Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.3 Discussion

Still no changes to counteract frig balls? 

And how exactly is “Rating” calculated? 


In my case always MM value = 15 + ship tier + 2 * ship rank. I can only assume that the 15 is actually a range from 11-15 based on your DSR or something else.


Anyway, should be interesting how wait times will be with the new 4 rank MM spread, that’s quite a big reduction compared to what we had.


Apart from that, looking forward to the improved sounds, am a bit scared of the chat window sounds though.

Before anything, i still do not understand what primary and intermediary queues refer to, even reading the p.notes 3 times and looking intensely at the chart. Does primary refer to the left column under ‘Que’ and intermediate the right? If so, why the tier column?

If however the primary queue is represented by the ‘Tier’ tab (blue) and intermediary by the ‘Que’ tab (yellow), how do they… relate / work?

Sorry, it is still very very confusing, we could use an in-detail explanation (even a wall of text if needed -> ‘working principles’ , ‘why so’ , and one or more ‘examples’ - dealing with these 3 subjects in an explanation should help us understand it clearly).


Still looking at the MM chart again as a whole, not seeing anything really different from before in terms of ‘generalisation’ in queues. I don’t even know how to explain it, basically it’s the same thing as before. _Possibly _it eliminates players having the max rank ship of the next tier even if you fly your max ranked ship in your lower tier. That doesn’t look like much if i’m reading it right.


Wall-text with a detailed analysis please?


PS: what does rating mean as it is shown in the charts?



queue 4,5,6,7 don’t look any different than it is now …


it’s still the same MM

Before anything, i still do not understand what primary and intermediary queues refer to, even reading the p.notes 3 times and looking intensely at the chart. Does primary refer to the left column under ‘Que’ and intermediate the right? If so, why the tier column?


That’s how I understand it. The tier colum is just for easy reference how the tiers will mix. Clarification from Antibus welcome though.



Still looking at the MM chart again as a whole, not seeing anything really different from before in terms of ‘generalisation’ in queues. I don’t even know how to explain it, basically it’s the same thing as before.

If I understood the chart correctly, then the spread is much much tighter. Only 4 ranks and the highest rank only consisting of below average players.

What it says in patch notes:

Primary queues match ship tiers.

Intermediate queues are situated between tiers.


From what I understand:

Primary: same Tier battles

Intermediate: R1-3/R3-4/R4-6/R6-7/R7-9/R9-10/R10-12/R12-13/R13-15


Is this correct antibus?

From what I understand:

Primary queues match ship tiers.

Intermediate queues are situated between tiers.

Doesn’t look like it. Look under Que left side at #3, it pairs T2 with T3, 3 with 4 and 4 with 5. That if it refers to primary queuing.

Doesn’t look like it. Look under Que left side at #3, it pairs T2 with T3, 3 with 4 and 4 with 5. That if it refers to primary queuing.

That is the intermediate I am quite sure. And let me edit my post, to make it slightly more understandable.

So which is the primary? If it’s the big blue tier stuff, they are hellish overlapped.

From what I understand:


Intermediate: R1-3/R3-4/R4-6/R6-7/R7-9/R9-10/R10-12/R12-13/R13-15

If this is right, i’m so gonna love trolling in R7 ships! :smiley:

I don’t understand why you can’t simply set a tier restricted queque for tiers 1,2 and 3 (there are enought people for that honestly). 


And for now leave t4 and t5 toogheter. But you have to change a little bit rank 10 ships: give them the cpu module slot.



… actually to be honest i just think every ship ina tier should have the same number of modules slots. Highter rank can have better stats, maybe better ship bonuses, but nothing else. Exaclty how t5 works : a rank 13 ship is perfectly able to fight a rank 15.


Premium ammunition clips (for weapons and missiles) generate twice the amount of synergy

Both for killing enemies and damage assists

Improved characteristics for ammunition of the following types: Premium/Mk.III


Pay to Grind Less, FINALLY. However, Premium missiles are still relatively useless. The reason all my Missiles were Premium was because they had extra ammo… There is still absolutely NO reason to buy them if all you managed to do was change dmg and/or flight stats. Extra Synergy gains from kills/assists with these modules isn’t very appealing, I’ll be honest… especially considering pilots only earn 3k per match!



Custom battle

Lobby password is now replaced by the following symbols" "  *  "


Soo… Nothing was done to avoid people from abusing the system. You just ban those that do, considering the system is there for people to abuse it freely?..




Added chat window sounds

Improved launch and contract search sound

Improved Singularity Generator hit sound

Improved combat selection sounds

Improved mission explosion sounds

Improved ambient sounds in battle

Improved large missile launch sound

Improved unguided missile sounds


Why does the Gauss Cannon sound like “pew, pew”? I’d have figured a much more levelled, metallic sound would be in order…

Chat window sounds are the worst… Please don’t add that or, at least, add some option to disable those…

Is any sound/warning being given to the EM Torpedo? Or will that just stay incognito until it hits people in the face and kills half the enemy team?..





Queues are now divided into primary and intermediate.

Primary queues match ship tiers.

Intermediate queues are situated between tiers.

