Star Conflict 1.3.7 Update #1

Star Conflict 1.3.7 Update #1


Pilots! An important update has been installed on the servers. We changed several key parameters of the new matchmaking system and the ship Reaper. Fixed critical bugs.


Additional changes have been made to the matchmaking system. This will have a positive impact on queue time for some players, as well as team sizes.

Decreased queue times for high effectiveness pilots.

If a couple of these players is in the queue for too long, they can get into a team, with a slightly lower average pilot level.

Their number in such battles is limited


Co-op mode now also has additional player drafts.

It will reduce waiting time and increase the amount of players in a team.

Premium ship Reaper

After analyzing combat data from pilots we decided to strengthen several parameters of the ship

Improved shield strength by 30% for ‘Bastion Shield’

Sped up ‘Tractor Beam’ recharge by 30%

Increased projectile speed and traction strength by 25% for ‘Harpoon’ Launcher

Bug fixes

Fixed post-battle endorsements

Fixed a bug with incorrect Gravity Lens damage

Fixed a bug with converting components of Phoenix and Reaper into monocrystals when purchasing the special bundle container and in Trophy search.

Fixed a bug with Particle Purge that allowed pilots to bypass station protection

Fixed critical crash bugs

Fixed a bug with drones after beacon capture

Fixed a bug with a disappearing ‘Focusing Lens’ blueprint. Now the pilots, who have already learned these weapons, can see it available for production once again. The blueprint is also available for studying.