kit М

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time changed from -70% to +5% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -1% to +11% depending on tier and modification

Shield Booster М

Energy draw increased by 1% - 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 26% - 40% depending on tier and modification

Power increased by 10% - 24% depending on tier and modification

Repair Kit L

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time changed from -71% to +4,7% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -9% to +2% depending on tier and modification

Shield Booster L

Energy draw increased by 1% - 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 26% - 40% depending on tier and modification

Power increased by 10% - 25% depending on tier and modification


IR Flare

Energy draw increased up to 10% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 41% depending on tier and modification

Multiphase Shield Adapter

Energy draw increased up to 3% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 24% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -5% to +13% depending on tier and modification

Nanocomposite Coating

Energy draw increased up to 2,9% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 23,5% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -10% to +14,5% depending on tier and modification


Spy Drones Container

Energy draw increased up to 2% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 62% depending on tier and modification

Range to target reduced up to 40% depending on tier and modification


Energy draw increased up to 2% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 17% depending on tier and modification

Active range changed from -2% to +10% depending on tier and modification

Parasitic Remodulator

Energy draw increased up to 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time changed from -14,5% to +25,5% depending on tier and modification

Power increased to 36% depending on tier and modification

Range to target changed from -11% to 18% depending on tier and modification

Phase Modulator

Energy draw increased up to 2% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 31% - 54% depending on tier and modification

Covert Ops

Adaptive Camo

Energy draw increased up to 2,3% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 23,8% depending on tier and modification

Plasma Arc

Damage change from -7,5% to +2% depending on tier and modification

Energy draw increased up to 2,4% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 17% depending on tier and modification

“White Noise” Jammer

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Active time reduced up to 20% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active range up to 14,5% depending on tier and modification

“Orion” Targeting Complex

Energy draw increased up to 2,3% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 18,5% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -10% to +7,3% depending on tier and modification


Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Changed radioactive cloud intensity from -6,6% to +3%

Changed explosion strength from -8% to +3%


Stasis Generator

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active time up to 12% depending on tier and modification

Reduced range up to 14% depending on tier and modification

Ion Diffuser

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Active time reduced up to 11% depending on tier and modification

Reduced distance to target up to 14% depending on tier and modification

Energy absorber

Reload time increased by 5% - 19% depending on tier and modification

Power increased up to 10% depending on tier and modification

Active time changed from -12% to +2% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active range up to 14% depending on tier and modification

Weapon System Inhibitor

Power reduced up to 29% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active range up to 14% depending on tier and modification


Combat Reboot

Energy draw increased up to 2,2% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 5% - 17% depending on tier and modification

Active time changed from -10 to 4,6% depending on tier and modification

Particle Purge

Energy draw increased up to 2,2% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 25% depending on tier and modification

Active range increased up to 7,7% depending on tier and modification

Power increased up to 30% depending on tier and modification

Engine Overcharge

Energy draw increased up to 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 5% - 27% depending on tier and modification

Active time changed from -10% to +9% depending on tier and modification

Aiming Overcharge

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 18% depending on tier and modification

Power reduced up to 19% depending on tier and modification



Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -10% to +3,6% depending on tier and modification

Coating Polarizer

Reloading time reduced by 90%

Reduced active range up to 14% depending on tier and modification

Reduced power up to -18,5% depending on tier and modification

“Valkyrie” System

Energy draw increased up to 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active range up to 14% depending on tier and modification

Reduced power by 3% - 15% depending on tier and modification

“Aegis” System

Energy draw increased up to 3,9% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced by 90%

Reduced active range up to 14,3% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -10% to +8% depending on tier and modification


Inhibitor Beam

Power consumption reduced up to 59% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced up to 95% depending on tier and modification

Active range increased up to 230% depending on tier and modification

Guard Drone

Damage changed from -7,8% to +2,7% depending on tier and modification

Energy draw increased up to 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 26,5% depending on tier and modification

Survivability increased from -9,2% to +3,3 depending on tier and modification

Engine Suppressor

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Power reduced up to 30% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active range up to 14,3% depending on tier and modification

Target Painter

Energy draw increased by 1% - 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced by 90%

Power reduced by 10% - 25% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active range up to 14% depending on tier and modification


Autonomous Charging Station

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 17% depending on tier and modification

Power reduced up to 7% depending on tier and modification

Survivability reduced up to 6% depending on tier and modification

Autonomous Repair Station

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time changed from -70% to +5% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -8% to +3% depending on tier and modification

Survivability changed from -8% to +3% depending on tier and modification

Energy Emitter

Reloading time reduced by 67%

Reduced active range up to 29% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -2% to +10,5% depending on tier and modification

Mass Shield Generator

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced by 67%

Reduced active range up to 29% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -8,3% to +3% depending on tier and modification

Nanodrone Cloud

Energy draw increased by 2% - 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced by 67%

Reduced active range by 11%-29% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from +3% to -8% depending on tier and modification

Static Barrier

Energy draw increased up to 2,2% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 41% depending on tier and modification

Sruvivability changed from -8% to +3% depending on tier and modification

Warp Gate

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 17,5% depending on tier and modification