First rank of a tier does not join an intermediate queue with the next tier.

Final rank of a tier does not join an intermediate queue with the preceding tier.

There is no intermediate queue between Tier 4 and Tier 5.

Improved map rotation: added more battlegrounds to the higher tier rotation.


No, which que you are going to be in is calculated by your rank and performance.


So… The exact same matchmaker. This is info we already knew and you’ve managed to add a shiny, shiny graphic to it to try and dissuade people of thinking otherwise. We STILL see ships with as up to 9 Ranks in disparity. I do hope this “new” system changes that but, considering how these queues are done and seeing how “they can still be mixed”, I’m not seeing that ever disappearing and those primary queues will ALL be intermediate… But time will tell…


Have you noticed our game’s version is moving to 1.0? We are moving to relase, it may not be as fast as some of the players would prefer, but as it was mentioned numerous times before - developement and balancing process takes time, but our team is doing its utmost to make a great game!

For the love of everything holy and whatever Gods you believe in. DO NOT go live with this game as it is. There are a lot of things that NEED fixing before you even start THINKING of getting 1.0 out in the open. Matchmaking is still screwed (see above), Premium content is still useless (no one wants to pay that much GS to transfer Synergy off it and Free Synergy gain is still VERY displeasing) and the ship tree is still screwed into oblivion.


Please reconsider the 1.0 patch until these issues are fixed, otherwise you’ll stand to lose a lot of income as pilots find out things aren’t what they appear to be… I’ve seen many good games die before they leave beta precisely for these reasons (if not similar ones) and this is a game I would very much hate to see thrown in the gutter because the team sitting behind that bunker door that says “Development team” has a hidden agenda that only they know of and the admins here get pounded in the head by the community because they follow that agenda… I’m sorry, but that’s what it feels like to us… Zero xxxx given to the community.

We will continue our work on the game. We want to improve many aspects of it, but it takes time. Please, be patient and wait for announces!

As for the matchmaker - just as we were saying - we will continue working on it, and what was implemented now should improve the situation.  

This is very simple, I do not know how you guys cannot understand. 


Wall of text explanation:



Q8: T5 

Q7: T4 primary

Q6: T3/4 intermediate

Q5: T3 primary

Q4: T3/T2 intermediate


Q 1, 3, 5, 7: primaries (matched by tier)

Q 2, 4, 6: intermediate (matched by ship ranks +/-2)


Remember patch notes!



First rank of a tier does not join an intermediate queue with the next tier.

Final rank of a tier does not join an intermediate queue with the preceding tier.

There is no intermediate queue between Tier 4 and Tier 5.


Read this 10 times if needed and memorize it until you completely understand what it means. The only leftover component in MM now is the player skill.


Now let’s take a look at T3.


What is primary Q5: Ship ranks 7-9 (with a small chance of a R10)

What is intermediate Q6 : Max ranked ships of weaker tier (R8,R9) and mid ranked ships of higher tier (R10, R11).

  • If you are considered a weaker player and pick R9, you will most likely go to Q5 : primary T3s. 
  • If you are considered a stronger player and pick R9, you will most likely go to Q6 : intermediate T3 against ships R8-R11.
  • If you are a highly ranked player, only way to get into T3 primary is to fly a R7 ship. Anything else will most likely put you in Q6. See chart.


So you don’t want to face T4 in your T3 as a good player? Ok, let’s try picking a T4 ship as a good player:

T4 ships are divided into:

  • Intermediate T3 (max T3 ships against mid T4; R8-R11)
  • Primary T4 (R10-R13) (remember here are no intermediate T4 and T5)

You pick R8: you go to Q6 (T3 intermediate because you are considered better than most T3).

You pick R9: you go to Q6 (T3 intermediate because you are considered better than most T3).

You pick R10: you go to Q7 (T4 primary because you are considered better, weaker players will go to T3 intermediate with their R10) OR  Q6 (T3 intermediate)

You pick R11: you go to Q7  (T4 primary) OR Q6 (T3 intermediate)

You pick R12: you go to Q8 (T5 primary because you are considered better, weaker players can possibly remain in Q7) OR Q7 (T4 primary).


This is for players considered being “stonger”. If you are considered weaker, you will probably go down a notch, as per given example.


  • What you will see in primary T4 battles (Q7): skilled players with ships R10-R11 and some R12-R13.


  • What you will see in intermediate T3 battles (Q6): skilled players with ships R8-R9 and some R8-10.


  • What you will see in primary T3 battles (Q5): mixed skill players R7-9, with a possible weaker R10 player.



But remember: if you fly in a squad as a weaker player, in theory, MM system should acknowledge your squad based on highest skilled player, same as it looks as your ships. So “carrying” your weaker friends as a high rated player might not be beneficial, because MM will put you in higher queues and your friends will face tougher opponents than when flying solo or with other less experienced players, and you will be handicapped with less skilled squad mates, which can turn into bad games. You could maybe try understanding the system here and pick a ship -2 ranks that will place you in a lower queue together with your friend who is “allowed” to fly the max rank ship for current tier. But the problem is, there is no way of knowing to be sure that this will always work, as there are some lapses in MM still, and it can happen that it will push you into higher games (based on player queue count) even if you pick a weaker ship, it will neglect the player rating and will queue you based on his ship and consider him “better” based on matchmaking against other players. It’s a game of numbers, and it is never a 100% probability you will beat the system by switching ships, as it gets too complicated. However, if you fly in a balanced group of same rating with a purpose of flying in intermediate T3 because you expect it or primary T4, than it’s all well and should be better now.



