some questions

Hi there, I have some questions, and I don’t really know which is the right topic/subforum to do each of these, so I’ll ask them all here(the ones that I remember for now, hoping that I won’t be flamed or something else ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”))

  1. About the Patrol regular task, what is based upon the % of the Credits pay for each ship?(rank, armaments, modules, synergy, etc.)
    1b. Again about Patrol regular tasks XD, since a few days ago, it doesn’t let me choose ships with rank lower than 2, and not higher than 7, does someone know the reason?  ![:00777:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00777.png “:00777:”)

2. About the post-battles rewards(PvP, PvE, Coop., etc.), how are the rewards calculated? (Kills, Assists, Effectivity, or maybe for each role of ship is calculated in a different way, something like, how many were buffed by the Commands, or how many healed by Engineers XD)

3. Somewhere(I don’t remember where XD) I saw a signature with a ship and some data of that player in Star Conflict, how do I create it?(if someone knows about it XD)

Thanks, and sorry for the disturb, see you in Space! :014:


P.s. I am quite thirsty for Knowledge(as Knowledge is Power XD), so more questions may come this way XD

Take a good look at this thread and all the linked threads in it, should be all the info you need.

4 hours ago, ratchet92 said:

1b. Again about Patrol regular tasks XD, since a few days ago, it doesn’t let me choose ships with rank lower than 2, and not higher than 7, does someone know the reason?  ![:00777:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00777.png “:00777:”)

I believe this would be because you increased your clearance rank as the minimum ship rank selectable (for some reason) is affected by your clearance rank rather than affecting the maximum ship rank selectable. 


Regardless, it’d be best to run these missions overnight so if you have a limited number of ships you won’t be putting unnecessary restrictions on yourself whilst playing since ships on patrol tasks (and their gear) aren’t equippable. Other than that Orca’s guide should explain a fair bit more than I can pull from the top of my head.


As for that signature generator, I believe the one you saw was from Eta’s generator which is no longer available via the original link, with the original forum post here: 


I got also the fun links in the guide like


For a cool signature showing your stats and whatnot >>>

Ah ok, thanks everyone!  ![:003:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003.png “:003:”)