Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.2

Star Conflict OBT v 0.8.2


General changes

Added new medals:

  • “Sprinter”: Pick up the first EMP bomb.
  • “Make way”: Shoot down an enemy ship while carrying an EMP bomb.
  • “Cap eat cap”: Kill the enemy captain as your team’s captain.
  • “Running on vapour”: Destroy the enemy with a guided torpedo from as far as possible.
  • “Watch your back”: Destroy an enemy ship, while it controls a Jericho torpedo.
  • “Onslaught”: Destroy a ship with damage coinciding with its Phase Shield’s setup.
  • “Smart shieldwork”: Absorb damage coinciding with the Phase Shield setup.
  • “Barely there”: Activate the metastable field generator when you have less than 5% hull strength.
  • “Resistance is futile”: Destroy the player who has just deactivated the metastable field generator.



Covert Ops

  • “Orion” Targeting Complex: effect duration has been reduced from 10 to 7 seconds.
  • Changed the logic of Tactical Warheads usage:
    • After the warhead is dropped from the ship, it stands still.
    • Detonation happens only on timer expiry (13 sec.)


  • Added an individual bonus “Energy consumption for Covert Ops modules reduced by 20%”.




  • Slightly increased shield and hull values for Federation Fighters.


  • New module “Sentry Drone”: Deploys a guard drone attacking enemy ships in range. Restrictions: rank 7 and above, modification Mk3 is only available to Raid faction.
  • Module “Engine Suppressor”:
    • Recharge time reduced to 45 sec.
    • Duration is now fixed at 10 sec.
  • Slowing efficiency significantly increased from 30% to 50% depending on the model.


  • New module “Gravi-scanner”: When the module is enabled, all allied ships within 3000 meters receive a bonus to speed for 20 seconds. Restrictions: rank 7 and above, modification Mk3 is only available to Legion.


  • Special Federation featire “Main weapon damage increased by 5%”: now increases damage by 10%.
  • New module “Particle Purge”: Instantly depletes the entire shield, directing the release of energy to damage enemies. Deals EM damage proportional to the size of the shield. Active radius — 500 meters. Restrictions: rank 7 and above, modification Mk3 is only available to Armada.




  • Slightly increased shield and hull values for Federation frigates.


  • New module “Tachyon Charge”: Accelerates the next disintegrator charge or guided torpedo. Restrictions: rank 4 and above, modification Mk3 is only available to Raid.
  • Changed the speed of Disintegrator charges:
    • T1 now 10% lower.
    • T3 now 10% higher.
    • T4 now 20% higher.


  • Module “Nanodrone Cloud”:
    • Energy consumption increased to 30 pts./ T1.
    • Active range reduced by 1km and is now at abot 2-3 km depending on the model.
  • “Mass Shield Generator”:
    • Efficiency reduced by 15%.
    • Energy consumption increased to 30 pts./sec. at T1.
    • Active range reduced by 1km and is now at abot 2-3 km depending on the model.
  • Module “Energy Emitter”:
    • Significantly increased the amount of transmitted energy.
    • Active range reduced by 1km and is now at abot 2-3 km depending on the model.
  • Modules “Remote Shield Generator” and “Remote Hull Repair”: Active range reduced from 3 km to 2 km.
    • Duration reduced from 4 sec. to 3 sec.
  • Changed the speed of drone charges:
    • T1 now 10% lower.
    • T3 now 10% higher.
    • T4 now 20% higher.




  • Improved the ship purchase window, you can now buy a ship and at the same time expand the warehouse.

Ship Tree

  • Added “Rank help”. This is a help window in the ship tree, showing a list of new features that are available to you at every rank.
  • Now when comparing your current ship with the new one in ship tree, the current level of synergy is not taken into account (previously it could create an illusion that some ships were worse than they actually were.)

Battle log

  • A tab with extended notifications on destroyed enemies, damage dealt and other similar information has been added to the chat window.

Battle results

  • Reworked the summary of battle results. Now it shows earned reputation, credits, and synergy.


Sound and Music 


  • Added sounds for the new modules, refined sounds for the old ones.
  • Adjusted hit sounds on various materials and explosions.
  • Adjusted the balance of sounds and music.
  • Beacon shutdown sound is made louder.
  • Refined voiced lines and enhanced speech intelligibility in radio comms.
  • In PvP and PvE modes now have the same set of music.


Bug fixes


  • Agents in missions no longer use Tactical Warheads.


  • Fixed problems with collisions of some objects.


  • Interceptors (except for Recon) no longer have invalid missile types in starting equipment.

[Discussion Thread.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19976-star-conflict-obt-v-082-discussion/)

Fixed a typo.

New module “Particle Purge”: Instantly depletes the entire shield, directing the release of energy to damage enemies. Deals EM damage proportional to the size of the shield. Active radius — 1,500 meters. Restrictions: rank 7 and above, modification Mk3 is only available to Armada.

Actually, 500 meters.