Welcome to the [Star Conflict 1.7.3.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/39976-star-conflict-173-ravens-flight/) discussion topic!
Welcome to the [Star Conflict 1.7.3.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/39976-star-conflict-173-ravens-flight/) discussion topic!
My Hammerhead wants it’s precious, precious speed returned.
Cruisers and asteroids don’t seem to spawn at the same frequency, and the new increased mission requirements are annoying.
Changing the Raven from including it’s unique equipment to not was kind of a dink move too.
Story of this entire event : People enter with one ship, leave battle as soon as Level 6 objective is not the right one, and make it 2x as long for everyone else because their ship attracts enemies 20km away that we then have to chase. I’ve been warp gating them out of bounds so the ship explodes, but it’s getting annoying.
Today : Task = Cruiser.
Next day : Task = Asteroids
Objective = AAC ACA
Wow looks like it decided to be nice for once lol
Gonna try be brief because there isn’t much to go over here really and echo some recent topics/discussions on discord regarding this patch and issues in Star Conflict overall.
Balance Pass
That Temple Change
It was already common practice before the task requirement increase for players to disconnect as soon as they had destroyed the desired objective or not gotten the objective they wanted to spawn. This change just makes completing the Raven task more of a chore and encourages further mass disconnections from the mission as a result. If the intention of this change was to increase player engagement/retention within the Temple of Last Hope mission - then it achieved the exact opposite.
Phase Shield
Bundled within the “Balance Pass” was a change to Phase Shield which was incorrectly labelled as it affected all guard special modules and not just Phase shield - with the change in question being that firing weapons now also disables the speed boost given by special modules. However, one change that happened which is beyond reason - is that taking damage no longer stops the speed bonus of Phase Shield but does for every other guard special module. This is completely counter-intuitive as Phase Shield allows for you to refresh the speed boost constantly whilst other special modules such as Reaper’s Bastion Shield or Custodian’s Protective Barrier 1.0 do not allow you to refresh the speed boost constantly due to the cooldown of the modules.
_ Other topics of note from the recent patches: _
I think you need to reconsider the mission task design.
Destroying 1 shot enemies as they walk in one by one, random chance of objective after spending 5 minutes doing this, up to 6 incorrect objectives in a row.
People can destroy objective in one shot = people miss out
People disconnect because the mission is so boring.
The temple of last hope mission is not really suitable for grinding a task. People tend to do it once or twice or start as a high level as a challenge, not sitting around at waves 5-11 where you may have no rewards after 10 minutes.