Special test. See yourself in the year 4617

Want to know who you’re going to be in the year 4617? Complete our special test!


Buried either in the earth or in space.
Did anyone thought to live over 2000 years?!

Command,Guard and Engineer,boi,have you seen my Covert Ops dank $k1ll$?

Field Commander.

Better at this than Mzhelskii =D

God damned, it told me to uninstall… again… every f year!

Maybe you should consider doing it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Spec Ops, but I suck at flying tacklers, ecm and recon ships D:  .

Welp, better climb into my widowmaker and hope it goes well.

I want my ash send to space, to distance stars I go!

33 minutes ago, Milfeulle said:

I want my ash send to space, to distance stars I go!

Next level.

When I die, I want to be bronzed and then shot into space.  Toward the Andromeda galaxy (M31) and shot so that I orbit one of its outreaching stars that will be close to our sun when Milkyway and Andromeda collide into a giant elliptical galaxy.  This way 4 billion years from now I can be around when the burnt earth passes by.


If that’s not a +1 nothing is.



Spec Ops, sounds about right XD I love my tacklers

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Maybe you should consider doing it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

you wish!

like many others

I got special ops as an answer …

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

I got special ops as an answer …

This questionnaire was the same for the last 2 years.

I do not even need to complete it. Why would I?

On 1/9/2017 at 10:58 AM, AdamWest said:

When I die, I want to be bronzed and then shot into space.  Toward the Andromeda galaxy (M31) and shot so that I orbit one of its outreaching stars that will be close to our sun when Milkyway and Andromeda collide into a giant elliptical galaxy.  This way 4 billion years from now I can be around when the burnt earth passes by.

Next level.

When my heart ceases it’s tireless rhythm, my final wish is for my remains to be incinerated, and the pure white ash that results be launched beyond our world. Past countless wonders I will fly, toward the swirling sea of countless stars that we know as the Andromeda galaxy, and in a precisely measured movement, I shall be caught in the grasp of one of the brilliant novas that floats on the edge, so that I might watch the endless turnings of the universe till the galaxies of my old and new residences collide. With this, after the passing of the time it would take the Earth make 4 billion cycles around it’s mother star, I might be able to witness the charred remains of my once treasured home drift by.

If that’s not a +1.5, nothing is.

2 hours ago, LaenZero said:

art stuff.

WOW !!. . . I went through all your 15 posts to give you a +1 x6 (which is the daily limit.)  Will start again tomorrow untill all of your posts get a +1 from me. . . . very nice.

7 minutes ago, AdamWest said:

WOW !!. . . I went through all your 15 posts to give you a +1 x6 (which is the daily limit.)  Will start again tomorrow untill all of your posts get a +1 from me. . . . very nice.

So all we gotta do here to get a good rep is put up 1 piece of poetry or whatever that is on here and someone will go and plus 1 all our xxxx? Why didn’t I think of that?

What do those reputation points even mean?The post count is all that matters,SPAM FOR THE WIN!

lmao that’s a 1.5, not a 15. still, I’m touched by your generosity.

On 9.1.2017 at 5:27 PM, Milfeulle said:

I want my ash send to space, to distance stars I go!

Right, honor and a free flight into the depths of space to the dead!

Maybe your corpse (or what’s left of it) will begin to mutate and a new alien race will be created XD.