Star Conflict 1.3.8b Synergy Problem

Since we’re waiting on a dev or someone to start the official thread for Star Conflict 1.3.8b I wanted to post here and see if a dev will comment on the issue…



Ship tree

Introduced several tweaks to ship tree


‘Deimos’ moved to rank 5

Added a link between ‘Hercules Arrow’ and ‘Deimos’


‘Fox’ moved to rank 5
Added a link between ‘Lynx Mk II’ and ‘Fox’

Added a link between ‘Machete’ and ‘Machete AE’

Availability settings have also been changed for lower-rank ships

To make a rank 3 ship available for purchase, you need to level a rank 1 ship to synergy level 4

To make a rank 3 ship available for purchase, you need to level a rank 2 ship to synergy level 3

To make a rank 4 ship available for purchase, you need to level a rank 2 ship to synergy level 4

To make a rank 4 ship available for purchase, you need to level a rank 3 ship to synergy level 3

To make a rank 5 ship available for purchase, you need to level a rank 3 ship to synergy level 4 


So… this is fine and dandy but what is not fine is the fact that upon logging in to the game after said patch had been implemented my Fleet Strength went down to 21 from 23 because my Deimos and Fox were no longer maxed synergy.

I had 120k Synergy on my Deimos because I happened to be using it earlier the other day to farm missions for credits. My Fox how ever though is still 7/8 and it needs 42.5k Synergy to bump it back to max…

Are players going to be compensated?? I already spent time and even money because I took advantage of the 50% Synergy Bonus weekend and now 85,000 Synergy is just gone like I never even did any work for it… I read English chat and I wasn’t the only one who had this issue.


So a reply from the ticket I got was 


Thank you for contacting Gaijin Customer Support.

These ships were moved to the higher ranks and now require more synergy. Unfortunately we cannot compensate you anything.

sooo I spend $5 to progress in the game and then literately days later after the event that progression I just made is gone… wow… some business they run. Milk people for cash/money then turn around and make changes to the game that completely change progression and require you to grind MORE and the fact that the event is now over.

Seems super shady to me. Just the fact they have something in the game and then allow people to pay money then go and change the progression mechanics without any compensation that actually affects me… I feel like I just GAVE Gaijin $5 for free and said here ya go. I didn’t even get anything out of it cept maybe some credits that’s it.

Edit: Oh and loyalty er reputation what ever it is with the factions.

As I can see you didn’t loose anything. All synergy you’ve gathered still have to be with your ships. But when they were moved to another ranks, requirements have changed,  and now they have to be upgraded a little more to be maxed.

As I can see you didn’t loose anything. All synergy you’ve gathered still have to be with your ships. But when they were moved to another ranks, requirements have changed, and now they have to be upgraded a little more to be maxed.

That’s not correct. He lost 2 % Fleet strength. That’s 2% less synergy gain. And additionally the grind of the new synergy levels that take battles themself. That’s a lot of time/battle needed to compensate the lost 2 % Fleet strength. There’s your need for compensation.

That’s not correct. He lost 2 % Fleet strength. That’s 2% less synergy gain. And additionally the grind of the new synergy levels that take battles themself. That’s a lot of time/battle needed to compensate the lost 2 % Fleet strength. There’s your need for compensation.


He lost 2% of fleet strength, but it’s really easy to regain the same fleet strength. The ships only need to be maxed out. It’s only one more level.

It’s about 90k synergy to get both ships maxed out again. It shouldn’t take long to get.

Still annoying but, already done, Close Thread.

next time add this info to patch change log not only change rank and added links between ships


i mean you added 1 level for those which already maxed deimos and fox