Stabilizer rail/ hail plasma

They are a nightmare for interceptors. The project speed is freaking high, combine this with the 30% project speed implante and you have a ultimate interceptor rape weapon. Is almost impossible do something with someone firing in you with this: If you try concentrate fire you will be smoked, if you keep moving you kill nothing and is destoyed by someone using this.

I think lasers also does the job.

But you can null great part of laser damage, but the stabilizer and hail just tear you apart, look:

The first pic i was one shooted, the second 2 hits kill me




the thing about the plasma sniper is that it can charge so it dosent necessarily do more dmg except when u charge it, it deals heaps of dmg in 1 hit

This is no bug report, therefore it will be moved.

The speed on the weapons is not the problem. I firmly believe that moving sniper weapons to a % Base damage value is better then a impact base damage value.

This way, interceptors dont get super shooted, and frigates undershotted.

Something like 10-15% Per hit is probably the best way to do it.

on top of this heavy weapons should be moved to frigate only, and should be tailored to only be able to hit frigates. this will encourage more frigate on frigate fire.

Speed is your friend, and so is an emergency barrier lol.

Then emergency barrier is a must? Where is the diversification then? Speed is indeed my friend (687) but even spining and turnig like a boss , the stabilizer/hail can hit you with precision.

Then emergency barrier is a must? Where is the diversification then? Speed is indeed my friend (687) but even spining and turnig like a boss , the stabilizer/hail can hit you with precision.

A must… hardly. No more a must then having above average piloting skills, situational awareness, ability to judge an engagement, and knowing how best to use your chosen modules are a requirement to flying an interceptor WELL. Any mook can buy/strap into a interceptor, but the afore mentioned credentials makes a WORLD of difference between someone that finds stab rails and hail plasma to be “raping” them, or an interceptor pilot that has little problem ambushing their chosen target an taking them down.


If your the sort that flies an interceptor with the mistaken idea that every enemy you face is only an average shot and that tooling across open space is a “good” idea, then yes you’ll likely find your day filled with death. I for example have passable evasion skills, but my aim tends to be spot on with my chosen weapons, even against interceptors at point blank range. While I can agree that stabilized rails are perhaps a tiny bit too effective, much of a tweak an they would be as “useless” as everyone USED to say they were. Hail plasma already has a trade off, and does it’s job. If someone has fit for high projectile speed an minimized spread, then they’ve already paid the price for those advantages. Most likely in the form of having crap or no resists.


All that said, the idea that poor interceptors, that are currently highly PROLIFIC, are in fact somehow getting a tough time, is silly… Something should give them a hard time. Interceptors flown with skill can duel just about any ship out there and win. The fact that they require a good working knowledge of module interactions, and a full set of pilot skills is the only thing that keeps them from becoming the dominate ship out there. If your getting annihilated more then you’d like, I suggest you evaluate your tactics an piloting skills in an interceptor before calling for weapon nerfs.

You play interceptor? i think not. just try “ambush” someone and be 2sec later target bye a whole mass , try escape using astorois as cover and be one shot n the process. or better, try engage some easy pray(sniper frigates) being tageted by a lone fighter, if you stay on taget you will be fast killed, if you run you kill nothing or will be killed by the sniper weapons.

Now say me where is the fun coming for a target, giving some slaps and run like a chicken?

Oh! i forget say, the main problem is the t4 match, t3 is not bad all( even being a pain on xxxx be craped by a whole frigate team).


if think iam a dumb, charging like a idiot in any enemy i see, iam not. I know read the situation, aproach and breakoff as i sugest in somes post here [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19308-how-to-use-a-covert-op-inty/) . But you know, hail and stabilizer are a little overkill in interceptor actually.

Ever since I discovered stabilized railguns I’ve been in love with them. Great range + phenomenal damage = epic fun!


But are they broken? I don’t think so. I suspect their DPS is actually quite low comparatively; their scariness comes from the fact that  they cause more damage in a single hit than anything else.


I think the weapons work very nicely, and I really don’t want to see them nerfed through the floor to the point where Interceptors can laugh at them.

You play interceptor? i think not. just try “ambush” someone and be 2sec later target bye a whole mass , try escape using astorois as cover and be one shot n the process. or better, try engage some easy pray(sniper frigates) being tageted by a lone fighter, if you stay on taget you will be fast killed, if you run you kill nothing or will be killed by the sniper weapons.

Now say me where is the fun coming for a target, giving some slaps and run like a chicken?

Oh! i forget say, the main problem is the t4 match, t3 is not bad all( even being a pain on xxxx be craped by a whole frigate team).


if think iam a dumb, charging like a idiot in any enemy i see, iam not. I know read the situation, aproach and breakoff as i sugest in somes post here [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19308-how-to-use-a-covert-op-inty/) . But you know, hail and stabilizer are a little overkill in interceptor actually.

Yes I do…quite a lot actually, and I fly all of the interceptor varieties. Each requires different tactics, setups, timing of module use, and here’s the real kicker SUPPORT. From what’s been said so far, it at last appears, that your trying to be a solo killer… if your on a target and get focused on, you…will…die if your solo, or attempt to ignore the incoming fire. Interceptors are fragile, this shouldn’t be news.


