Star Conflict gender confusion

I don’t need to reply since you are misleading my words.

And yet you felt the need to do so.

I will leave the thread with this little “though”: good luck telling your daughters that they should not apply in sports or choose some careers otherwise they will fail miserably at a certain point compared to men.

I will teach any child I have why men and women are not allowed to complete directly in sports.

Daddy of the year! Actually this is a good thing: more girls with daddy issues out there for guys that will not call them back the day after. Tnx for that! :fed012:

If I have a daughter I will make a point of innoculating her against feminist propaganda. She will be taught that feelings aren’t facts, that she is in no way oppressed or victimised and that she must take responsibility for her own actions. She’ll also be banned from tumblr.

Here is some classic (censored) copypasta:


“I (censored) Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m (censored) xxxx but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.”

- Guuse 2014

I love this. 

For just one example, men have a lot more grey matter. Women have more white matter.


aaaaand wrong. Jasan - popular science got you confused. From here:


“Men have a lower percentage of gray matter than women”.


or from here:


“in women 84 percent of gray matter regions and 86 percent of white matter regions involved in intellectual performance were located in the frontal lobes, whereas the percentages of these regions in a man’s frontal lobes are 45 percent and zero, respectively.”


And btw elephant has a much bigger brain than yours and much more “matter” in it.


Anyway you should not rely on “facts” without understanding them and spreading the confusion

aaaaand wrong. Jasan - popular science got you confused. From here:


“Men have a lower percentage of gray matter than women”.


or from here:


“in women 84 percent of gray matter regions and 86 percent of white matter regions involved in intellectual performance were located in the frontal lobes, whereas the percentages of these regions in a man’s frontal lobes are 45 percent and zero, respectively.”


And btw elephant has a much bigger brain than yours and much more “matter” in it.


Anyway you should not rely on “facts” without understanding them and spreading the confusion

This still doesn’t invalidate my point though.

This still doesn’t invalidate my point though.


And your point regarding male/female classification is actually not related to the original post. The question was why it’s mandatory to select the gender - not why options are limited. Your weight also can be easily measured, you know

And your point regarding male/female classification is actually not related to the original post. The question was why it’s mandatory to select the gender - not why options are limited. 

OP here

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Welcome to  Star Off Topic  ** Mercenary!**

OP here

Any off/on-topic discussions in relation to topics being of on and/or off or slightly off of character of the relation between (and involving) topics being related/not related to the original topic of matter including/excluding or partly including discussing which posts are included/excluded in the definition of being or not being off-topic**, are of course allowed. And so are off-topic discussions.**

Welcome to Star Off Topic Mercenary!

Not allowed to use red color

Not allowed to use red color

changed to be appropriate

*Gets more popcorn*



Drama never gets old  :fed_lol: