Stalemate Fix

So probably the least fun to be held from a single PvP match is from a stalemate. To fix these horrendous things, I suggest something be added to PvP matches that keeps them going. Here are a few example ideas:


Fuel scoops: Every ship is equipped with a fuel scoop by default because fuel supplies are dwindling due to tensions between factions. Every ship killed will cause a cloud of fuel to be sprayed out, each must be flown through to be collected. Every ship has a limited amount of fuel, and combat is the only way to refuel. Once they are out of fuel, they experience loss of shields, and extremely low energy regeneration.

Key targets: Government officials are sent to battle in some ships to collect data and determine their collective’s next course of action. Killing an enemy ship that is carrying an official will result in a small payout of GS (5-25). Nobody but the enemy team can see which ship has an official in it, and therefore attacks on these ships will be fierce.

The Virus: An alien virus encroaches from the edges of the map inward as the battle rages, forcing pilots to fight in closer and closer proximity. Any ships who are touched by the virus are transformed in to a weak crystal ship that attacks both teams.

Draw in PvP is lame agreed but not sure its worth the effort considering all the other things that need fixing would trump this tremendously. However as a future project its ideal. Another possible solution would be, just like in hockey, if there is a draw then the top player in each side does a face off. Considering that they could take a long time killing each other they are infected with a virus for example that drains 5% of there shields and hull per second and if that ends as draw then its truly draw.

Maybe bad idea but no idea is worse and triggering better ideas is always good… ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Maybe also like in baseball go into overtime until one of the teams gets another kill and possibly infect everyone with a virus as well… The virus thing I think is somewhat clever. Maybe gas storm passes through due to being in there too long or whatever just to add to the story line… Meh whatever… O.o


Wow Nice idea!

I’m actually liking the idea, the more mayhem the better :Đ

5 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The Virus: An alien virus encroaches from the edges of the map inward as the battle rages, forcing pilots to fight in closer and closer proximity. Any ships who are touched by the virus are transformed in to a weak crystal ship that attacks both teams.

This one especially could be really fun. Well, i’ll keep my expectatives low in the fun department after survival game mode, but it sounds good.

So just make up a sudden death scenario… Radiation, rising water, decreasing battle area (needs soft edges to avoid red collision effect), insta-gib, etc.

13 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

So just make up a sudden death scenario… Radiation, rising water, decreasing battle area (needs soft edges to avoid red collision effect), insta-gib, etc.

Okay so the virus one, except it slowly transforms them instead of an instant “u died fool”

Spawn a defiler in the middle  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)