Star Conflict 1.3.3 Update #3

Star Conflict 1.3.3 Update #3


Pilots! In this update destroyers are getting their legendary weapons. All pilots can further improve the parameters of their destroyers’ guns. We also made balance tweaks tied to active modules and ship weapons that can effectively fight against the destroyers.

UMC engineers developed special tech based on alien technologies that allows pilots to further improve the armaments of their destroyers. The first blueprints to allow weapon upgrades to legendary level will only work with standard on-board weapons of rank 8 destroyers
Weapons of rank 8 destroyers can now be upgraded to legedary level
‘Coilgun’ can be upgraded
‘Meson Cannon’ can be upgraded
Resources are required to upgrade weapons
Including monocrystals
Including neodium plates

Balancing tweaks have been introduced for a number of modules
Slightly inproved ‘Anomaly Generator’ module
Damage increased by 15%
One more charge in the clip
Changed ‘Missile Shield’ parameters
For rank 4-8 module time between missile takedowns is now 1.1 s
For rank 7-11 module time between missile takedowns is now 1.0 s
For rank 10-14 module time between missile takedowns is now 0.9 s
For rank 13-15 module time between missile takedowns is now 0.8 s

Improved synergy gain system for battles with larget ships:
Now pilots get more synergy, if they kill or help kill enemy frigates and destroyers in PvE and ‘Open Space’ since these classes have high durability and destroying them takes significant effort.

Pilots can now use ‘Apocalypse’ missiles starting with rank 10 ship battles
Slightly enhanced ‘Firestorm’ missiles to help pilots fight against destroyers

Improved algorithm for distributing open space servers. In particular, ‘Open Space’ servers for players from the region of America are now created in their home region
Pilots who gave their votes to DNO in the in-game poll all get 25 Galactic Standards.
