Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0

Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.0 update #3


Free energy bonus for premium ships increased to 10% from total synergy




Microwarp : jump preparation time reduced to 1 sec.



Pulse Laser : damage increased by 13%

Shrapnel Cannon : spread increased by 50%


Bug fixes

Fixed a rare bug with Hacked Firmware not working

*Galactic standards for broken modules will be refunded

Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.0 update #2

General changes

Projectile speed for all weapons now depends on the technological level:

* OnT1 speed is reduced by 10%

* On T2 speed remains unchanged

* On T3 speed is increased by 10%

* On T4 speed is increased by 20%

* On T5 speed is increased by 30%




* Combat drones: carrier ship repair effectiveness increased by 67%


* Mass propulsion inhibitor: effect radius increased by 25%



Beam Cannon :

* Maximum and optimal range increased by 15%

Heavy Blaster :

* Maximum and optimal range increased by 20%

* Cooling time reduced by 50%

* Turret rotation speed in inactive state increased by 25%

Ion Emitter :

* Acceleration to maximum damage reduced from 4 to 1.25 sec

* Increased damage by 12%

* Increased range by 30%

Plasma Cannon :

* Increased damage by 15%

* Increased range by 25%

* Time to overheat raised to 25%

RF Blaster :

* Rate of fire increased by 25%

Positron Cannon :

* Projectile speed ​​increased by 25%

* Damage increased by 10%

* Disabled turret slowdown in inactive state

Singularity Cannon :

* Rate of fire reduced by 15%

* Charge diameter is reduced by 10%

Assault railgun :

* Significantly reduced spreading

* Reduced spread increase rate

* Increased turret rotation speed in inactive mode

Gauss Cannon :

* Projectile speed ​​increased by 20%

Coil Mortar :

* Range increased by 25%



" Orion": duration reduced to 5 seconds

" Plasma arc": effectiveness reduced by 25%


Ammunition packs

Reduced efficiency by 30% for all ammo increasing projectile speed

“Supernova” Deflector :

* Projectile slowdown reduced by 30%

* Damage increase reduced by 30%



Improved Singularity Cannon effect



Tuned Singularity Cannon effect

Minor sound fixes


Bug fixes

Tutorial contracts: Fixed a bug with rank contracts

Small fixes


Star Conflict OBT v.0.9.0 update #1


Weapon damage tuning.

Increased PvE missions difficulty.



Slightly increased starting ships upgrade times.


Bug fixes

Fixed a server-crashing bug.

Fixed some game-crashing bugs.


Star Conflict OBT v. 0.9.0


General changes


* All ship prices, except for Premium-modifications reduced by 25% on average.

* Increased sticker and colour application periods.

* The cost of owning stickers and colours, calculated for 1 day, has been reduced.




* "Dwarf"renamed into “Neutron”

* “Elf 2” renamed into “Black Swarm”

* “Black Elf” renamed into “Magnetar”

* “Elf” renamed into “Swarm”

* “Nibelung 2” renamed into “Tempest”

* “Arigato AE” renamed into “Nodachi EW”

* “Arigato type A” renamed into “Nodachi type A”

* “Arigato” renamed into “Nodachi”

* “White Hawk” renamed into “Talon”

* “White Eagle” renamed into “Swift Eagle”


* “Phobos Aura” renamed into “Phobos”

* “Hercules 2” renamed into “Hercules Rage”

* “Prometheus 2” renamed into “Prometheus X”

* “Kastor 2” renamed into “Spartacus”

* “King Kastor” renamed into “Argonaut”

* “Kastor” renamed into “Castor”

* “Short Sword” renamed into “Orelus”

* “Poni” renamed into “Flamberge”

* “Mouse” renamed into “Panther”


* “Siegfried” renamed into “Sigurd”

* “Cerberus 2” renamed into “Styx”

* “Centaur 2” renamed into “Minotaur”

* “Ginger Centaur” renamed into “Chiron”

* “TOR R2 Mk.S” renamed into “Scimitar”

New T5 ships available


* Viking. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 13. Role: Recon.

