
why always the first shots we shot always gotta have some insane spreads?


example positron cannon, the first 2 shots goes spread around everywhere, then the next ones goes as its supposed to go.


if you wait a bit before shooting it happends again.


if i play long long range and try to use charge and shot on first shot because thats quite important. then i get a bounch of spread on my weapon for no reason.


it has always been like this. why!? -.-"


its xxxx as hell. 

The spread is always random. It’s never the the same direction.

I honestly don’t know an answer.

do you even play this game?  :yes_yes:

Working as intended. That’s how the devs made the weapon.

Working as intended. That’s how the devs made the weapon.

wild accusations right there. 


you know what i talk about. why is that intended?


that if you dont shot for like 10 seconds the next shot will have some extra damn spread. ? long ranges gets useless with it. 


it also goes for all weapons, not just one*


so i guess its just the system. 

wild accusations right there. 


Not an acusation, just your lack of information and your laziness to search the forums that caused this post to be made in the first place.


you know what i talk about. why is that intended?


Because the devs want that to be that way.


that if you dont shot for like 10 seconds the next shot will have some extra damn spread. ? long ranges gets useless with it.


Yes, to prevent people from camping from 7km away shooting huge dammages at unaware oponents.


it also goes for all weapons, not just one*


Not true, spread is random, coil mortar for example, doesnt matter if it is the first shot or the 50th, the spread is the same, and random.


so i guess its just the system. 


It is intended to prevent insta kill on some ships at insane distances.


“Lorewise” explanation: The positron cannon works best when it heats up a little, so if you fire it when it is cool, it causes disturbances on the energy field that can cause alteration on the energy that is propelled outside the barrel.


Simply put, if you want to one shot int, get closer to them, like 3km, or 2km. Still works wonderfully.

Pretty much what Kraimax said.

instakill on long distances? you know you can just shot another shot the very next 2 seconds right?


that makes no sence annyway. but there is ways to stop the spread like that over over time annyway.


so whatever.


make upp whatever reason you like 


also, heating it upp a litlte makes it lower dps. but the shot to do quite of some damage. if you are shoting a guard this is not usefull cause it makes dps go lower cause of heating time takes more time than one extra shot.

I guess its a clash of philosophies…

I dont care much about DPS, Alpha-DMG is the relevant value for me. 

Both has its advantages. 


For the positron: Just do a blind-shot and charge the second shot. Works fine for me. 

do you even play this game?  :yes_yes:

it also goes for all weapons, not just one

Do YOU play this game? there are only 2 weapons that have similar spread reduction mechanics, everything else is either opposite(no spread->spread) or have fixed spread.

plasma gun aswell. insane. its equal spread as positron almost. 

plasma gun aswell. insane. its equal spread as positron almost. 


Plasma gun works completely diferent than positrons.


OFC both improves accuracy the more you fire, but positron it is only for the first shot after a few seconds. As zapp said, shoot anywhere then charge up.