Space exploration is gaining momentum

This time it’s China that’s going to launch a manned craft into space.

Beijing, June 3. A manned spacecraft Shenzhou-10 is expected to launch into space mid-June, China’s official Xinhua news agency said, citing a spokesperson for the country’s manned space program. The crew will be comprised of 3 astronauts, including the nation’s first woman astronaut — a 35-year-old Wang Yaping.

Best of luck to them as they get to go where we want to go!

What?OK,I don‘t konw the news.Good luck to them,and for my Republic!

What?OK,I don‘t konw the news.Good luck to them,and for my Republic!


+1, didn’t know either… but good luck and god speed for PRC.

special event perhaps?

Congratulations to the astronauts for getting to leave China.