Star Conflict 1.5.0d (Discussion)

Welcome to the discussion of the new [Star Conflict 1.5.0d Update!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/35845-star-conflict-150d/)



First thing first, update is really great, new effect, sounds and slight buff… cov ops modules are really interesting and so does the new weapon mechanics, the frontal gun. But I somehow think it would have been better on a frigate. The deconstructor is op, definitely need a nerf^^, and the torpedo should be a bit easier to use, 10° instead of 5. I really like the small dessy buff but spec modules for the tyrant and vigilant won’t work if a static shield is deployed in front of the target. Bug or intentional? Waiting for the wolfhound!

Ohhh boy… this update is just. Odd.


Okay let’s take this from the top.





Synergy level bonus changes

Most of these seem fine but I personally am sad to see the Nodachi A’s EM bonuses go since it worked so well with a strafe setup.


New Covert Ops items…

Now where to begin with these… the Deconstructor  NEEDS NERFING NOW. This blasted weapon 2 shots interceptor hulls, mauls frigates and tears through Destroyers like they were made of wet tissue paper. This is not fine. At all. Yes Cov Ops is supposed to be allowed to do massive burst damage for hit and run attacks, BUT THIS IS NOT FINE. ONE SHIP SHOULD BE NOT BE ABLE TO DO 26K A SHOT.

Eh hmm, now with that out of the way…

-Front blaster seems okay on paper but is literally unusable with over 200 ping

-Supernova Torp is too sensitive to movement and should lock you in place during charge ala the anomaly generator

-Tactical warp is literally useless as it leaves you stranded once you warp allowing the person you warped behind to turn around and blast your dumb face off

-RAD atomizer is okay and gives some nice AoE damage in a cone (which is a tad too small)

-Reaver I haven’t tried so I dunno if gud or not

-Emergency retreat is amazing and actually works as intended unlike half the other modules in this update,

-Mass interference sounds annoying so should be nice to use once it isn’t locked behind xenochips

-Projectile irradiator should not burn energy and add extra damage to shots; it should be one or the other.


Most of the passive modifiers sound kinda mediocre and don’t seem good enough to take the place of adaptives and the whatnot.


Destroyer buff… kinda

So listed in the patch notes is a buff to hull and shield which if you’ve played a Destroyer in the last six months is literally useless. What WASN’T listed in the patch notes is the reduction of the bonus damage field which has been shrunken back down to 1km rather than 1.25km. Although this is far from ideal (0km when?) both of these changes mean nothing because literally all of the Covert Ops new modules and buffs seem to have been designed to be a hard counter to Destroyers. 


tl;dr Don’t use a Destroyer in PvP till deconstructor gets nerfed hard.


Weapon buffs

Yay I guess? Most of these sound okay and don’t break the balance as blatantly as other things from this update so I guess this is a victory in my books.


Module buffs/nerfs

Same deal as with weapon buffs, most of these were either warranted for or don’t have a significant impact on overall performace. They are appreciated regardless, especially the overdrive recharge reduction but the overall performance of these modules won’t change drastically.


On the note of Autorepair however… with the addition of this modifier the possibility of legitimately viable hull repair is on the cards now as Regenerative coating just doesn’t cut it for anything but an Interceptor or Fed fighter. Perhaps Autorepair should be allowed to be installed on all Fighters, Frigates and Destroyers but only allow for one of the modifier to operate to stop for full hull regen builds and limit regenerative coating to interceptors? Just some food for thought.


Ninja Changes Noticed So Far

-Destroyer bonus damage field was reduced to 1000m (I haven’t checked numbers completely to see if the modifier was increased in turn >.>)

-Nukes got buffed kinda. There are now 2 charges in a cartridge with a 20 second cooldown but damage has been reduced in turn.



This patch was fantastic until I realised Deconstructor now exists. Remove it or nerf it hard - it should never have been permitted to exist.


And just let us kit destroyers with credits dammit. The trading system sucks and kitting new dessies takes almost literally forever.


autorepair for my spark, very nice. Thank you for overdrive cooldown also.

1 hour ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Ohhh boy… this update is just. Odd.


Okay let’s take this from the top.





Synergy level bonus changes

Most of these seem fine but I personally am sad to see the Nodachi A’s EM bonuses go since it worked so well with a strafe setup.


New Covert Ops items…

Now where to begin with these… the Deconstructor  NEEDS NERFING NOW. This blasted weapon 2 shots interceptor hulls, mauls frigates and tears through Destroyers like they were made of wet tissue paper. This is not fine. At all. Yes Cov Ops is supposed to be allowed to do massive burst damage for hit and run attacks, BUT THIS IS NOT FINE. ONE SHIP SHOULD BE NOT BE ABLE TO DO 26K A SHOT.

Eh hmm, now with that out of the way…

-Front blaster seems okay on paper but is literally unusable with over 200 ping

-Supernova Torp is too sensitive to movement and should lock you in place during charge ala the anomaly generator

-Tactical warp is literally useless as it leaves you stranded once you warp allowing the person you warped behind to turn around and blast your dumb face off

-RAD atomizer is okay and gives some nice AoE damage in a cone (which is a tad too small)

-Reaver I haven’t tried so I dunno if gud or not

-Emergency retreat is amazing and actually works as intended unlike half the other modules in this update,

-Mass interference sounds annoying so should be nice to use once it isn’t locked behind xenochips

-Projectile irradiator should not burn energy and add extra damage to shots; it should be one or the other.


Most of the passive modifiers sound kinda mediocre and don’t seem good enough to take the place of adaptives and the whatnot.


Destroyer buff… kinda

So listed in the patch notes is a buff to hull and shield which if you’ve played a Destroyer in the last six months is literally useless. What WASN’T listed in the patch notes is the reduction of the bonus damage field which has been shrunken back down to 1km rather than 1.25km. Although this is far from ideal (0km when?) both of these changes mean nothing because literally all of the Covert Ops new modules and buffs seem to have been designed to be a hard counter to Destroyers. 


tl;dr Don’t use a Destroyer in PvP till deconstructor gets nerfed hard.


Weapon buffs

Yay I guess? Most of these sound okay and don’t break the balance as blatantly as other things from this update so I guess this is a victory in my books.


Module buffs/nerfs

Same deal as with weapon buffs, most of these were either warranted for or don’t have a significant impact on overall performace. They are appreciated regardless, especially the overdrive recharge reduction but the overall performance of these modules won’t change drastically.


On the note of Autorepair however… with the addition of this modifier the possibility of legitimately viable hull repair is on the cards now as Regenerative coating just doesn’t cut it for anything but an Interceptor or Fed fighter. Perhaps Autorepair should be allowed to be installed on all Fighters, Frigates and Destroyers but only allow for one of the modifier to operate to stop for full hull regen builds and limit regenerative coating to interceptors? Just some food for thought.


Ninja Changes Noticed So Far

-Destroyer bonus damage field was reduced to 1000m (I haven’t checked numbers completely to see if the modifier was increased in turn >.>)

-Nukes got buffed kinda. There are now 2 charges in a cartridge with a 20 second cooldown but damage has been reduced in turn.



This patch was fantastic until I realised Deconstructor now exists. Remove it or nerf it hard - it should never have been permitted to exist.


And just let us kit destroyers with credits dammit. The trading system sucks and kitting new dessies takes almost literally forever.


agreed, also the NY18 changes are nice, on a side note, I like how the front blaster appears in the color of the ship, please do this with all weapons

Good patch overall, the only gripe I have is with the missle module on destroyers, why were Federation destroyers the ONLY destroyers buffed to 5 seconds reload? Makes no sense that the Empire and Jericho destroyers are still stuck at 15 seconds on reload.

BOLD CAPS THX to Dev’s for the Object NY18 rework HURRAY!!!   its really a good ship for PVE and PVP now … GREAT JOB Dev’s !!!


Is Guard next ? Inquiring minds want to know ![:fighter:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fighter.gif “:fighter:”)

15 minutes ago, HBZK100 said:

Good patch overall, the only gripe I have is with the missle module on destroyers, why were Federation destroyers the ONLY destroyers buffed to 5 seconds reload? Makes no sense that the Empire and Jericho destroyers are still stuck at 15 seconds on reload.

jerry has an 8 sec reload ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)






i agree

deconstructor seems kind of strong. As in I’m currently grinding jericho covops just to make people miserable with it and i never play jericho ships strong.

That’s good.(improved stabilty) because if you gonna make your next big update focus being open space. You will need an Enormous stability improvement.

1 hour ago, HBZK100 said:

Good patch overall, the only gripe I have is with the missle module on destroyers, why were Federation destroyers the ONLY destroyers buffed to 5 seconds reload? Makes no sense that the Empire and Jericho destroyers are still stuck at 15 seconds on reload.

I think it’s because fed is the middle ground. Not as strong in shield nor hull. Hence giving it the ability to heal/protect itself a bit better.

okay, my opinions



  • deconstructor - funny, but its waaay too overpowered, and i hope you fix that faster, because its even ridiculously op compared to thi’es and thermal burner release. i mean how did you let this slip through testing, seriously, who balances like this, its already op on paper.
  • “front blaster” on the other hand is borderline useless, and why does r12 not get access to this


overall: its maybe okay to have only a few weapons, we already have a lot of ceptor weapons, but i do miss some addition to the short range dogfight arsenal. skrah could need some buff, btw. it was overnerfed. just realized it through this patch. please fix the op weapon soon. even if its funny, of course, covert ops will not dominate like lokis or sparks or other ships with current mechanics, as they are easier to kill overall.



