Splashing screen!!!

Hi. I have tried gaijin support and they told me that i need more professional help… While im playing SC, some times screen gets screwed but it happens so fast nearly no one see… a screen like a form comes in to middle and goes nearly 1 miliseconds. I captured a video and cut these scenes to get a screenshot… 3 screen shots and my dxdiag.txt i attached… I tried reinstalling but didnt help…




[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10211)


[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

Try with a different game (not candy crush, try something 3d like star conflict), if something similar happens: your gpu is “gone”.

Those seems like artifacts from a dead gpu.

Try with a different game (not candy crush, try something 3d like star conflict), is something similar happens: your gpu is “gone”.

Those seems like artifacts from a dead gpu.

Yes, it could be a GPU issue.

Actually i play a lot of games, 15 mmo games with high graphics are working without a problem… My Gpu is nvdia geforce gt 415 and only in SC a get the error…

I’m not sure if this game has opengl support under windows but you could test to start the game with -opengl as launch argument and check if it makes a difference.