Star Conflict Crashes and closes all applications open and logs me out of my computer

I have been having a major issue with Star Conflict for several months now. It started in late April/early May, then went away in early August. It has just recently come up again (the last 2 weeks). The issue is that on occasion (which has become very frequently after the 1.0.1 patch), Star Conflict crashes, closes any other applications that are open (i.e. Steam, TeamSpeak, Skype, etc.), and logs me out of my computer. I know for a fact this is not a virus because I have done several virus scans, and this happens on my other mac I play on, which doesn’t have a virus either.



To get help a little faster, I would try to follow the bug report ‘outline’

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/15572-how-to-report-client-related-bugs/)


Here is a link that may help with referencing mac error logs better.


This will help to answer a lot of questions right away for the developers. You should be a responce more quickly.