
I’ll just be reposting all interesting information that appears on the game’s official website since we are going to update in regularly.

What do we have today?

Interview with Producer - Exclusive from Igromir-2011

New subsection in MEDIA that is featuring ARTWORK of our talented designers and artists. More of these are coming…

Today we present you a new pack of screenshots that demonstrate combat action and maneuveres of spaceships in Star Conflict



This certainly is looking to be the space combat game we all have been waiting for.

You’ve been looking forward to getting more details about Star Conflict’s spaceship systems and customisable modules, haven’t you? Well, today we reveal all basic information about them

Don’t forget to prepare properly for your future outer space deployment and check your basic gear right now!


Star Conflict FAQ has been updated this evening. Now it has what developers answered to communitie’s questions which we had gathered a week before.

Star Gem’srevealing more and more about the game - read it all now!

Dear Star Conflict community!

Developers are working at Star Conflict with passion and dedication, the game is currently at the Alpha-test stage. Professional testers together with developers are doing their best to optimize game’s performance, tune balance and fill it with lots of exciting content.

And obviously the project will soon be ready to reach the next level and that’s why today we can announce that Closed Beta-test of Star Conflict MMO Space action will start in Q1 2012.

We’ll open Sign-up webpage for all applicants in the second half of January 2012.

And today we, Gaijin Entertainment, and the developer of Star ConflictStar Gem Inc. – wish you a Happy New Year!

Our gifts are new sketches of space ships and a highly anticipated story that tells about dreadnoughts and how they were designed by a Star Conflict artist – Karanak.

I think this game will be better that Black Prophecy. Nice

I think this game will be better that Black Prophecy. Nice

I think so too. Ships design are beautifull. Far more better that there are in BGO or Black Prophecy. And more important: after “IL-2 Sturmovik” i know that physics will be great.

I think so too. Ships design are beautifull. Far more better that there are in BGO or Black Prophecy. And more important: after “IL-2 Sturmovik” i know that physics will be great.

Thank you! And welcome to the Gaijin forums.

By the way we are not actually developers of Star Conflict - we’re the publisher. However, the actual dev team (Star Gem, they are russians too) is a great studio with lots of great works. So yeah, SC is going to be a nice multiplayer space action.

Thanks for the welcome. It is good to be here. I’m waiting for Star Conflict for some time now. Today is just first day of my “let you know we are here, and we are waiting” :stuck_out_tongue:

Closed beta test is knocking on the doors, but we’ve got for you today is a pack of new screenshots taken from the latest version of Star Conflict



Closed beta test is knocking on the doors, but we’ve got for you today is a pack of new screenshots taken from the latest version of Star Conflict

I’ve searched a right comment for this new screenshots… but in my mind actually i have only few words… something like: i want to try star conflict - i want to try star conflict - i want to try star conflict… etc etc :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, great work… every new screenshot is really nice to watch :wink:

(anyway, i’ve found the “signup” link in the website, and i’ve already send my request, with the same nickname :wink: )

i wait beta knocking on my door… my birthday is close… i want beta as birthday gift :stuck_out_tongue:

Drool drool wipe off joystick.


We are ready to reveal more info about the in-game factions that will be featured in the game. Today we present you the first images of Empire, Federation of Free Planets and Jericho!

Check the out at the demo page here.

And if you are wondering what to do on the weekend - learn how to build an intergalactic clan dreadnought from the new Karanak’s article!


the new Screens looks nice but i miss some Screens with UI :slight_smile:

Hmmm religious extremists, military extremists and regular people trying to survive. Sounds strangely familiar…but then I’m big into harsh reality and originality, my bad…lol.

Well what can I say. The more I look on here the more I am beginning to fall in love with this game.

As an MMO gamer I have played many different games online beta tested in past and just finished in the beta days of Black Prophecy and since the days fro beta to current in BP man a lots changed and I have slowly parted with the game.

Even tho its now just come out of beta sometime last year I feel as tho it still is in beta because their is a lot unfinished in the game and they have took way too much out of the game added stupid stuff and this is their week points.

Even their support no longer listen to what the players want and I have pretty much given up hope with it . After been a beta tester for over a year I got not thx no support in what I said they did implement some features I mentioned but sadly removed them after beta I still play from time to time but I have Been looking for something to feed my hunger 01010.png

I did find a game called jump-gate evolution but sadly well everyone knows the story with them but I went back to their forums and found people posting other new MMO games that are currently and found this new game called Star-Conflict.

I am very impressed with detail and art work that’s gone into designing the ships this is simply amazing, looking at the detail that’s gone into the art work a lot of time has gone into the designs and I bow to the designers… I hope become a beta tester here to put forward ideas to the team to work into the game. I am coming up with ideas already and not even played this game yet.

Is there any ETA on when beta sign ups will be looked into. I see first Q of 2012 for alpha.

Is this game going to be a 1 time buy or airtime or free to play with premium shop ???

Cant wait for this to come out looking forward to the beta if i get selected for it and the release of it.