Special Operation: Destroyer - Missile Outposts aren't firing at a Destroyer while it's escaping!

Bug report: General issue: (PvE - Special Operation: Destroyer - affects all three scenarios - V, IV, III.)



What happened?

When Destroyer (Alien ship) starts escaping the scene and is heading towards the Rift, the Outposts are no longer aiming at it and firing missiles, even when in range and have a clear line of fire.


What should happen?

When Destroyer (Alien ship) starts escaping, the Outposts should continue firing on it, dealing kinetic damage to the enemy.

It used to work like this in the past, but some updates ago, this bug occurred.


How to replicate this bug?

  • Play (Tier III, IV, or V) Special Operation: Destroyer. (Tier III (R7-9) recommended since it’s fast and the easiest.)

  • Damage the Destroyer enough that it will start escaping the scene. (10-15% hull durability left, based on the Tier’s difficulty.)

  • Do not damage the Destroyer any further, observe the Outposts. (They will not aim and fire at the enemy.) - (a bug)


Video: (I recorded many videos in the past, you can clearly see that the Outposts are firing at the Destroyer while it’s fleeing the scene.)


Screenshots: (Tiers: V, IV, III - As you can see, the Outposts will not aim and fire at the enemy while it’s escaping to the Rift.)







Logs: (Logs contain only the files of those matches.)

[2018.02.18 11.44.52.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16164)

yes, and we are 12 witness

even turrets aren’t towards on destroyer…

10 minutes ago, SheenShade said:

yes, and we are 12 witness

even turrets aren’t towards on destroyer…

If Skula1975 says “not a bug”, he’s not my friend anymore.   ![:003:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003.png “:003:”)

héhé : )


seem he’ll stay your friend : )

4 hours ago, SheenShade said:

seem he’ll stay your friend : )

I’ll bring some Vodka to celebrate!   ![:00555:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00555.png “:00555:”)

ahah ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

This bug still exists, please fix.

same thing today !

Missile Outposts aren’t firing at a Destroyer while it’s escaping !

same conditions. same bug …

This bug still exists, please fix.

Are somebody can make new videao and logs?