Star Conflict 1.6.7 (Discussion)

Seed chips were un-nerfed!! (except the pulsar reflected damage one)



ROF still not reverted, it will be really nice if it happen (:

Rate of Fire chips? Mine still seem to be not affected by the recent update. i.e. the same as they always were

yes [increase main rate of fire, reduce damage] was reverted, but [increase main rate of fire] are not they receive a ~25% reduction, also for module reloading and range chips they get ~40% reduction as well, I have a whole sheet of 120 chips with parameter recorded which I collected so far, so any changes is obvious.

I have read that they are going to nerf chips again.


Pilots! UMC reports that some of the Seed-chips worked incorrectly with certain types of weapons.

Using such Seed-chips is dangerous for mercenaries, so on March 5, part of the balanced Seed-chips will stop working with incompatible weapons.

Incompatible are the Seed-chips that alter the characteristics missing from the weapon

I was wondering what chips they were going to nerf? Those which make electrostatic discharges and rockets and gravitational anomalies?
For example, here is one chip which can “alter the characteristics missing from the weapon”. Are THESE chips going to be nerfed? What characteristics exactly are going to be nurfed? Are the chips going to be removed completely, or just one characteristic is going to ne removed? Should I burn them now, or will they partially stay useful for some other ship characteristics?

