Star Conflict Computer Builds

it is for real a game with nice look and nevertheless low requirements regarding pc parts

On 11/10/2016 at 11:49 AM, AnunnakiHunters said:

is right but in the gaming Benchmark the g4400 is only 5 % behind the fx6xx. i use the g4400 and the fx63xx. is no difference in most games. the only Problem are still games like farcry 4 which asks for more than 2 cores… For all ohter games g4400 is fine and for sure no stutter-fest.:slight_smile: i3 is aprox 20% faster but 20% are not a reason to use double $ for it.if more then 50 fps 20 % less would be still 40 fps. far enough for me.

Ok you got me. Here is what I think about Cpus under 100$:


On 09/10/2016 at 2:19 AM, Spongejohn said:

That is linux and amd/nvidia poor driver and kernel optimization: SADLY.

On win10 my 7870 (which is worst than yours by far) goes from 80 min to 250 fps with everything maxed except MLAA @2x@1080p. Even while recording game sessions.

They said the last kernel and closed s. Drivers have improved the situation, have you already updated both of them? I’m just courius, since it’s been a while I don’t mess with linux on my main rig.

P.s. rx460 is on par and even worst than a 280x

I just rechecked SC on my PC with the 4.8 Kernel and the performance is way better then it was with the 4.4 one, but still I get max 50% of the frame rate I get under Windows but atleast it is a stable framerate now. I get in ‘normal’ PvP matches around 80-90fps (compared to around 170fps in win)

The only thing here i would like to add on, dual channel ram is always better then single, although the differences between single and dual are not that much, still, why not go for the better option. No harm in that.

12 hours ago, John161 said:

I just rechecked SC on my PC with the 4.8 Kernel and the performance is way better then it was with the 4.4 one, but still I get max 50% of the frame rate I get under Windows but atleast it is a stable framerate now. I get in ‘normal’ PvP matches around 80-90fps (compared to around 170fps in win)

Noice, last questions: what driver are you using? And the video settings? I assume the res it’s 1080p but the details?  

2 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

Noice, last questions: what driver are you using? And the video settings? I assume the res it’s 1080p but the details?  

The open source driver(the closed source one only gives me a tones of troubles, so I never really tried to get it working) and video setting were maxed out 1080p and no anti aliasing, I checked it also with low settings and I got around 20% more fps (maybe more, I never made any actuate measurements)

29 minutes ago, John161 said:

The open source driver(the closed source one only gives me a tones of troubles, so I never really tried to get it working) and video setting were maxed out 1080p and no anti aliasing, I checked it also with low settings and I got around 20% more fps (maybe more, I never made any actuate measurements)

Im breaking through the 144FPS on 1080 and with 8xMSAA,feels good to be overkill.

3 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Im breaking through the 144FPS on 1080 and with 8xMSAA,feels good to be overkill.

Do you use a open source driver? Nope I’m kinda sure you don’t.

While using a proprietary und a well known proprietary system,I break easily through the 144fps, too

Anyone wanna see my budget build ? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) hahaah

On 9.10.2016 at 2:19 AM, Spongejohn said:

That is linux and amd/nvidia poor driver and kernel optimization: SADLY.

I do doubt it’s the correct cause, I would not expect kernel optimization problems on linux, nor the drivers. 

You get more setback through software causes. Like x11. Which is why apple got rid of it as fast as possible, when they built OSX on bsd.

In the future I would expect better FPS from increased support of xserver replacements like wayland, and probably the fate of Vulcan (ex-Mantle, which will be the continuation of the dying OpenGL). Which atm. looks promising. I would even gamble on Microsoft porting DX “surprisingly” to *nix at some point, to get more presence on apple and linux. But we gotta wait for engines and games to be written for this Vulcan.

The nvidia closed drivers give you no performance change directly. In fact, some stuff runs even faster. Stuff that runs worse, is most usually not a driver issue. Stuff that runs faster, usually a windows issue. Or file system related, as ext is significantly faster than NTFS or FAT.*

AMD is mostly used in situations, where you have to watch licensing (integrated devices or sheer GNU puritan longbeard weirdos), but also there, it battles with intel or other smaller competitors, or on the number crunching market (where it usually is not used as a graphics card). It is morally also the one which is investing more into open source. Unfortunately, their linux drivers were always terribad. You know my personal opinion, I think also their windows drivers are terribad, but on linux, you have a significant performance drop on the same rig, no matter what you try.

Just go reddit linux_gaming, you will find pages.

Some people delibaretly buy stronger AMD cards since they morally support AMD more, but nobody will tell you, there is no difference unfortunately.

It is hard to compare however, as it also depends on the software used; most steam games also bind to the steam libraries, instead of the system libraries, which are shipped to give cross platform compatibility in the linux-verse, and significantly less time is spent on polishing the linux release. This is however also a source of less performance, as it is like shipping your own system DLLs with the game.

I do add, Vulcan support might become good news for linux-amd-gaming, and no bad news for nvidia either.



back then when you could start win98 natively with a kernel hack while running linux to pose as its DOS, it actually booted and ran faster, than running it directly. ext fs is a beast

6 hours ago, g4borg said:

I do doubt it’s the correct cause, I would not expect kernel optimization problems on linux, nor the drivers. 

You get more setback through software causes. Like x11. Which is why apple got rid of it as fast as possible, when they built OSX on bsd.

In the future I would expect better FPS from increased support of xserver replacements like wayland, and probably the fate of Vulcan (ex-Mantle, which will be the continuation of the dying OpenGL). Which atm. looks promising. I would even gamble on Microsoft porting DX “surprisingly” to *nix at some point, to get more presence on apple and linux. But we gotta wait for engines and games to be written for this Vulcan.

The nvidia closed drivers give you no performance change directly. In fact, some stuff runs even faster. Stuff that runs worse, is most usually not a driver issue. Stuff that runs faster, usually a windows issue. Or file system related, as ext is significantly faster than NTFS or FAT.*

AMD is mostly used in situations, where you have to watch licensing (integrated devices or sheer GNU puritan longbeard weirdos), but also there, it battles with intel or other smaller competitors, or on the number crunching market (where it usually is not used as a graphics card). It is morally also the one which is investing more into open source. Unfortunately, their linux drivers were always terribad. You know my personal opinion, I think also their windows drivers are terribad, but on linux, you have a significant performance drop on the same rig, no matter what you try.

Just go reddit linux_gaming, you will find pages.

Some people delibaretly buy stronger AMD cards since they morally support AMD more, but nobody will tell you, there is no difference unfortunately.

It is hard to compare however, as it also depends on the software used; most steam games also bind to the steam libraries, instead of the system libraries, which are shipped to give cross platform compatibility in the linux-verse, and significantly less time is spent on polishing the linux release. This is however also a source of less performance, as it is like shipping your own system DLLs with the game.

I do add, Vulcan support might become good news for linux-amd-gaming, and no bad news for nvidia either.


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back then when you could start win98 natively with a kernel hack while running linux to pose as its DOS, it actually booted and ran faster, than running it directly. ext fs is a beast

Sorry if i made a terribad quote, from the phone this forum just su*k.

Btw don’t ask me “how”, my knowledgment is not so deep. I just report news as they come up and if and when I can I taste stuff by self.  

Newest kernel do improved performance on latest gpus. Check phoronix for that. Also most of the hate I have toward nvidia is toward propetary, closed source politics which is a suicidal strategy (I can explain you why, we only need a free evening :P). If their “strategy” is still working is mostly tanks aggressive marketing (and you know what I think about marketing). Take g-sync for exemple, it work a bit better than freesync which is an open standard, but a monitor supporting it, costs 3 times the price of an equivalent freesync monitor and works only on nvidia cards( guess who is winning that war). Still they could support also freesync via software but oc they don’t. That’s mean being just overconfident.

About linux drivers, nvidia ones always worked almost flawlessy, but the community hate those. Guess why, they are closed source. The same is happening for Amd, they shutted down catalysts for linux and started to work on an hybrid driver half closed to catch up somehow (the linux trolls didn’t took that so well either). It is still sh*t btw, it’s called amd gpu-pro. 

The problem with open driver is that none of them would never totally release an open one since between drivers code there are a lot of perf. Techs they don’t want to share (compressing algorithms mostly). So it’s not at all a simple task, if you go fully closed you made linus torwalds mad, if you release everything in open: you spoils your techs… Quite a mess.

On windows drivers instead, it’s almost an year that Amd drivers overtaked the nvidia blob who became a total mess (just check some forums, like the nvidia official one, or the circle je**k subreddit from amd. Optimization on newest game became “day one granted”.

About vulkan check doom, an nvidia sponsored game that on amd litterally fly. Not 'cause of vulkan. But 'cause the devs just fully supported what vulkan/dx12 have whitin it’s standards. It’s the async compute. Something like multithreading, wich if implemented via hardware like amd did, can boost a lot performance. Nvidia instead “support” those only via software (which as can you imagine gives little to no bonus)  so when you see a new game wrote for not supporting via hardware async, nvidia have little to no improvements, amd the same (as rise of tomb raider, which is sponsored by green team). Nvidia will support this function via hardware just starting next gen (late 2017). So untill then the plan is: contain damage.

Btw people, buy whatever you are able to find as the best money/perf out there, leave this discussions to us nerds. In the end is all mostly circle jer…

16 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

About linux drivers, nvidia ones always worked almost flawlessy, but the community hate those.

that’s the thing, they work pretty much the same like on windows. Nvidia even implemented its own meta layer just to be able to remove some of the performance issues through X.


I don’t know what community you mean, but the majority of the linux community, that counts, don’t hate nvidia. It is de facto the standard card for linux gaming. The GNU guys want a clean open linux, but to be honest, they were always just a small group, and usually even they are not very fanatical. Fanboys (aka Haters) exist in all communities, but only because they are vocal on some media, it does not mean they represent anything more than themselfes. Usually the major cause to hate nvidia, is not owning one. And vice versa. You want to like what you got, perfectly human. But you know, as old school “registered linux user” (lol) hanging out on slashdot my viewpoint might be also on a different userbase.

No idea what would have become worse on windows? It is just like it was years ago. Of course I do not see AMDs side of drivers much. But for sure, on linux they still s*ck. For gaming.

The problem is mostly not the proprietary software, as linux deliberately supports such modules. It is a sad fact, that as long nvidia has the edge, it has to protect its software; not from amd by the way. amd however does try to show, it supports open source, but still, its als easier, if your own projects constantly fail, and get open sourced afterwards for the budget.

And I wrote, morally, nvidia might be booed. But… I mean realistcly speaking, AMD has more resources than nvidia, has all the current consoles too, I am also not really sorry for them.

g-sync and such stuff i have really no idea about. i am all for open software, open standards, but i understand if something is very new and very niche, you gotta get back the production money. in the end for me only the quality counts. back then nvidia went overboard to support us on linux. my main reason to buy nvidias became so i can optionally dual boot. but stuff like mantle becoming vulcan sound really cool from amd aswell now. I think, they also work together more, than we think, on some occasions. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) For them its business.


And cool thing is both support vulcan.

So sorry, I did not want to fend for nv on general, just sayin’ - in linux land, you gotta buy the more expensive ones anyway. And still, most of the problems you will be stuck with, will be more related with the game you want to play, than the video card drivers…

There is this old slashdot joke about the year of the linux desktop…

3 hours ago, g4borg said:

that’s the thing, they work pretty much the same like on windows…

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I don’t know what community you mean…

So sorry, I did not want to fend for nv on general, just sayin’ - in linux land, you gotta buy the more expensive ones anyway. And still, most of the problems you will be stuck with, will be more related with the game you want to play, than the video card drivers…

You should know that despite what I think about nvidia behave, I have no problem to recommend their cards when the situation “need” it. I won’t start an odd argument about who is better since what I think is that being a “fan” of whatever company who only interest is making money is pointless (instead I DO accept “hating” a company :P), and that would end with fanboys all over the places, trolling each others.

Geforce experience became mostly bloatware, that’s why I talked about “blob”. Also there are problems on newest software/hardware that aren’t being fixed for months (one for example is related to color trough hdmi). 

Amd never spent enough on linux driver 'cause the truth is that linux gaming are almost non existent. Too bad that it wasn’t only a performance issue, I for example gave up on dual boot linux on my main rig 'cause official driver didn’t supported my card at all.

About what I meant with community hates toward closed source: 


But guys, we are spamming the other guys thread xd

1 hour ago, Spongejohn said:

About what I meant with community hates toward closed source: 

heh, yeah linus lutherian as always. optimus did make him rage. but that’s rather, as you say, with these niche techs. same back then with nforce ethernet, which i had. so for linux i had to buy a dedicated ethernet card. it makes you wonder, why keep an ethernet card tech undocumented and unsupported… i totally get his rage.

this was 3 years ago, but i rather see this as a rant working with them - not really hating. especially, the girl is the best example, that most users aren’t ideologically motivated. and he did make them finally release more docs through it and this ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

otherwise, haters and fanbois are the same thing, just turned around imho.

nuf said anyway.

53 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

But guys, we are spamming the other guys thread xd

yeah may the listing of concurrent hardware continue.

Can you guys rewrite your specs with links to the specs specs? xD