* Storm Viking. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 14. Role: ECM.

* Jarl. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 15. Role: Recon.

* Wakizashi. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 13. Role: ECM.

* Wakizashi AE. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 15. Role: ECM.

* Wakizashi type R. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 14. Role: Covert ops.

* Grey Falcon. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 13. Role: Covert ops.

* Falcon-M. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 15. Role: Covert ops.

* Spectre Falcon. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 14. Role: Recon.


* Apollo. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 13. Role: Gunship.

* Aura. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 14. Role: Command.

* Lightbringer. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 15. Role: Gunship.

* Sword. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 13. Role: Covert ops.

* Sword AE. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 14. Role: Tackler.

* Sword type S. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 15. Role: Command.

* Lion. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 13. Role: Tackler.

* Piranha-B2. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 14. Role: Gunship.

* Lion Mk II. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 15. Role: Tackler.


* Dragon. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 13. Role: Long-range.

* Naga. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 14. Role: Engineering.

* Archdragon. Affiliation: Empire. Rank: 15. Role: Long-range.

* Inquisitor. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 13. Role: Guard.

* Inquisitor AE. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 14. Role: Long-range.

* Inquisitor type S. Affiliation: Jericho. Rank: 15. Role: Guard.

* Osprey. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 13. Role: Engineering.

* T-Rex. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 15. Role: Engineering.

* T-Rex Mk II. Affiliation: Federation. Rank: 14. Role: Guard.

Optimized the structure of the ship tree.


* Combat Drones: Ally repair radius reduced by 50%

* Nanodrone Cloud: efficiency increased by 30%

* Mass Shioeld Generator: efficiency increased by 30%



All weapons can now overheat

Revised damage, range, spread and overheating values for all weapons in the game

Revamped weapon effects

Changed various weapon mechanics

Changed the names of some weapons

Now every weapon is fixed for a certain class of ship

* All weapons, not fitting the ships on which they are installed, will be forcibly unloaded to the warehouse

* All Premium modifications will be forcibly sold at full price

More on weapon changes:

Pulse laser

* Used on: Interceptors

* Summary: A simple weapon that does not require aim tracking

* Brief description: laser with spreading

Shrapnel Cannon

* Used on: Interceptors

* Summary: Well-suited for long-range attacks on stationary targets

* Brief description: A powerful close range weapon with a low rate of fire

RF Blaster

* Used on: Interceptors

* Summary: very high damage per second

* Brief description: A powerful melee range weapon

Plasma Gun

* Used on: Interceptors

* Description: a simple entry-level weapon

* Brief description: decent damage with small spread

SIngularity cannon

* Used on: Fighters

* Summary: A powerful weapon against slow-moving targets

* Brief description: Low fire rate is compensated by area damage

Gauss Cannon

* Used on: Fighters

* Summary: This weapon is good at suppressing targets

* Brief description: low rate of fire is compensated by good single projectile damage and small scatter

Ion Emitter

* Used on: Fighters

* Summary: A powerful tool in the hands of an experienced pilot

* Brief description: laser capable of increasing damage as you keep the beam on the target.

Assault Railgun

* Used on: Fighters

* Summary: a great weapon for rookie fighter pilots

* Brief description: medium-range weapon with moderate damage

Coil Mortar

* Used on: Frigates

* Summary: a cannon that shoots powerful explosive shells

* Brief description: low rate of fire and slow turning of turrets is offset by a guaranteed explosion even when a projectile misses

* All guns fire alternately. Overall firing rate depends on the number of guns on the ship.

