sound output locked

Charaktername: reckage668

Small description: sound output is locked to the device (speakers/headset) that was in use prior to initializing game (start of game session, not start of battle), if started with headset on, unplugging headset turns off all sound, re plugging headset will not help (does not bring sound to headset.

On which action appeared the bug: -

Are there any Error messages, if yes please upload a screenshot of the message: no error messages, just all sound still coming out of speakers, when i plug in my headset after the game is initialized. if i start with headset and unplug and replug headset there is no sound at all

Is the bug reproduceable, if yes please describe how to reproduce the bug: see above,


[user_config.xml](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2577)

other files come up as, “not permitted to upload this kind of file”