Survivability changed from -8,6% to +5,3% depending on tier and modification


Liquid Metal Injector

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time changed from -62% to +36% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -8,3% to +3% depending on tier and modification

Signature Masking

Energy draw increased up to 5% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced by 67%

Active range increased up to 54% depending on tier and modification

Power reduced up to 28,3% depending on tier and modification

Mass Propulsion Inhibitor

Reloading time reduced by 67%

Active range changed up to 110% depending on tier and modification


Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 11% depending on tier and modification

Reduced active range up to 25% depending on tier and modification

Power reduced up to 8% depending on tier and modification

Missile Shield

The module now works for a limited time after activation: 10 seconds

The module can now take down guided torpedoes

Energy consumption mode changed: the energy is only spent once when the module is activated

Activation requires from 240 to 400 energy pts. depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 200% - 315% depending on tier and modification

Emergency Shield Boost

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 28% - 66% depending on tier and modification

Power changed from -5,5% to +3% depending on tier and modification


Infrared Pulsar

Energy draw increased up to 2,6% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased by 5% - 24% depending on tier and modification

EM Scattering Field

Energy draw increased up to 2,5% depending on tier and modification

Reload time increased up to 27,3% depending on tier and modification

Tachyon Charge

Energy draw increased up to 2,1% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced up to 30% depending on tier and modification

Power increased up to 38,2% depending on tier and modification

Weapon Overcharge

Energy draw increased up to 2,1% depending on tier and modification

Reloading time reduced up to 18% depending on tier and modification

Power reduced up to 14,5% depending on tier and modification

Ship modifiers


Tetroxide Injector

Ship acceleration increase now stands at 30% to 47% depending on tier and modification

Auxiliary Generator

Ship speed increase now stands at 6,3% to 10% depending on tier and modification

Inertial Stabilizer

Strafe speed increase now stands at 36% to 57% depending on tier and modification

Catalyst Injector

Ship speed increase now stands at 3,5% to 5,5% depending on tier and modification

Vernier Engines

Rotation speed increase now stands at 22,5% to 35,8% depending on tier and modification

Collision Compensator

Damage reduction now stands at 47,5% to 59% depending on tier and modification

Rotation speed increase now stands at 6,8% to 10,5% depending on tier and modification

Strafe speed increase now stands at 13,5% to 12,5% depending on tier and modification


Voltage Regulator

Energy regeneration speed increase now stands at 13,5% to 21,5% depending on tier and modification

Multiphase Generator

Capacitor volume increase now stands at 13,5% to 21,5% depending on tier and modification

Energy regeneration speed increase now stands at 9% to 14,3% depending on tier and modification

Power Unit Conduit

Capacitor volume reduction now stands at 16,7%

Ship speed increase now stands at 4,5% to 7,2% depending on tier and modification

Leak Stabilizer

Capacitor volume increase now stands at 31,5% to 50,1% depending on tier and modification

Pulse Discharger

Damage increase now stands at 6,3% to 10% depending on tier and modification

Energy regeneration speed reduction now stands at 10%

Acceleration Coil

Projectile speed increase now stands at 20% to 30,6% depending on tier and modification

Emergency Barrier

Reload time now stands at 70 to 95 seconds depending on tier and modification

Iridium Heatsink

Rate of fire now increases from 6,3% to 10% depending on tier and modification

Armor-Plated Hull

Hull strength increase now stands at 23,4% to 37,2% depending on tier and modification

Speed reduction now stands at to 6%

Lightweight Hull

Ship speed increase now stands at 6,3% to 10% depending on tier and modification

Hull strength reduction now stands at 13%


Reinforced Beams

Hull strength increase now stands at 19% to 24,5% depending on tier and modification

Regenerative Coating

Hull regeneration increase now stands at 31,5 to 50 ед/сек. depending on tier and modification

Galvanized Armor

Hull resistance to all damage increase now stands at 23 to 37 pts. depending on tier and modification

Rotation speed reduction now stands at 16,7%

Improved Pylons

Reload time of missiles decreased from 15% to 22% depending on tier and modification

Passive Armor

Hull resistance to all damage reduction now stands at 10%

Energy regeneration speed now increases from 22,5% to 36% depending on tier and modification


Hull resistance to EM damage increase now stands at 50 to 79 pts. depending on tier and modification

Reactive Armor

Hull resistance to kinetic damage increase now stands at 38 to 62 pts. depending on tier and modification

Thermal Insulator

Hull resistance to thermal damage increase now stands at 44 to 70 pts. depending on tier and modification


Asynchronous Shield Projector

Shield regeneration speed increase now stands at 22,5% to 36% depending on tier and modification

Compact Shield Generator

Capacitor volume increase now stands at to 100% depending on tier and modification

Shield volume reduction now stands at 9%

Shield Projection Splitter

Shield volume increase now stands at 22,5% to 36% depending on tier and modification

Acceleration reduction now stands at 40%

Submatter Shield

Ship speed increase now stands at 5,5% to 9% depending on tier and modification

Shield resistance to all damage reduction now stands at 10 pts.

Energy Recuperation System

Portion of damage converted to energy now stands at 11% to 17% depending on tier and modification


Shield resistance to EM damage now stands at 32 to 51 pts. depending on tier and modification

Variative Shield Projector

Shield resistance to kinetic damage increase now stands at 43 to 68 pts. depending on tier and modification

Thermal Modulator

Shield resistance to thermal damage now stands at 37 to 60 pts. depending on tier and modification

Auxiliary Shield Projector

Shield volume increase now stands at 17% to 22% depending on tier and modification


Electronic Guidance

Снижение разброса now stands at 24% to 33,4% depending on tier and modification

Proton Wall

Control effects duration reduction now stands at 28,8% to 39,2% depending on tier and modification

“Horizon” Module

Optimal firing range now increases from 13,5% to 21,5% depending on tier and modification

Maximum firing range now increases from 27% to 43% depending on tier and modification

Enhanced Scanner

Radar range now increases from 90% to 143% depending on tier and modification

Overclocked CPU

Target capture time reduction now stands at 53% to 64%
Infrared Scanner

Critical damage chance now stands at 9% to 14,3% depending on tier and modification

Ammunition change

New ammunition packs are now in store

Old versions stay active until depleted

Old versions are marked with “discontinued”

New ammunition packs have the same characteristics as Mk3 modifications of the old ones

New loot search mechanic:

Players can now find upgrade packs instead of trophies

Any discovered Mk2 pack is automatically sent to the warehouse

Any discovered Mk4 pack can be disassembled into artifacts or sent to the warehouse

You can disassemble modules by yourself free of charge

You can hire specialists to perform the disassembly which increases artifact yield

You can pay the specialists with Galactic Standards

Sending modules to the warehouse requires credits

Mk4 modules and upgrade packs in your warehouse can also be disassembled

Battle rewards

Reduced influence of bonus for Win/Loss in “Beacon Capture” mode

Revamped contracts system

Removed faction loyalty progress element

Current faction loyalty level display now shows current loyalty value

Faction loyalty requirements have been replaced with race reputation requirements

Changed battle synergy limit calculation

The player now receives part of the over-cap synergy from battles

The more your synergy goes over the cap, the less of it you receive


When the player buys a Premium or DLC ship, he receives the same rank with the side of conflict that the ship has

Implants are no longer tied to sides of conflict: when buying an N rank ship the player also gets access to all implants of rank N

Changed the prerequisites for getting the “Last Man Standing” medal: you can now receive it in any PvP mode

Added a new achievement for players who unlock the 4th combat slot

Inviting friends to the game

Added a tooltip to the “Invite friend” button

The referral code input window is now shown on the side of conflict choice screen


Added a notification saying that store module characteristics do not reflect your current ship’s bonuses

Mk3 goods no longer require faction ranks


Added context menu for items in warehouse

The menu can be used to “Sell” and “Disassemble”

Right-click the item to see the menu

Custom battle

Player tooltips now also show their name and corporation

Player lists now also display corporation tags

Battle queue

“Contract search” window now shows the rank of your ship used in matchmaking calculations

Additional devices

Battle Firmware:

now gives +200% to synergy and loyalty vouchers gain

now works for 2 battles

costs 300 GS

Tactical Software

now gives +200% to synergy and loyalty vouchers gain

now works for 5 battles

costs 500 GS

Hacked Firmware

now gives +200% to synergy and loyalty vouchers gain

now works for 10 battles

costs 800 GS

Combat interface improvements (HUD)

Changed central HUD element:

Changed graphical indicators

Improved prediction marker

Improved crosshairs

Beacons now have special icons in Detonation

Changed ship markers

The further a ship is from the player, the more transparent its marker becomes

When a ship is within your firing range, its marker is fully opaque

When a ship is within your firing range, it’s marked with a white outline

If a ship marked as target is outside of your firing range, its outline and marker are coloured red

Critical damage values are now shown in larger symbols

Combat interface settings

All HUD options are now in a separate options section

Various HUD options are now available:

Target view window

Ship outlines

Game object directions

Incoming damage direction

Squad/group interface

Targeting frames tuning

Dynamic marker size

Marker transparency settings

Crosshair shape

Crosshair colour

Crosshair transparency

Crosshair type

You can now tune the display of information about ships and objects

There are separate settings for different states such as “in line of sight”, “targeted” and “locked as target”

You can change player (object) name, role, object type, tier, ship name, transparency, hull/shield strength, distance to target, frames around target


Improved graphical effects in battle

Improved colours on some maps

Improved drop-down menus



Tuned sounds for 5.1 and 7.1 systems

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug with item discount applying to its price when sold from your warehouse

Fixed a bug with searching for trophies after the practice battle

AI ships in PvP now have missiles

Reworked tooltips for some modules and weapons

Optimized performance on some maps

Fixed a bug that blocked the unlock of the 4th combat slot

Improved server maintenance notice

Fixed a bug with two tutorial completion messages

Discussion ](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21603-star-conflict-obt-v098-update1-discussion/)