Heavy Blaster

* Used on: Frigates

* Summary: a weapon that creates a dense stream of shells

* Brief Description: slow turret turn rate, fire rate increasing with time

Positron Cannon

* Used on: Frigates

* Summary: a good weapon for finishing off damaged ships

* Brief description: an accurate weapon with the ability to charge projectiles

Laser Assault

* New name: Beam Cannon

* Used on: Frigates

* Summary: A simple and convenient laser, in the right hands it becomes a deadly weapon

* Brief description: an accurate weapon with decent damage



Now, each ship has a single slot for missiles.

Missile size division has been removed

Each type of missile is assigned to its own ship class or role.

* Missile assigned to the role can be installed on ships of the 4th and higher ranks.

Missiles are bought in cartridge packs:

* One cartridge pack includes an unlimited number of missiles for 1 battle.

* The cartridge pack is removed at the end of the battle

* The cartridge pack is removed if the ship launches into battle

* If the ship was taken to battle, but never actually flown, the cartridge pack is not removed

* Autoreplenish function now replenishes cartridge packs

* You can only sell cartridge packs through Equipment

* You can sell cartridge packs through the Store / Warehouse

Rocket ammunition are carried in cartridges:

* Reloading a cartridge takes some time.

* Improved Pylons do not speed up cartridge reloading

Premium cartridge packs have the same amount of missiles

Distribution of missiles by class:


* Unguided missiles

* New name: Small missiles

* Now homing

* Available at 1 rank

* Increased speed, maneuverability

* Damagereduced by 20%

* Plasma missile

* Available at 5 rank

* Damage increased by 20%

* Armor-piercing missile

* Available at 8 rank

* Speed increased by 50%


* Standard missile

* Available at 1 rank

* EMP missile

* Available at 1 rank

* Turn speed increased

* Armor-piercing missiles 

* Available at 8 rank

* Speed increased by 50%


* Cruise missile

* Available at 1 rank

* Torpedo

* Available at 5 rank

* Increased trigger and explosion radius

* Octopus

* Available at 8 rank

* Up to 20% reduced mobility

Distribution of missiles by roles:


* Missile with energy-neutralizing field

* Available at 6 rank

Covert ops

* Tactical warhead

* Available at 7 rank


* Slowing missile

* Available at 6 rank

* Sensor mine

* Available at 6 rank

* Damage increased by 25%


* Firestorm

* Available at 8 rank


* Ion-warhead missiles

* Available at 7 rank


* Missile with slowing field

* Available at 6 rank


* Attack drone

* Available at 6 rank

* Damage increased

* Speed increased


* Anomaly Generator

* Available at 6 rank


* Minelayer

* Available at 6 rank

Most missile parameters were tweaked



Weapon modifiers

* Now the weapons have no modifiers

* Modifiers have been converted into munitions

* One pack of ammunition is enough for one battle

* Ammunition is removed at the end of the battle

* The ammunition pack is removed if the ship launches into battle

* If the ship was taken to battle, but never actually flown, the ammunition pack is not removed

* Autoreplenish function now replenishes ammunition packs

* Ammunition changing types of damage is no longer in the game

* You can buy ammunition only through the Shipyard

* You can sell ammunition in the Shop / Warehouse

* All modifiers will be removed with a refund:

* Mk1-MK3 fully refunded with credits.

* Premium version fully refunded with galactic standards.

* Military and Experimental versions are refunded with galactic standards at a cost of a trophy.



Additional Options

New booster module: Prospector Probe

* Provides additional try to find loot (only PvP).

Changed booster mechanics:

* Combat firmware

* Increases synergy gain by 40%

* Increases loyalty gain by 40%

* Hacked firmware

* Increases synergy gain by 200%

* Increases loyalty gain 200%

* Tactical Software

* Increases synergy gain by 30% for all allies

* Increases loyalty gain by 30% for all allies

All boosters with changed mechanics will be refunded



Introduced a variety of hangars for different sides of conflict:

* Each pilot will be placed in the hangar of the corresponding side of the conflict, without regard to the jurisdiction of the corporation (for corporate pilots).

* Pilots can change the hangar.

* Hangar change is available in the Missions menu (PvE).

