Spatial Scanner 2.0

Besides the fact that the current mysterious cargo spots are a downright denial of progress and not just a “nerf”, i would like to suggest more options for the scanner regardless of said fact.

Splitting the all-in-one mode radar into more, for the time being an ore mode and everything else mode would be nice, making a MCC mode would be making it too easy for players to search for them, we don’t want that…

The scanner has been around for quite some time and i would like to see it get at least some kind of menu in OS and more options for searching stuff individually.

Making it work with the ships sensor range would be also a nice change.

Maybe reworking the stretch lines into something fluid and rich in design, triggering a XYZ grid mode (instead of just X) where it shows you what u are looking for as a pulsing dot(s) instead of scrambled lines and color mixture, it’s space tech and not ww1 after all.

Nothing here should be taken as making it easier or allowing an abuse of any loopholes, just a simple upgrade suggestion of an already existing system.

on os when aliens come and background turns green its almost impossible to see blue and some ppl color-blind… cant even imagine how hard this for them

i agree spatial needs “visiual rework” but;


34 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Making it work with the ships sensor range would be also a nice change

spatial has ~7km range enough for its job

34 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

searching stuff individually.

i dont think its a good idea

34 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Maybe reworking the stretch lines into something fluid and rich in design, triggering a XYZ grid mode (instead of just X) where it shows you what u are looking for as a pulsing dot(s) instead of scrambled lines and color mixture, it’s space tech and not ww1 after all.

and i completely agree on this part


This has nothing to do with the topic…but…i just noticed you are the author of the taunt “Rust In Pieces”. Man that taunt is amazing xD grats on that one ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


About spat scanner…uhh…i dont really understand the visual suggestion, but im really ok with current system. I would like the idea of specifying between ores and enemies or so (perhaps make a distinction between: players, cybers, pirates, aliens and cartel), so you can tell what is fuel, an asteroid or a container, since all of that is now displayed as green (and its color combinations like yellow (with enemies)). Personally i dont have any trouble identifying a MC from the other objects (except when aliens invade a sector, it gets really hard then…but possible), so leaving a solo mode for MCs only wouldnt make a difference for me; this means that i will farm as slow as now, cause the position of MC is simply killing the entire purpose of spending time and getting a decent reward for it. 6km is a nice range for the scanner, problem is that MCs are usually way too far from conventional routes, so…no need to buff it imo, just find a middle ground between current and previous spawn locations (first one is way too hard, second one was way too easy), or make the drop from MCs way more valuable cause now you spend too much time finding low valuable items most of the time.

I’m pretty sure that the spatial scanner has a 5km radius (but that’s irrelevant), in case you guys didn’t know the range can’t be altered by simply boosting your ships sensor range because sensor range of your ship has nothing to do with the scanners range. 

It’s a scanner, what good is a scanner that scans only a few steps around you, doubling it with modifiers is the only reasonable way to do it and not exclude the scanner from any kind of modification, plus there is the fact that MCC’s are further away from the map itself than anything, it would be only fair to grant modification options to it.

I don’t understand, how can you guys be satisfied with such a low range? It was always low, even with the MCC being a good thing in the past. MCC got farther>scanner got farther, simple, we have cpu modifiers don’t we?

And it would be about time we could at least have a menu or some kind of an option to pick what we are searching for with MCC exluded from that option.

Tl:dr but The main problem is that it is based on 3 factors, blue/white doesn’t mean a blueprint or the container, it is fixed on the point where it spawns. Yellow doesn’t mean credits either, but rather any cargo, credits, fuel, iridium… that is why the mysterious package turns Yellow after uncovering it.


Therefore: the fix would need to completely remake this module, define exactly what is in which container and distinguish them. I’m not actually event sure that is possible, because I’m not sure if the stuff in the containers are predefined or rng. 

The problem with the MCC is that they appear in the void and we lack references to be able to pass through the areas of the map in which we have not been already. Before MCC were changed, they appeared near objects and the central part of the map. So you had references to guide you in which parts of the map you had already been.


The solution must involve a group of players. That is, the number of players with scanners in a squad could increase the range of the spatial scanner. The reward does not change, but it makes it easier to find an MCC. The range to detect MCC could be affected also by hostiles. Then you need someone else to kill those hostiles to get more range.

Are these ideas abusable?

On 15.3.2017 at 2:05 AM, ORCA1911 said:

… i would like to suggest more options for the scanner regardless of said fact…

With the spatial scanners use of colors and implementation so far, wouldn’t it  be a bit overchallenged by ‘more options’ ? The blueish for mysterious containers is not recognizable very good and reliable …

That’s why i suggested soo many options so there wont be a problem.

More options patched on to the present design of the spatial scanner would counteract the atempt to resolve its problems, imho.

It sounds more reasonable to opt for an alternative implementation of your “suggested soo many options” in a new spatial scanner - in other words a rewrite.

I think this will suffice as it is.

Hmmm … Idk

I was thinking of an upgrade to the mini-map (right upper center) or the map (toggle map key). This is like looking on to a monitor in your ship of sorts anyway. There your multiple modes could be applied , imho…

The spatial scanner display perimeter around your ship is too intrinsically restricted. All those modes would require an endless hitting of a key, cicling through modes.

We are not talking about the same scanner then or simply not on the same page :confused: