Spongie's Builds

>mfw I used to have a 3 projectile speed, 2 horiz, 1 crit, and speed ammo positron mauler with tachyon and get 12+ kills every survival match

To me be effective means to be able to hit everyone I need to. If I have to lower my damage in order to keep hitting all the target i need: to me it’s a fair tradeoff.

Usually I aim at being “relevant” on battlefield by denying captures, focusing the attackers or bomb carriers etc. Closing kills is nice, but if I need to do better stuffs in order to achieve something, well, it’s an easy choice for me. (Sure “sometimes” I just trolls people in battle… Most of the time when I choose the trolly way it don’t end well, I’m human I do bs sometimes ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) )

I find the fits pretty straight forward. I wonder if the Grey would perform almost identically - even slightly more interesting - with one vernier one coll comp for the pingy games. I do not have the machine gun, and atm I fly almost exlusively Black Bomber instead of CO, so I cant try that yet.

Mjolnir, Mauler, Brokk are all basicly cookie cutters, if you do not take away their strenghts too much, I do not see how one could critize one way to fit or another.


Using Positron is basicly strong if you learn charged shot and fast shot, and what i call the “gun slinger” because those shots feel soooo rewarding (follow a target by rotation, overrotate slightly towards his flight direction, then strafe the ship (perpendicular) and pull the nose back against the momentum and shoot exactly at the prediction - this will ensure your projectile hits from the front, making awesome pot-shots, and also that the ship will be aligned perfectly with the shot, instead of the ship rotating behind your weaponry). It does after all matter which vector you shoot with a posi (or gauss) and how your ship was facing to get the maximum damage. I do think, just as not everybody is really fond of scout-snipers in wargames, not everybody is really fond of posis either, as they have really nice alpha, but need a few shots to kill, it somewhat feels like you equip a counter-sniper weapon. I still think, Engies like the Styx or Minotaur are slightly better Positron Platforms, simply because you can easily switch to crowd-control (switch between targets to keep their shields down), and if you have to duel another posi, you usually overtank a LRF so stealth is not your main defense, with both uses of your weapon possible making you really more of a team effort to get ambushed, because your tactical threat constantly changes - while in a LRF you will have the luxury of only those going for you who look at ship comp or just got killed mid-flight which I would call a gamble, so you rely a bit on carry. Not to speak about the positioning helping your team to get heals at the right spot, something the LRF doesnt bring to the table of course. Positron play really needs lots of exercise to be superb I think, but nothing beats it in survival, so it’s really not that bad of a decision in my eyes. Good Posi Mauler is a major obstacle if I try to Posi from a Minotaur, especially because of the stong tank. I do however think, Posis are medium to be good in - hard to master kind of weapons, which means even a good posi player needs to constantly exercise his use of it, and you can easily fall behind in efficiency if you don’t constantly deliver damage and fear. Being EM, the chances of someone else stealing your kill is high, but sometimes, thats a good thing, if you want to keep a low profile ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


I am interested in the Brokk fit, for later, when I farmed 418 more of the stuff ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Spongejohn, if I may, I’ll give my Brokk support-role build below:




No lasers, no energy aura, no hull egg, no EM torps, no compact generators.

2/10 does not even fully support.

29 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

No lasers, no energy aura, no hull egg, no EM torps, no compact generators.

2/10 does not even fully support.

  • I do not have the “Energy converter” module learned (aka energy aura module)

  • main weapon is cause of NY event: like Eclipse launcher or Heavy Blaster more on engy…

  • EM torps, o.k. maybe

  • no need for compact generator in passive module slot ‘shields’ - it has already 3 capacitor module slots


what is a “hull egg” ?


Here’s how I’ve typically set up Brokk. This build is focused on getting the most healing out of WL13 Emitters, and F12 implant on top of the already high energy output can supply the guns indefinitely. Also using J6 for increased overheat limit.

Warp Gate is optional, but I generally do like the mobility. Might just as well put ARS or Energy Emitter there though.





I can’t update the opening topic atm since I don’t have too much time.

Btw avarshina, resistence wise  (at least for passibe modules, in order to judge we need full stats/implants) your build is not that bad. On active modules: quick reply, remove that aima, use a hull repair station instead.

I’m sorry, I will partecipate more when I will have more time.

On 9/1/2017 at 9:59 AM, Vohvelielain said:

Here’s how I’ve typically set up Brokk. This build is focused on getting the most healing out of WL13 Emitters, and F12 implant on top of the already high energy output can supply the guns indefinitely. Also using J6 for increased overheat limit.

Warp Gate is optional, but I generally do like the mobility. Might just as well put ARS or Energy Emitter there though.

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Put an iridium heatsink on it instead of a voltage regulator and show us the implants pls.

The implant that give more energy regen if you don’t use afterburners/stay under a certain speed can give more effect than a double voltage reg.

