Special Operation: Defiler, Destroyer daily mission (2-hour rotation)

Please, stick to the subject at hand!

3 hours ago, Koromac said:

Please, stick to the subject at hand!

I am offended. Its related.

No matter the rotation schedule, the mode sucks, because the pay sucks.  




5 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:


  1. Other PVE missions like Defense Contract for example pay win or lose. It is a lot easier than Spec ops, and dont take a long time to collect people.

  2. PVP and vs A.I. also give rewards for losing. Including loot attempts.

  3. You spend plenty of resources in dupes and ammo as well as repairs.

  4. The loot sucks as it is.

5.The pay is not great.

  1. They will probably reduce the rewards if anything anyways. They always do. No need to hash that out we all know what it used to be.


These should be plenty reason enough to get rewards for losing. Since when have you been pro nerf, Koromac? Are you going dark side?


Let’s take a different approach on the topic, if we get more chances of playing spec ops that means we get more loot, more loot means a higher chance of better drops. Also specops is not a casual mode like regular PVE therefore no handouts if you lose, we have to draw a line somewhere between casual/anyone can do it solo and advanced/you need a good team of good and above skilled players. Basically the better you are the better your rewards are.


However, your main problem is that you have been spending soo much money that you just can’t deal with the random drops regular grinding mortals face each day, which is in its own way understandable, so please, take a moment, let that sink in a bit and then continue. For each 1500GS you spend on lets say berilium bundle, you skip a casual day of grinding or an hour or two hardcore OS grinding for the same thing.

Spec ops used to drop BPs, Complete modules for secret ships, credits over a million each drop, mk4 kits, and mk2 kits.


Today Spec ops drops are crap compared to what it used to be. Even doubling the drop rate at what it currently pays will never compare. When you lose several rounds with no pay you dont want to play anymore. If I am gonna lose every round at least PVP pays and has loot. When I was losing in pvp I used to alt f4, because credits alone is not enough to stick around.  At least now I stick around for the loot even if it is garbage.


No matter what I say you all will comment against it. You all have it all and screw the Aces who will replace us right? No wonder I can’t find a game fast, all the n00bs have been discouraged from getting to our levels.


EDIT: Just to clarify. If you don’t have 4 ships at tier 5 then you are a n00b.

5 minutes ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

No matter what I say you all will comment against it. You all have it all and screw the Aces who will replace us right? No wonder I can’t find a game fast, all the n00bs have been discouraged from getting to our levels.

Well, I’m still here! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


Also the whole losing in spec ops thing, I hope you don’t mean t3 destroyer cause if so then you might want to stop using the words nub and they in the same sentence. XD


On 8/23/2017 at 7:10 PM, TheStig_DSX said:

Totally agree. I never saw the point in having these cooldowns. It only makes life more difficult. It would even be better when both missions are open 24/7.

I think that they don’t want to spend more on their servers. xD