Star Conflict OBT v. 0.7.1

== Star Conflict OBT v 0.7.1 ==


* Added smuggled microchips purchase window:

  • The window can be found in the upper right corner of your hangar.

  • Microchips and illegal software can temporarily improve performance of your ship or the ships of your allies.

  • Microchips fail over time or after a specified number of fights, depending on their type.

Battlegrounds: General

* Added a new field in the orbit of Ceres.

Game Mode: Combat reconnaissance

* When the captain quits the battle, his ship still remains active for 30 seconds and it can be destroyed.

* Captain’s regalia are transferred to another player, if during that time the deserter captain was not destroyed.

* If a player returns to the game when the captain regalia were transferred to another player, he does not keep the increased performance.

Game balance: General

* Removed annual premium subscription, added subscription for 3 months (for those who have purchased an annual subscription, it will continue to work correctly.)

* Reputation with races no longer goes higher than level 12 (until the T5 is implemented).

Weapons and modules: General

* Added a new module “Acceleration coils”, which increases the speed of charges for any type of weapons.

Weapons and modules: Missiles

* Cooldown time (missile readiness) is now displayed separately for each missile slot, switching between the slots does not start a cooldown.

Interface: General

* Removed ships from the store, purchase is only possible through the tree of Ships.

* The player who ignores you, can not be invited to your squad or corporation.

Sound and Music: General

* Fixed some minor bugs in the voice acting.

* Refined the sounds of heavy plasma.

Bug fixes

* Fixed a client crash during matchmaking.

* Fixed periodic duplication of chat messages.

thanks for the log…

i see a problem: how are former lvl 15 players charged since they own a fourth ship slot, which is only available to lvl 15 players? do they get any restrictions?

these micro chips are only gold or also buyable with standard curency?


let the missile spam begin :smiley:

Unless you can now add a fourth ship with level 12 its going to be bad for me. That was what i was aiming for right now, the fourth ship.

i don’t want to sound ungrateful but when the devs plan to rework the skill and ship tree as well as the heavy weapon issue?

What heavy weapon issue?

I saw that the patch brings some mricroships that have a limited time to use. Well, I suggest that time would be the  efective battle time because we have to wait for triangulate to play and some times this may take 3, 4 or 5 minuts.

Have no idea because is that play time or overall time?

heavy weapons are too strong right now - they need some balancing

It would be nice in next patches if you could add a ship stats preview in tech tree. Is quite annoying to buy ships without knowing differences with others, thank you!

what’s the content of the 10mb patch this morning? is it just about some bugs in the descriptions?

It was a little patch which fixed some smaller localization issues.

Its true that heavy weapons are very powerfull but they are also difficult to use in some occasions. Its not very easy to aim quick into a fast ship with them.

On the other hand i encountered a type error in the new acceleration coil thing. Not going to buy something i dont know how it works. I attach some img. I dont know if im the only one with this problem.


Its true that heavy weapons are very powerfull but they are also difficult to use in some occasions. Its not very easy to aim quick into a fast ship with them.

On the other hand i encountered a type error in the new acceleration coil thing. Not going to buy something i dont know how it works. I attach some img. I dont know if im the only one with this problem.

Heavy weapons are good on long/mid range, but almost useless on close range.

It gives you 44%. It should be fixed in the next patch, and it will be available for credits in the next patch.

Oh thx Error.