On 8/1/2017 at 11:25 AM, g4borg said:

I find the fits pretty straight forward. I wonder if the Grey would perform almost identically - even slightly more interesting - with one vernier one coll comp for the pingy games. I do not have the machine gun, and atm I fly almost exlusively Black Bomber instead of CO, so I cant try that yet

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Using Positron is basicly strong if you learn charged shot and fast shot, and what i call the “gun slinger” because those shots feel soooo rewarding (follow a target by rotation, overrotate slightly towards his flight direction, then strafe the ship (perpendicular) and pull the nose back against the momentum and shoot exactly at the prediction - this will ensure your projectile hits from the front, making awesome pot-shots, and also that the ship will be aligned perfectly with the shot, instead of the ship rotating behind your weaponry). It does after all matter which vector you shoot with a posi (or gauss) and how your ship was facing to get the maximum damage. I do think, just as not everybody is really fond of scout-snipers in wargames, not everybody is really fond of posis either, as they have really nice alpha, but need a few shots to kill, it somewhat feels like you equip a counter-sniper weapon. I still think, Engies like the Styx or Minotaur are slightly better Positron Platforms, simply because you can easily switch to crowd-control (switch between targets to keep their shields down), and if you have to duel another posi, you usually overtank a LRF so stealth is not your main defense, with both uses of your weapon possible making you really more of a team effort to get ambushed, because your tactical threat constantly changes - while in a LRF you will have the luxury of only those going for you who look at ship comp or just got killed mid-flight which I would call a gamble, so you rely a bit on carry. Not to speak about the positioning helping your team to get heals at the right spot, something the LRF doesnt bring to the table of course. Positron play really needs lots of exercise to be superb I think, but nothing beats it in survival, so it’s really not that bad of a decision in my eyes. Good Posi Mauler is a major obstacle if I try to Posi from a Minotaur, especially because of the stong tank. I do however think, Posis are medium to be good in - hard to master kind of weapons, which means even a good posi player needs to constantly exercise his use of it, and you can easily fall behind in efficiency if you don’t constantly deliver damage and fear. Being EM, the chances of someone else stealing your kill is high, but sometimes, thats a good thing, if you want to keep a low profile ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


What you mean with “straight forward”?

It’s pretty mobile, if you mean that. Also collision comp can give just a little boost to maneuverability, and it’s totally outperformed by r9 implant. So far, to me this is the best combination between mobility and tankiness (agains white damage and weapons) I ever had.

nah i meant straight forward by being explainable, and how to use the ships like they are fitted.

can’t really compare the mauler to anything, i dont fly that thing. for the weapon setup, double accel would maybe make me use nova.

Brokk uploaded, after the “controversial” Mauler this time the build is kinda “standard”. 

On 11.1.2017 at 6:10 PM, Spongejohn said:

Put an iridium heatsink on it instead of a voltage regulator and show us the implants pls.

The implant that give more energy regen if you don’t use afterburners/stay under a certain speed can give more effect than a double voltage reg.

Seems that you didn’t read properly. I am using that implant, as already stated. The combined effect puts my energy output a little past the required 440 per second.

Using Iridium Heatsink would be detrimental as the healing is a fixed amount per second; the guns would just overheat faster, resulting in less healing. And I’m not expecting to do much damage with the WL13 Emitter anyway.

I don’t have a crew for Brokk separately, as one of my default implant setups for gets the job done somewhat well. J1, F2, J3, J4, E5, J6, F7, E8, J9, E10, J11, F12, J13

1 hour ago, Vohvelielain said:

Seems that you didn’t read properly. I am using that implant, as already stated. The combined effect puts my energy output a little past the required 440 per second.

Using Iridium Heatsink would be detrimental as the healing is a fixed amount per second; the guns would just overheat faster, resulting in less healing. And I’m not expecting to do much damage with the WL13 Emitter anyway.

I don’t have a crew for Brokk separately, as one of my default implant setups for gets the job done somewhat well. J1, F2, J3, J4, E5, J6, F7, E8, J9, E10, J11, F12, J13

Yeah I didn’t read it, my bad. Are you sure the healing don’t go up with rof? Usually “secondary effects” on weapons are related to rof, I didn’t check this one sadly. I’ll try with double voltage regulator then.

The healing attributes of WL13 Emitter in hangar view don’t seem to be affected by any changes done to the Brokk. Of course, it is entirely possible that these stats are just wrong for whatever reason.

Anyway, my guess would be that the healing beam is technically a different weapon altogether, with fixed attributes that do not inherit any module modifiers from the ship.

9 hours ago, Vohvelielain said:

The healing attributes of WL13 Emitter in hangar view don’t seem to be affected by any changes done to the Brokk. Of course, it is entirely possible that these stats are just wrong for whatever reason.

Anyway, my guess would be that the healing beam is technically a different weapon altogether, with fixed attributes that do not inherit any module modifiers from the ship.

It could be both hypothesis, honestly i went for what my experience told me. I need to try “your” option, but without an “experiment” or someone who told us the “true”… dunno.