Special Operation

Well we did try mission 2 times and i wasted like 30 duplicator. I did open this thread because if you find out how to succes please share with us. Now we go for third try and I just wanna say if we manage to kill that defiler 3 purple slot just not enough. I want a brand new computer ,  custom handmade chopper 2 martini and 2 icecream …Please devs we earn that…

So far we only managed to get the ship’s hull down for 10%.

yeah things get messy when hull drops %90 , matter inverter , alien gates  and you cant attack defiler while gates active… third try failed too btw… 

Keep the Info\intellegence FLOWING !     Your valented frontrunners efforts are not wasted !  (Star Conflict voice over)

This pve mission is a terrible joke from devs.Its absolutely unplayable . Really??I wondering if they play this mission??If they play it they must know that is impossible and its need to be fixed.Because its biggest mistake ever/

This pve mission is a terrible joke from devs.Its absolutely unplayable . Really??I wondering if they play this mission??If they play it they must know that is impossible and its need to be fixed.Because its biggest mistake ever/


This pve mission is a terrible joke from devs.Its absolutely unplayable . Really??I wondering if they play this mission??If they play it they must know that is impossible and its need to be fixed.Because its biggest mistake ever/

Sure, just because you cant facetank the thing doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Learn from your mistakes, observe what is happening on the battlefield, at what intervals, how many waves of how many mobs/types there are what are they doing, what are those strange looking orbs, what do they do, what happens if you do this, that… it’s all trial and error. Also a coordinated team can achieve much more than a group of headless chickens. 

the Matter Manipulators are what makes it impossible, not the dreadnaught. The dreadnaught is plenty balanced, but when you get him down to 90% and the MM’s start hitting you, you’re more than screwed.

The fact that there are already successful runs of the mission only hours past the release of the mode, means it is far-far away from hard or impossible. I was hoping for couple days of no success type of difficulty :frowning:

Matter inverter should have its health reduced by 90%. That would actually make it an interesting mechanic to face (basically a wing-wide nuke / pulsar you can shoot down before it goes off) while still crippling wings that don’t pay attention.

The fact that there are already successful runs of the mission only hours past the release of the mode, means it is far-far away from hard or impossible. I was hoping for couple days of no success type of difficulty :frowning:


i hope they release more maps for this mode later on but with a little increased difficulty and more reward. maybe all loot is purple loot or something, im not sure. or potentially smaller versions, so same reward but instead of 12 wing squads, have 6 win versions of it so it is more accessible to the player base. it was quite fun imo

I wouldn’t want a smaller version. I thought it was amazing to see a dozen ships brawling with biomorphs, and when that capital ship emerged for the first time I remember saying aloud “this is what Invasion should have been.”

But when your entire squad gets wiped the moment the mothership hits 90% health, the mode loses its charm.

The first time the alien ship emerged I was right next to the rift and got a cool vision of it. Then I died, along with about 5 other pilots wondering if we needed to “capture” the rift… The chat was filled with “wtf” after that.

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25043-how-to-destroy-the-defiler/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25043-how-to-destroy-the-defiler/)