  • reaper-8 converter: if it were anything but a shield module, it would be useful. like this, its kinda useless…
  • reserve shield system: kinda meh. yet again, as shield module… shield is just too valuable for covert ops to sacrifice a slot like this.
  • cpu adaptive plugin: best of the passives. by far.
  • thermoprojector: okay, since it gives 20% recharge. unfortunately only low rank, and yet again shield module, albeit, this kinda is okay there.


overall: i expected more passives. maybe e.g. a hull adaptive module, or an adaptive which gives 80% of the adaptive shields values and 30% hull adaptive res aswell or sth similar. also disappointing, its covert ops, and nothing done for engine slots.



  • emergency retreat: why not 7-12? this way its unusable in high ranks, and basicly only usable on 3 ships… kind of a waste really. why even 7to11 is a good question, if all ships using it are r9.
  • quantum defence: nice its available to all ceptors for credits, even the peregrin. one of the more useful modules overall.
  • projectile irradiator: i like this one. i guess it does not stack, like the command module
  • mass interference generator: nice alternative to white noise, since i suggested such a module once, i am happy about it, but i would probably not take it with the unique limit.
  • tactical warp: funny concept, but i have yet to use it usefully. i find i get warped a bit too far from the target for it to be useful for a plasma arc combo.
  • supernova torp, rad atomizer: i dont like direct damage modules, but its okay they are there.
  • reaver energy converter: still unsure what to think.
  • mass plasma disturbance: i like this one, even if its a damage module, since its a nice beacon denial module, even if i dislike beacon denial through damage by now as game mechanic.

overall: disappointed we have no missile reload effectors, remote detonator for nukes, speed sprint modules, or something to keep other ceptors locked in a dogfight, or generally modules to keep the co longer in a fight, like repairs. generally, you can feel that there is not much of love given for the CO, compared to the overadored gunships.

a bit disappointed about the modules themselves, especially lack of chosable passives, and that the only highlight is the op weapon of the week.



What even is “autprepair”?

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

What even is “autprepair”?

the hull passive module for gunships, which gives hull regen.

Oh gotcha.

11 hours ago, g4borg said:

okay, my opinions



  • deconstructor - funny, but its waaay too overpowered, and i hope you fix that faster, because its even ridiculously op compared to thi’es and thermal burner release. i mean how did you let this slip



I think that shield bypass weapons are really unfair to the point where you force only one choice for implant selection. and if that wasnt bad enough, you can have this weapon at lower tiers where you can kill people who do not have access to that implant.

if I were to put it in a category, it would be in the community killer category. This weapon would definitely make new players uninstall. It takes a lot of effort (and aim) to counter, something your mixed white and green, t8 tackler pilot probably won’t have vs one of the many people in this community who go seal clubbing. You can argue “why don’t they go to co-op then?” and while that is valid, driving players out of a game mode to go fight bots against their desires might just be ruining the entire experience for them.

8 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Oh gotcha.

it’s very nice for spark, i’ve played around with a full wolverine style hull fit but with the deconstructor going around I think its better if i stack kinetic and use armadillo. I think its bordering on broken for long range build

8 hours ago, Battlecruiser_NA said:

I think its bordering on broken for long range build

Considering it has like a 2,250m range…

just slap a horizon on and own the sob. Or drain their energy. Once they have no energy, they can’t fire it.

Object fcking overpowered. NERF it

Only one Object in enemy team and i almost never have energy, its like the object modules which stops energy regeneration is always active. I cant fly without energy, cant use modules, this is just bullshit.

There are already tons of speed and maneuverability de-buffs which makes it really hard for interceptors. I am having no more fun flying interceptor classes , they are weak and supposed to avoid incoming damage, but that is almost impossible with all those slowing de-buffs.

4 hours ago, MathModelSim said:

Object fcking overpowered. NERF it

Only one Object in enemy team and i almost never have energy, its like the object modules which stops energy regeneration is always active. I cant fly without energy, cant use modules, this is just bullshit.

There are already tons of speed and maneuverability de-buffs which makes it really hard for interceptors. I am having no more fun flying interceptor classes , they are weak and supposed to avoid incoming damage, but that is almost impossible with all those slowing de-buffs.

stop complaining before you get our beloved NY18 nerfed into oblivion, it’s fine as is, if energy is a problem work with engineering frigates, they can give you energy still, now stop before you do any damage


If it is such a huge problem, get an engi to fly with or stay back a few km from any nearby NY18.