* Hangar change costs credits.

* The pilot can keep fighting for either side of conflict from any hangar.



New implants are available

Rank 13

* Neuroconnector “Rapidus III”

* Clears module cooldown, if your opponent is destroyed by the damage done by you

* Affiliation: Empire

* Neuroconnector “Ant II”

* Increases main weapon damage by 25% if your opponent is knocked down by the damage done by you

* Effect duration: 15 seconds.

* Affiliation: Federation

* Neuroconnector “WPN-F70”

* Increases main weapon damage until the end of the battle if your opponent is destroyed by the damage done by you

* For each enemy damage is increased by 3%

* Damage bonus limit is  33%

* Affiliation: Jericho

Rank 14

* Neuroconnector “Gigas III”

* Neutralizes all negative effects and makes the ship immune to them if the shield is completely discharged

* Effect duration 7 seconds.

* Valid once per combat

* Affiliation: Empire

* Neuroconnector “SR-X”

* Increases hull resistance when the shield is fully discharged

* The increase is 75 points to all types of damage

* Effect duration 7 seconds.

* Valid once per combat

* Affiliation: Federation

* Neuroconnector “Albatross II”

* Activates the emergency invisibility generator if the shield is completely discharged

* Effect duration 7 seconds.

* Valid once per combat

* Affiliation: Jericho

Rank 15

* Neuroconnector “Gladius III”

* Accelerates synergy and credits gain and increases the damage of guns

* Gain is increased on the ships of all ranks

* Affiliation: Empire

* Neuroconnector “Owl II”

* Increases the credit gain, as well as hull and shield strength

* Gain is increased on the ships of all ranks

* Affiliation: Federation

* Neuroconnector “RB-X”

* Increases synergy gain and missile damage

* Gain is increased on the ships of all ranks

* Affiliation: Jericho

(UPD) Beta catalyst "Cheetah II»

Speed increase was reduced to 7%

Changed the mechanics of synergy

* Now, to buy the next ship in the tree, you need to reach a certain level of synergy with the previous ship.

* Introduced the concept of “free synergy” — synergy, not tied to a particular ship

* Synergy earned in battle receives a bonus of 5% of free synergy

* Free synergy can be used for upgrading any ship

* Ship synergy upgrade does not happen automatically

* When the ship reaches maximum synergy, it starts to accumulate surplus synergy

* The pilot has the ability to transfer surplus synergy from one ship into free synergy. Operation is not free.

* Operations with synergy are available in the Shipyard

(UPD) Re-adjusted synergy.

  Some ships have another number of synergy levels now.

  Re-adjusted synergy values.

  The total amount of synergy on ships has not been changed.

According to Reputation and Loyalty:

* If the pilot at the time of the release of patch 0.8.0 had a reputation and / or loyalty rank either side of conflict or faction above the 12th, the rank will be restored



A new PvE-mission “Pirate base attack”

Now the game has no concept of “side of conflict bonus” which pilots chose at the start of the game.

* Side of conflict bonuses were moved to the implants of the 15th rank.

* “Forged ID” was removed from the store.

Changed the principles of effectiveness calculation

* Reward for supporting an ally increased by 67%

* Reward for weakening the enemy increased by 67%



Added new combat music tracks

Added different sounds for different hangars

Added sounds of new weapons


Bug fixes

Fixed a bug where the autonomous stations and warp gate could be installed inside objects 

Sound editing errors

Small fixes


Update # 1:

* Adjusted damage for certain weapons.

* Increased difficulty for PvE-missions.

* Slightly increased the synergy requirements for the first levels.

* Fixed a problem with the game servers.

* Fixed some problems that caused random network problems.




[Patch discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20628-star-conflict-obt-v-090-discussion/)


[*german translation](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20634-star-conflict-obt-v-090/)

[**german translation #1](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20692-star-conflict-obt-v090-update-1/)

[***german translation #2](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20693-star-conflict-obt-v090-update-2/)