Spatial Scanner, is it worth buying right now?



As the title says, is it worth spend 6k or even 3k GS(When 50% off) to buy a spatial scanner in the current state of OP?


I got interested in buying one of those when I saw pictures of some people where they were able to find in like an hour  150-200+ iridium and plenty of credits while wandering in open space.And beeing a new player myself, I’m in needed of iridium since a lot of the good equipment is locked behind RNG boxes. But at the same time I’ve read that those pictures are relatively old and that right now drops are thash.


So… that’s it. Is it worth?


Thanks in advanced. Cheers.

Only when on sale of 50% off or more.

Otherwise all you get from it is trash ore and the very rare occasional enriched item.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Only when on sale of 50% off or more.

Otherwise all you get from it is trash ore and the very rare occasional enriched item.

If you can afford it, yes. If you have limited financial resources, then no. Wait for the 50% discount then.

yes , it worth, but not really for iridium

with the scanner you can find mysterious container  with very interesting thing inside, and craps too, but never iridium… at leat until now.

iridium can be found in pirates stash, rares, and rate of iridium is… can’t know bc i know 4/5 spots and rarely found container because i was in bad time and never found iridium inside !! ![:012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012.png “:012:”) ![:012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012.png “:012:”) ![:016:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/016.png “:016:”) ![:012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012.png “:012:”)

have only 7 iridium right now ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

It can show cloaked players(criminals) and enemies in general, ores behind anything and everything, cargo containers and find special cloaked cargo that has loot similar to what you would buy on the bundle store. Its worth 3k for sure on discount but not on 6k to me at least, people find the RNG drops troublesome but thats for hardcore farmers who want a specific droprate over an hour of time or something like that. If you stroll around with it youll see for yourself anyway i find it quite useful as a tool and as a mod.