Star Conflict OBT v. 0.7.4

== Star Conflict OBT v0.7.4 Update # 1 ==

Bug fixes:
* Fixed matchmaker, resulting in the player to get in too strong or weak group.
* Current level of synergy is displayed again in the ship tree.


== Star Conflict OBT v0.7.4 ==

General changes
* A revised system of player names:

  • Names in the game are unique.
  • When you first enter the game you are given a name that you entered in the yuplay system.
  • If the name is already taken, your name has a random set of numbers added to it.
  • You can always change your name by clicking the right mouse button and selecting “Rename.”
  • The first name change is free.
  • NOTE: If you select a name in violation of the rules, the game moderators will change it to a temporary option. In this case, you will be given the opportunity to change it for free.

Scenario "Sabotage"
* Added a new scenario where a squad of mercenaries disrupts the enemy corporation’s Dreadnought repairs.
* This scenarion is designed for pilots with T1-T2 ships.

New battleground "Ice reef"
* Added a new battleground “Ice reef”

Ships: Frigates
* Fixed a bug with incorrect reverse mechanics.

Interface: General
* Changed the concept of windows in the hangar:

  • Windows can be closed, with a “cross”, in addition to regular switching between them.
  • Hangar elements - combat Slots, repairs, etc., are now available for any open window.

Interface: Options
* Removed option “Horizon alignment” as obsolete.
* Added ship frame resizing option, toggled on/off.

Interface: HUD
* Tags of your squad’s ships are now marked in green.

Sound and Music: General
* Further development of ambient sounds in the hangar.
* Improvements assault lasers. Alignment of the volume of all lasers.
* Added some missing sounds for the interfaces.
* Filter changes.
* Improvement of sounds of explosions.

Bug fixes
* Fixed interaction with Windows 7, that caused a marked drop in fps on some computers.

nice another patch…and finally some markers for squads :smiley:

the new mission is pve isn’t it ?


the name change thing - gold or silver prices?


they may should lower the energy consumption on command modules … you can’t use two of em without losing all of your energy…

energy is fine. Should need to use the energy module for energy, not shield regen. the idea that this module is even there, is biest against armor tanks.

Can some explain to me the new timing for the maint? It was suppose to be 0200 ZULU my time. 2AM CST. Now they put some crazy Russian crap up about 13:30AM?? Wtf does that translate too? 1:30PM? That is some insane downtime for a minor patch…


I"m assuming the 13:30"AM" MSK part was a mistake for “PM”? One more hour over in Russia? 1:30PM in Moscow? Seeing as it is 12:30PM there.


Uhmari is right, i notice the energy consumption is more evident in Tier 2 but there are some modules that can make energy regeneration go up. In Tier 3 and 4 i can have the afterburn pressed and a mod active almost all the time.

its 14:30 MSK and as GIYF will tell you MSK is UTC+4

in my opinion the energy replenishment is too low / the consumption if you use a t2 mk2 capacitor charger and your ship (deimos 2) has the max. level…the t2mk3 armor command module still will drain too much



the replenishment furthermore is bugged…my frigate hydra 2 (max. level, capacitor charger t2mk2 and passive armor, hull and shield rep + missile defence) will when using the afterburner rapidly fall to a level of ~400 (~600 is max) and just stay there…


however it would be nice to have all regen rates displayed at the stats chart like max shield: 4k regenrate (including all mods etc.) 100/sec

13:43 PM here… damn, by the time the servers are online half day will be passed and i cant take advantage of the double rep event :frowning: hehehe.

Want to play!!!

Where can we found the new sabotage mission ?


Problem soveld : 50/50 % chance to get it with the “Mission : Shipyard defense”

There is no ship level bar progression in the ship window anymore. I bet this is a bug ?

The main Rank doesnt go up but its only visual because in fact the rank continue going up but you cant see. Even if i change faction the old one appears in the screen. Well if its only visual no problem.

Silmerias are you refering to the ship level or the main rank because im talking about the main rank.


Okay, matchmaking now seems totally messed up. Having T1-T4 mixed up all day. No logic visible at all for now.


Okay, matchmaking now seems totally messed up. Having T1-T4 mixed up all day. No logic visible at all for now.


i agree with this

This patch really ruined it for me. I’ve been having non-stop delays to ship responsiveness and get impossible match ups roughly 80% of the time. I’ve actually had a T1 Captain vs. a Captain with a T4 ship once.

At the moment it’s really unenjoyable for me, so I hope it’ll be fixed soon.

Okay, matchmaking now seems totally messed up. Having T1-T4 mixed up all day. No logic visible at all for now.

Yes. Bad for  T1 and T2  pilots.

/patchlog updated

Well, that didn´t change anything on the matchmaking. Still getting the wildest combinations of T1-T4.


Well, that didn´t change anything on the matchmaking. Still getting the wildest combinations of T1-T4.



Strange, for me it has gotten a lot better. Everything back to normal here.



You entering games solo or in squad?


Okay, update: The fewer total players there are, the better it gets. Probably just a coincidence.