Star Conflict 1.3.2

Star Conflict 1.3.2

Mercenaries! On February 1 Star Conflict celebrates its fourth birthday! UMC proudly congratulates all pilots on this date and announces the start of a succession of special assignments, dedicated to this event. A new customer, who wished to remain anonymous contacted the Centre. This customer is interested in the development of ‘Klauss Inc’ technology for conversion of obsolete plants. All negotiations are carried out exclusively by a representative of the customer, the Broker. Performing the aforementioned tasks allow you to build rank 11 destroyers ahead of everyone else.




Getting ready for new destroyers

Docks are preparing to launch the next generation of destroyers — huge and powerful rank 11 ships. The new destroyers will be available to all pilots in the coming months. We recommend that you start gathering the necessary resources right now. Be one of the first pilots to get a new destroyer!

Building more advanced rank 11 destroyers requires a rare ingredient, beryllium. All the properties of beryllium are not yet known to our scientists, however it’s well established that the component allows you to build much more powerful destroyers.

Currently beryllium can only be obtained by performing the Broker’s daily tasks associated with eliminating enemies with destroyer weapons


Players vs. AI

Pilots! We invite you to try your hand at a new game mode against enemies controlled by artificial intelligence developed by the Blackwood corporation.

This mode is an easier version of ‘Skirmish’ that allows you to progress in the game in less difficult conditions, but the speed of your progress is reduced

To get into this mode you have to press ‘To Battle’ and select ‘Versus AI’

Gameplay is identical to ‘Skirmish’

Players get rewards for fighting in this mode

Rewards rates equal 60% of synergy and 100% of credits gain rates in ‘Skirmish’ game mode

The number of wins/losses as well as ships eliminated in this mode count as PvE statistics

Pilot rating is not affected in this mode

This mode allows squads up to 8 pilots




Star Conflict’s birthday

We congratulate all the pilots on this wonderful day — Star Conflict’s fourth birthday. We wish you victories in battle, more adventures, new friends and a festive mood. May all your dreams come true! During the festive events you will find:

Special birthday ship colouring scheme

Special festive missiles

A special achievement that can only be obtained during the festivities


SC Leagues

Changed battles times for League games. They are now held

From 3:00 to 5:59 UTC

From 16:00 to 18:59 UTC

From 19:00 to 20:59 UTC

From 21:00 to 23:59 UTC

Changed the process of moving pilots between teams

You can no longer quit teams when League battles are ongoing, but you can still join teams at any time

Removing pilots from teams is also forbidden

The captain can now send no more than 14 invitations into his team




Pressing [Ctrl] now changes control mode for destroyers

Continuously holding down [Ctrl] is no longer required


Added new achievements for destroyer pilots



Ingame mail

Ingame mail messages can now be marked as important

Only messages sent by developers through the ingame mail system can be marked as important

Important messages are highlighted in red

If there is at least one important message among the unread ones, the mail icon will also be highlighted


Improved backgrounds for several windows in Hangar

Added the ability to increase ship synergy without installing it into combat slots

The options is available in the ship tree by right-clicking ship icons

Improved icons for fully upgraded ships in the ship tree


Bug fixes

Fixed rank bugs in several blueprints

Fixed positions for a number of items that can be found in opened space

Fixed a bug with destroyer module display in Store

Fixed a bug in ship assignment window

Fixed graphical effects for modules in use
