Sponger / not respawning

Hi people,


it happens so often, that noone respawns in PvE missions. Just this minute we lost a mission, because these sponger doesn’t come back after getting killed.

Only one had been enough. This is sooooo stupid, because respawning  is cheaper than repairing the ship.

I respawned one time, but was killed again. And i had no tendancy to immolate another live for these spongers.


Dont give these spongers sooo much synergie for not coming back and help.


Here suggestions to the developer:


a) make constrained respawn, f.e. two times. Who has not two lifes, can not enter a PvE Mission

b) give them only the synergie and credits, as they would get for a lost mission (if they were not 90-95% of the match time on the map, or something like that)


This is really not ok, or lets say it does not work with optional/voluntary respawn (without constraining).


So lets diskuss about that. What do you think?

A voting would be nice, who can handle with that, and who not and wants a change



Dear Developer,


Teamwork doesnt funktion at voluntary mode. There are sooooo many Matches getting lost, only because of no respawning.

So please do something. Most matches are only a waste of time.

We had this discussion recently [here.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29694-please-bring-back-free-ressurection-of-teammates-in-pve/)

Dear Developer,


Teamwork doesnt funktion at voluntary mode. There are sooooo many Matches getting lost, only because of no respawning.

So please do something. Most matches are only a waste of time.

or just git gud and solo pve.

Hi people,


it happens so often, that noone respawns in PvE missions. Just this minute we lost a mission, because these sponger doesn’t come back after getting killed.

Only one had been enough. This is sooooo stupid, because respawning  is cheaper than repairing the ship.

I respawned one time, but was killed again. And i had no tendancy to immolate another live for these spongers.


Dont give these spongers sooo much synergie for not coming back and help.


Here suggestions to the developer:


a) make constrained respawn, f.e. two times. Who has not two lifes, can not enter a PvE Mission

b) give them only the synergie and credits, as they would get for a lost mission (if they were not 90-95% of the match time on the map, or something like that)


This is really not ok, or lets say it does not work with optional/voluntary respawn (without constraining).


So lets diskuss about that. What do you think?

A voting would be nice, who can handle with that, and who not and wants a change



If any pilot do not participate in the battle on purpose, or afk the battle to go back in the end for synergy. Or anything related to this thread https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/8916-game-server-code-of-conduct/

feel free to report such pilots. We’re dealing with those problems individually. To make an algorithm to do that could lead to wrong accusations.