Star Conflict OBT v.0.6.0 build 19006

I not liked the reduction the sensor range for Interceptors and Attack Ships.

The ships are practically blinds.

I think that is because of a bug, it may happen that an enemy is like 3000m from you but you still can’t see the target, it’s annoying as hell sometimes

I think that is because of a bug, it may happen that an enemy is like 3000m from you but you still can’t see the target, it’s annoying as hell sometimes

I don’t know why they even reduced the sensor range for those two ships, nobody suggested to do so and from what I can tell there was no need to do so.

Seems like they just like ragging on Interceptors and Fighters. What is going on with the devs? :frowning:

At this point in time the game is completely broken.

Interceptors are useless, Fighters are useless, Frigates are Overpowered.


I don’t know why they even reduced the sensor range for those two ships, nobody suggested to do so and from what I can tell there was no need to do so.

Seems like they just like ragging on Interceptors and Fighters. What is going on with the devs? :frowning:

At this point in time the game is completely broken.

Interceptors are useless, Fighters are useless, Frigates are Overpowered.


Absolutely agree, balance not only need to be fixed, it needs to redesigned…It was great and 'it isn’t anyomre…

lot of work to do…

Things to work on:

weapons system

hull and shield restoration modules


I don’t know why they even reduced the sensor range for those two ships, nobody suggested to do so and from what I can tell there was no need to do so.

Seems like they just like ragging on Interceptors and Fighters. What is going on with the devs? :frowning:

At this point in time the game is completely broken.

Interceptors are useless, Fighters are useless, Frigates are Overpowered.


Aren’t you overreacting a bit?

I mean it’s not like I can’t kick all the opponent’s team backs with my fighter, this sensor decrease isn’t that big, maybe it has been made to push people not to use lasers at long distances while not on Frigates, don’t you agree with that?

What is bugging me the most is that bug (hehe) I was talking about. But I don’t really know what it is caused by.

Guys please stay calm. You are forgetting that there is also thr russian forum.

As far as I know they reduced it too force people into dogfights instead of camping with long range weapons.

Guys please stay calm. You are forgetting that there is also thr russian forum.

As far as I know they reduced it too force people into dogfights instead of camping with long range weapons.

I would agree with that normally but problem is that sometimes Fighters feel a bit too “heavy” to dogfight properly.

Also, as I’m repeatedly stating, there’s a big bug cancelling the target from the screen even at low ranges, needs a hotfix