When I first began using them, I hit every complaint you’ve mentioned. I watched others pull off things I simply couldn’t do without practice. I tried to bull into targets solo, tried dogfighting without support to distract, and I mainly didn’t make WHEN I engaged a priority. After some practice, an bit of fustration, I learned new tactics, setups, and most important to COMMUNICATE with my team. An interceptor is a fragile piece of XP when used alone vs a good enemy pilot, even worse if he’s got a good team. Simply flying next to a friendly ship is no guarantee of support, unless you’ve talked with your friendly wingman an gotten some acknowledgement. Flying into the enemy along with a mass of friendly PUG ships is NOT a team. You might get lucky, but most likely everyone will simply peel off, not focus fire, or prioritize targets.


If your basing your balance on solo que pug play, then I’m sorry to say, but your missing the true niche where interceptor’s can truely shine. The problem with random games is…it’s random! Some you’ll get real lucky an be able to pick on oblivious targets, and others you’ll hit enemy teams with voice comms that will flat annihilate your inty self an laugh.


I’m not sure WHAT your doing wrong, but suffice to say I spend a LOT of time in interceptors and while occasionally hit a rough patch, by far I do NOT suffer from the issue’s you apparently do. Now either I’m special, or more likely we’re doing things much differently, hence I suggest you might wanna take a deep breath and rethink why your getting plastered. Crying that stab rails and hail are just not fair is frankly oppinion, since many of us dedicated inty pilots are NOT having the problems you are, yet we fly the same missions against many of the same folks.


Not sure if your up to T3/4 yet, if so great… but I can tell you, if you haven’t… that it’ll get MUCH harder down the road, better strap in an practice up. By the way, this all might not be what you want to hear. It is however meant to be of help, and in no way insulting toward you. Think it over… or of course you can get defensive, stay mad an flame away…good luck.

“From what’s been said so far, it at last appears, that your trying to be a solo killer”

No, iam not solo. even if I was, solo a lone ship having a first blow, and be one shooted? Even only if 1 shot can kil a interceptor, that 1 shot should be hard to deal. But no the case actually.


“If your basing your balance on solo que pug play”

No, i ever advance with  friends. But soon or later i need close for the kill(interceptor are short range right?) then when i there happy firing someone, they looke to me and say “die little pest”  and instant  boom. You think this is right?

If a ship designed to do " Conducting sudden attacks on individual ships" need support to deal damage, then something is wrong. Maybe next update fix it.


“Not sure if your up to T3/4”

I am t4 since the start of year, and the game never was so unforgiveable for inty as now.


In t2, i have a interceptor and a engy frigate.

With the interceptor i can kill fews guys and die fews times, using hit run tactcs and using the opportonity to takout lone players.

With a engy frigate i can rape my way trough killing everyone in path and surviving like every shot coming for me was nothing.

And you come say the problem is mine? Think over man, class are unbalanced and you know. some ships are fine, ohers are something close for junk and others are freaking strong.

Ever since I discovered stabilized railguns I’ve been in love with them. Great range + phenomenal damage = epic fun!


But are they broken? I don’t think so. I suspect their DPS is actually quite low comparatively; their scariness comes from the fact that  they cause more damage in a single hit than anything else.


I think the weapons work very nicely, and I really don’t want to see them nerfed through the floor to the point where Interceptors can laugh at them.

 The issue is not nerf the weapon. Is give the interceptor your former speed meaning and evasion.

My apologies there big guy… I truely was trying to lend some help an a little perspective. Myself, and many others, do NOT have the problem your reporting. If that doesn’t tell you anything then I don’t know what else to tell you. Good luck.

I have thing to say about all this.




(Meens great speed is great defence. Try to fit some collision dampner thingys and some speed modules instead of shield and hull and top it off with emergency barrier and some sorta stealth/camo. Works for me!)

When you get hit by that three charge shot, it’s the same as getting zapped by a basic assault laser, perfect on for the full duration/max dps, and with the way crit works, a crit burst on that is like getting hit again, by the lasers where during the full duration all hits crit.


They make the trade off in resistances though because they have none in EM, then Kinetic when the shields go down. So when they get painted their defenses balloon into huge negative gains and even without the paint if you respond in kind with what they’re gonna be doing which is switching from High damage type to high damage type to keep it up you can maul through their shields


Anything closer than 2k when someones got a 7k shot speed weapon fixed on you and you’re gonna get plugged even if you’re evasive, gotta either approach from behind cover then ride it’s xxxx so it can’t even shoot you, or try and respond in kind. They’re the real snipers of the game imo, they’re dangerous as heck and the first introduction you’ll usually get from them is having your shields completely stripped, but thats usually my own fault for flying out in the open and not scanning.

As a person who runs an engi frig with hail plasmas as their main ship, the best way to counter me in an int is using stealth to get within 500m of me, then using your superior mobility to stay in the “blind spot” directly behind my ship. I see a lot of ints making the mistake of trying to fly in circles around me — if I spot someone doing that, I can just leave my cursor still in front of me while I wait for them to make a pass and then blast them in the face with a fully charged shot. If I don’t have any mines, you’ll either force me to try and escape via my gate or kill me outright, especially if I’m engaging multiple targets.

takamina killed you?


wow what a suprise…

He broken his arm :frowning: No more skill in SC… Until he is healed :wink: