spy drones?

spy drones lasts 60 seconds. +


“spy” is supposed to reveal target wich is does, but this 50 precent regen is much worse.


it lasts wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 2 long. just like that sentence. i cant sit and hidge 1/10 of the game because of a spy drone,


aswell as when that spy drone is over, there just comes another spy drone when i go out from hiding again and then i need to hide again, then we talk 2/10 of the total game time spent. 


its overpowered and weaks guards alot. its okay against interceptors and so on cause they dont have alot of health. its normal 10v10 and 12v12 games in pvp. if someone gets a spy drone on them, they get rushed down cause low health after being attacked by one guy. 

u know that u can hit a rock or something else to clear the drone?!

so there is no need to hide the full 50 / 60 seconds.

u know that u can hit a rock or something else to clear the drone?!

so there is no need to hide the full 50 / 60 seconds.

what? no?

i cant even see the drone, 


im not talking about attack drones. lmao. but i could try torpedo myself once and see if it works. oh wait i have already done that. mkay 

what? no?

i cant even see the drone, 


im not talking about attack drones. lmao. but i could try torpedo myself once and see if it works. oh wait i have already done that. mkay 



:facepalm:  You can remove Spy Drones crashed into an asteroid, it’s known feature, we said it several times here in the forum. He is not talking about Attack Drones either.


step 1: crash into an asterioid, not even hard, just touch it

step 2: profit

lol it didnt work when i torpedo myself. but flying into an asteroid worked. thx


even more jokes. 



what? no?

i cant even see the drone,

All active bufs and debuffs are listed at the top of the screen, including their remaining duration. for timed effects.

This is pretty pointless.