…and normal ships are barely able to get good unique module combinations like ye ol premium ships did… so like, now what do we do with all these modules we can’t use?
If I’m not wrong, premium ships had the larger unique accessibility (if not exclusivity to certain modules), meaning they could actually let you get creative with your set up, or go OP with BIS but I’m sure the devs can restrict what they want to with that.
There was plenty of warning before this changed happened and also to be fair the BiS module combinations were also massively annoying to see in PvP, especially when there is 2-3 players to a team running said combinations (looking at you stingrays and archelons). As to what you do now? You do what we did before the unique modules. You choose a setup. You use it. You refine it. You learn it.
Yep, no more ships with no downsides, now you have to think your build and not blindly follow the meta, what a terrible fate.
Rip, diversity is exactly what I liked about premium ships. Normal ships had uniques sure, but they were extremely limited. I rather every normal ship get more ‘proper/fair’ uniques to access rather than being even more limited. Premium at least felt like a counterbalance to some alien ships etc if played right, but now they’re as bad as normal ships.
Just now, Leadbreakfast said:
Rip, diversity is exactly what I liked about premium ships. Normal ships had uniques sure, but they were extremely limited. I imagine the devs could have just limited premiums by removing accessibility to certain uniques but keeping the 3 total limit. But I guess thats much work. heck, i rather every normal ship get more ‘proper’ uniques to access rather than being even more limited. Premium at least felt like a counter balance to some alien ships etc if played right, but now they’re as bad as normal ships.
mate, alien ships are mostly useless now. Only Waz’got is useful with it’s healing of small ships, but it cannot heal itself. Lance Bartle is much better than Sawtooth rn. So we are back to situation a few years ago - play normal ships and have higher chances to win or play weaker premiums and don’t pay for repair costs.
Edited out cuz I didn’t wana regurgitate my first comment, but aight, suppose if I look back suddenly alien ships do feel easier. Shame a buncha uniques ain’t gona see the light of day still.
Que Bosta, se é premium não deveria ter limitação, esse jogo cada vez , mais tosco!
Google says: " What the hell, if it’s premium should not have limitation, this game ever more coarse! "
So I’m guessing that means, if you pay for the product, the product should be good/worth your money? Fair, I kinda understand that, since I’m not sure how I feel about my prem ships atm, or it’s worth even playing so I can be fodder to a R16 - R17 ship.
You will always have the dilemma, premium content is powerful, game is pay to win, premium content is equal or weak, game is a ripoff.
Hey good news for a change. I’d say restricting unique modules to 2 on a Preamium ship would be more fair, but this should even the odds a little.
On 10/4/2018 at 1:19 PM, OwnageMaster said:
mate, alien ships are mostly useless now
why, they were not changed?
taikins still rule the recon business. wazgots in pairs are really strong.
On 10/4/2018 at 1:19 PM, OwnageMaster said:
Lance Bartle is much better than Sawtooth rn.
why would that be? the sawtooth was the best high tier jerri tackler even before its base stats were buffed, before the rank buffs, and before the tackler modules. it has tackler range buffs, lots of cpu, etc. however as all jerri tacklers, it only shines in larger cohesive groups.
so maybe for small gangs the lance is more rounded, but then, why not just fly a fed?
but whatever i am happy if people underestimate it.
tacklers are not meta anyway. except you got a singularity.
On 10/4/2018 at 11:17 AM, xXThunderFlameXx said:
Yep, no more ships with no downsides
the stingray had a downside. it was extremely easy to kill with collisions xD
karud, archelon and stingray were the only ones which imho heavily benefited.
otherwise the NY18 was not nerfed. which imho has really not a lot of downsides. it’s not even that slow.
5 hours ago, Flash0914 said:
I’d say restricting unique modules to 2 on a Preamium ship would be more fair
agreed, given that some modules are really good, and others are just craep.
however it actually did only affect one ship for me: my bubble stingray.
8 hours ago, g4borg said:
agreed, given that some modules are really good, and others are just craep.
No, that would result in warp regen stingrays, slowing projector disintegrator beam tacklers and mag disrupt thies ships all over again. We haven’t been this close to actual balance in years! :S
6 hours ago, Scar6 said:
We haven’t been this close to actual balance in years! :S
We could get closer.
For the stingray it would be either warp or one regen module. Because it was the combo 3 items that truly ruled.
But true, the uber combos you mention were annoying. But not unbeatable.
Nor unsolvable by other measures. Many items however are really weak and just useless on their own
So i still don’t find this is the optimal state
But at least like this it will show up in stats.
7 hours ago, Scar6 said:
We haven’t been this close to actual balance in years! :S
we are still far away.
Just look at nice Quantum defense module + adaptive camo combo.
This is what makes Cov ops still very hard to kill.
I can also count various modules for ECM that are extra OP.
I can explain what makes some module OP for me; it is combination of reload time and all its capabilities.
And we have many modules that have 20-25sec reload time for small ships even less and duration or its power is ridiculous when compared to bigger ship classes.
Tai’kin is still OP even if some blind-stubborn people here have opposite opinion.
Then we have damage output from some interceptor guns that is extremely big and as that is not enough almost all new-small ships guns have some additional effect to make them even more OP.
Heh do I need to mention Karud?
I still don’t understand how 10sec reload time on inhibitor crystal is not recognized by devs as OP? Also tai’kin can be invisible and fly with it and preventing projectile to explode, another crap.
Satelite crystal for ship that can go 700km/s. Can’t understand those modules on that ship. All slowing modules should be reserved for Tackles and guars, what we have here is still mess.
Destroyers are still to easy to kill - again that is not balanced -even if I think destroyers does not fit in this game.
I wonder [@Scar6](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/34841-scar6/) what is good balance for you from this that I wrote?
4 hours ago, GatoGrande said:
11 hours ago, GatoGrande said:
Tai’kin is still OP even if some blind-stubborn people that can fly tacklers properly here have opposite opinion.
12 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:
I find Spark + Thilit + MagD dealing better with light interceptors in general, while a tackler+ slowbeam+inhibitor beam is more multipurpose (not as good vs sup agile ships, but not bad vs frigates either)
On 10/6/2018 at 12:56 PM, GatoGrande said:
I wonder [@Scar6](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/34841-scar6/) what is good balance for you from this that I wrote?
I never said it was perfect, balance is a dynamic process. Of course there is still work to do.
But it is a whole lot better now.
There is no such thing as “balanced” PvP game with so many variables (maps-gamemodes-squads) and customization. It always comes down to how many competitive options are there at any given moment.
it’s not bad at all, for spark the best module for solo play was the healing module anyways. Magnetic disruptor is good at killing runners and adding extra dps but I like this more for pvp because I’m getting old and arthritic and I can’t cqc with laser like I used to. My wrist sounds like a cement grinder when I grip my mouse lol. The slow has the added bonus of making it easier to land firestorms as well due to the fact that leading them and doing damage with lasers is a bit of a dissonance, and for pve instance I run vulnerability probe instead and this does absolutely nothing to my real op ships like wakazishi. That said, premium ships need some kind of drawback. I think this was a good move. But I had to hunt around the forums for 20 minutes to find the change in patch notes because I only check up on game every 3-12 months. I applaud the matchmaking changes as well. Maybe now I have more reasons to play than just getting called a hacker. I also have a reason to buy back apollo as well, she’s a good ship that pairs well with cruise module due to natural rotation bonus.