Welcome to the [Star Conflict 1.6.11.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/39695-star-conflict-1611-strike-of-the-empire/) discussion topic!
Welcome to the [Star Conflict 1.6.11.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/39695-star-conflict-1611-strike-of-the-empire/) discussion topic!
Well, the good part is that progression is not random, the bad one is that it’s in seccon only, and assuming you only get the task once a day it will take a minimum of a month to get it, meaning you need to play seccon daily for a month straight, for some players it might not be a problem, but I would’ve really appreciated something more accessible, even if it’s slower.
Well, for a major update this feels very… well, not major.
Dart and Gargoyle in OS
Well… that’s kinda it for this update. Someone page me when they finally get Tier 6 Destroyers because jesus christ stop making everything take ages to grind out, I haven’t even gotten Scylla yet because the grind takes soooooooo looooooooooong.
At this point we’re constantly waiting to make stuff that takes metric butt loads of resources because committing to any grind is barely worth it.
Is there any deadline for “Battle for Gungnir” task ?
At least new ship is not random. At least it doesn’t demand a victory in sector conquest, it will be “fun” ruining some conquest battles ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)
1 hour ago, TheDerpNukem said:
I haven’t even gotten Scylla yet because the grind takes soooooooo looooooooooong.
I am still waiting to get my first router from Spec Ops. Not even thinking about getting 25 of them. I already gave up. I can’t express how bad is getting components for Scylla, it’s T5 Ze’Ta level of being crap.
1 hour ago, TheDerpNukem said:
The red tip is uh… an interesting design choice
Why is this game so hopeless?
It’s getting worse with each new patch.
Jumping ping, packet loss, if he throws me on a Russian or American server, it’s a tragedy - you can’t fly.
Gaijin is about to fix something, will it stay as it is?
1 hour ago, MMagic308 said:
Why is this game so hopeless?
It’s getting worse with each new patch.
Jumping ping, packet loss, if he throws me on a Russian or American server, it’s a tragedy - you can’t fly.
Gaijin is about to fix something, will it stay as it is?
Not sure how to say this nicely but that’s a you problem not a starcon problem. Yeah I agree that the Russian servers are miserable, but the others are fab with a half decent internet connection.
The patches have only brought good things to my knowledge too. (besides nerfs/buffs for things those always hurt some and help some)
Looks like a interesting ship. So would it be available as a another _ DLC _ ? And~ when will you team could rebalance the Ellydium’s ship?
One more thing , anyone can reply me how to translate the game or a link, I want to translate it into Chinese personally .
*doing missions for 1xc each for hours*
*finally hits 500*
*return to hangar*
*event ended during the last mission*
3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
*doing missions for 1xc each for hours*
*finally hits 500*
*return to hangar*
*event ended during the last mission*
I managed to get 35 monos in the last second with the last point lol
I got my 35 monos and then they extended the event for 1 day, I might have been able to get another box or the 1000 lol
I got the 1000 and the 500 for monos, the OS tasks are the best way to farm xenochips
So yeah I banked for the Gungnir.
Here is my opinion:
The Beam Artillery Disintegrator: Garbage, not entirely of course. But WAY less versatility because you are forced to land, annoying delay because animation and then you fire, sure, you fire with a beam that is instantanous, however - you fire a charge beam first that does next to no damage and your barrel speed reduces to 10 degrees per second, anything maneuverable will be impossible to hit, contrary to the regular one, the further away the enemy is, the easier they are to hit. But since you are on a fixed position that also gives way more space for cover to be in between you and your target, so you basically never get good shots and that is on the good maps, including dreads. I would put the regular one over the new one in every sitiuation, not to mention it is entirely unusable on most maps.
The Zoom (CPU Mod): Very cool, sometimes useful, not essential - but cool.
The Weapon: Damage is ok, versus interceptors the damage is weak but its explosion can literally turn around opponents and rapidly spin them, making an attack a real pain in the xxxx, it would be really effective if it weren’t for it doing damage to the user as well, so if someone gets close to you as the enemy often likes to do, shooting them often just does more damage to yourself than them, making it useless for self defense at the moment in many cases. It gives your Disintegrator the same Damage as a Mk5 Beam Cannon, but less than a Mk5 Dagtnith / Positron / Mass Driver
Barrier Blast: 33.33% Slow for 6 seconds on hit, entirely forgettable on the regular Disintegrator as you can never ensure a hit, plus the fact that Scattering, Thruster and 1 Heal are a given, you would never trade it for Tachyon. On the beam disintegrator weapon overcharge generally pays off better, tachyon increases the charge up speed but it is not worth it. Barrier Blast also has a Bug that it is not affected by the 20% Cooldown Reduction from the Ship’s Bonus, therefore making it even more useless.
The Ship itself: Well essentially you have Archdragon and Project 1011 having a baby, Ups: Zoom, a bit more turn rate and obviously glorious reload speed for modules…
But it does not have the raw fire rate / DPS of Project nor does it have the long distance immunity of Archdragon. I would not call it superior to either per se and it certainly is not better than Atlas with its permanent camo, double jump or reload plus slightly more Disintegrator Damage.
Beam Disintegrator is supposed to sell the ship, it absolutely does not. It is a fun and cool module but performance wise it falls short of the regular Disintegrator (which in my opinion as a Long Range Player in PvP is already not worth it because your precision is absolute garbage as everyone is fast and maneuverable, only Tachyon hits can really count and anything that can actually do beacons and deliver 5 times the damage will be way better than any LRF) - For Dreadnoughts, the regular Disintegrator is still better because hitting torpedos with the beam sucks and inflicting DPS to dreadnought parts is easier with the regular one. Get it for free for collecting purposes, under no circumstance can I recommend paying for parts or buying the DLC when that eventually comes out, it is not worth it.
12 minutes ago, OmegaFighter said:
The Beam Artillery Disintegrator: Garbage, not entirely of course. But WAY less versatility because you are forced to land, annoying delay because animation and then you fire
I’m not gonna lie, despite the looks, I was really looking forward to this ship, I thought it might change up dreadnoughts meta a little, but after hearing this, I am severely disappointed
Y’all need to test your ships before you release them
Also Scylla grind broke
So, the only thing I got know is that this Gunir would not in DLC in a short time? And the game would not has some content extend except the ship and ships.
Years passing with this game from about 17 to 22 now, I am finding out that I have less time for this game than younger me.
Maybe it’s time for real life. World has changed to now , and its changing back?
My First Question: the module says cooldown 10s: is that for landing or does the disintegrator fire at 1/3 the rate of a normal disintegrator in addition to being 1/2 as strong?
that makes it only 1/6 the firepower of a normal LRF’s disintegrator, and that drop in DPS makes it seem less than attractive to the potential DLC buyer (me, cause I’m not grinding it)
even with the damage increases, it still does 1/2 damage to dessies and 1/4 damage to frigates. (rough estmates on the numbers)
–the LRF’s role is damage support and torpedo sniping in sec con. A 10s reload would mean it could only shoot one torpedo, and it’s reduced damage means it might not kill it… The ship potentially loses it’s role-value in Sec Con, and since the ship requires sec con to grind… one would assume the ship should have some value in sec con…
Second Question: will the ship be pulled off it’s landing mode by gravity and collision effects? (while not a huge issue to the Pilgrim, getting pulled off and interupted would be more of an issue for a LRF than it would be for a fighter… especially since it’s a Sec-Con grind, ergo it’s a Sec-Con ship, so it’s going to see tons of gravity spam.)
–IF its immune to being pulled around by gravity when docked, that would make it potentially worth it’s loss in Disintegrator damage
Third Question: When is the DLC coming out?