"Spring Victory" tournament (discussion)

Oh, yeah that’s R4ge :stuck_out_tongue:

R4ge = NASA / NASA = R4ge, you signed up as one team. Did you forget?

arghh… you got me on that. Now my secret identity is of revealings! Damn you :smiley:

aha the brackets was made since Friday :slight_smile:

and no one mentioned the missing teams untill now …

hard to believe


hard to believe


Sorry for the trouble guys, I will talk to the responsible people.

Sorry for the trouble guys, I will talk to the responsible people.

I demand refund.

All GS we would get for 1st place and full kills(most GS/game) from every game.(5 of em which we would play)

I demand refund.

All GS we would get for 1st place and full kills(most GS/game) from every game.(5 of em which we would play)

I agree. :smiley: And don’t forget 15€ for the damn flowers! :004j:

I demand refund.

All GS we would get for 1st place and full kills(most GS/game) from every game.(5 of em which we would play)

For such a fail in the organizing. I totally agree!

:alien1: #tournamint


forget this … i dont need the GS … was just looking forward for some nice games.

btw omega just because it makes sense in ur own head doesnt mean we understand what u mean.

what do you mean ?

forget this … i dont need the GS … was just looking forward for some nice games.

btw omega just because it makes sense in ur own head doesnt mean we understand what u mean.

what do you mean ?



Guys we have a problem. I didnt know about this post. Tournament for your teams, and teams wich late at registration, will be at next week at time you would like. Then will be Grand Final  vs winners. Sorry for that.

great post!

In order to keep the thread clean from offtopic, it will be closed temporarily. I will discuss the happenings with the responsible people and re-open the topic as soon as there more news.

Please be patient and excuse the issue.

Can ESB participate in this tournament or it just for who didnt play last time?

Can ESB participate in this tournament or it just for who didnt play last time?

I need to know, since I am in ESB.

I need to know, since I am in ESB.


Why? We need more GS  :fed010:

I can’t play on 24th. Slim chances that I’ll make it in time… So if Wiggle’em all get gold I should get half coz organizers screwed me this time.

Can ESB participate in this tournament or it just for who didnt play last time?

I’d say no, 1st, 2nd, 3rd of the RU tournament shouldn’t be allowed to participate here as well. All others, why not.

I’d say no, 1st, 2nd, 3rd of the RU tournament shouldn’t be allowed to participate here as well. All others, why not.

What are you, scared?