Hope this explains a bit.

Well, thx for deciphering Neo, i hope at least it’s correct.


And before moving on, let’s not forget:

the unmentioned ninja changes (most possibly nerfs)


So double-check your ships, mods and implants (tho implants haven’t seen changes since long ago) before hitting launch.

I would check but I am at school :frowning: Can’t wait to get home though :slight_smile:

@ Neocodex


If I installed all R8 shipsi hangar. Which que will I be added to ?



  • and it says nothing on how the pool is put together. the advertised MM is the same one a few patches ago. But what happened was those from the lower ranks were mixed in with the higher ranked ones because they both joined the middle one hence the huge +/- we ended up with.




Rank 4 sips can be placed against R7 ships in this chart. That’s an entry level T2 ship vs entry level T3 ship.


Same deal in heigher tiers - Phobos vs Nodachi’s etc


But what screwed the current MM system is where (using the chart as example) queue 7 and 5 ends up in the queue 6 pool

and that’s how we end up with R7 vs R12 and T4 premiums etc.


It’s the same MM

I do have all kinds of confidence in the technical developers involved with Star Conflict. Great job.


The policy making or game design does hit us with some waves of disappointment, but we can be nicer about it.  I think you could have held your tongues until you at least had a day of operational experience with the 0.9.3 matchmaking.  It’s not even live yet at the time I’m writing this!

So r12 is officially T5 ships now … Always get into matches full synergy T5 opponents with my syn level 1-3 R12s.


There is no intermediate queue between Tier 4 and Tier 5.


When I did read that I thought T4(10-12) and T5(13-15) were finally separated, but I guess not. 

@ Neocodex


If I installed all R8 shipsi hangar. Which que will I be added to ?



  • and it says nothing on how the pool is put together. the advertised MM is the same one a few patches ago. But what happened was those from the lower ranks were mixed in with the higher ranked ones because they both joined the middle one hence the huge +/- we ended up with.




Rank 4 sips can be placed against R7 ships in this chart. That’s an entry level T2 ship vs entry level T3 ship.


Same deal in heigher tiers - Phobos vs Nodachi’s etc


But what screwed the current MM system is where (using the chart as example) queue 7 and 5 ends up in the queue 6 pool

and that’s how we end up with R7 vs R12 and T4 premiums etc.


It’s the same MM


It is not the same.


Before it was always possible R7 vs R12.


Now this queue is called T3 intermediate and abides by these rules:


First rank of a tier (R7) does not join an intermediate queue with the next tier (but there is no T4 intermediate anyway).

                    Final rank of a tier (R9, R12)does not join an intermediate queue with the preceding tier (no R9 ships in T2 and no R12 ships in T3!)


Details of probabilities placed in this queue depends on ships/combined player skill in your squad vs skill and ships of enemy squad (everything is taken into calculation).

To answer the question: “If I installed all R8 shipsi hangar. Which que will I be added to ?”


Take a look above. If you and your squad are all considered highly skilled by the system, you will very likely be placed in T3 intermediate and face T4 ships up to R11. But it is a 50/50 chance with R8 ships depending on the circumstances of other players in the queue, that you may get into a primary T3 match with ships R7-10. But remember, as soon as some of you pick anything higher than a R8, you will immediately be put into intermediate T3 against possible T4s. T3 primary is reserved for weaker groups of R9s.


But because there is no intermediate T4, this can be a mess, since there are no “weaker R10-R11” players divided by their ships, they will always get into intermediate T3s with these ships. 

There will still be T3 vs T4 battles. This is what remains the same unfortunately. T5 remains R12-R15 as it was.



So  basically  R9s are almost T4 ships now.


If you want to fly a pure T3 game you must fly a R8. And even than, if you are considered OP by the system in terms of your stats, you might still get in the same game. 


What they added is the primary T1, T2, and T3s, which should fix a portion of the games in that range. But for those of us with high dsr and w/l ratio, T3 against T4 will still happen and there is almost zero chance we will face a normal T3 game with our R9s. This is still a bit broken in my opinion, BUT - this system actually forces better players to proceed to higher tiers instead of farming low tiered games! Simply because you are too good and you are not allowed to play your R9 against other R9s. But what is broken is that you are free to fly your R11s against R9s, flying R9 is completely obsolete for higher rated players now -> less skilled players are put into their own queue now, safely away from us. Which is also likely that might make more interesting games for veterans.


So get out of your T3s already and step it up a notch instead of complaining guys! We cannot take on ESB alone, and I am getting a bit tired of facing them in 3v3 matches 50% of the time over and over again in T5. We need some fresh blood up top, so come over to shake things up. Most of you posting here should be way past R9 by now anyway.