So hows the playerbase looking for this game?

I recently got into this game, but I was just wondering if the playerbase was growing or getting smaller. I understand that the game just came out, but I don’t want to reach a high ship tier and end up waiting 30+ minutes for a game to start. Will finding a match become frustratingly difficult if I stick with the game?

In tier 2 and tier 3, its a short wait in general for arcade/conquest pvp. If your trying to get into realistic… Put on a movie while you wait. Otherwise, for tier 2 and 3, unless its a very slow night, you should be able to get into matches within 1-5 minutes. Dont look at the average wait time, like the cake, its a lie.

Ever shrinking.


We have recently hit the “under 1k at prime time” mark. Something around 600+ now.


used to be around 4k to 5k at it’s best a couple months ago.

Wow, sad news. I really enjoy the game, so I plan on playing at least like 30 minutes a day. Hopefully, the playerbase starts to rise again.

The playerbase is pretty small but I haven’t ever waited more than 3 minutes for a match. Usually it’s less than 1.


Though I don’t even know what the hell Realistic mode looks like.


Early afternoon EST is the busiest time, getting over 1500 usually.

There’s a lot of activity on T2, but depending on what time you play T3 can be a total ghost town; I waited three minutes to be put into a 3v3 match, and two of those were bots.

It used to be pretty good. Then they changed the camera, screwed over paying customers, all in the name of glorified arcade (sector conquest).


Shrinking pretty badly, I’m sure. Then again, I gave up when they messed up my beloved camera. Haven’t logged into the game since.

There’s a lot of activity on T2, but depending on what time you play T3 can be a total ghost town; I waited three minutes to be put into a 3v3 match, and two of those were bots.


Hijacking this thread for a bit: I only have T2 ships, but of late I’m getting matched into 3v3 games (1 bot, 2 players). All four players only had T2 ships, but the bots were all playing T3 ships. 



Back on topic… even queue times for T2 are getting noticeably longer. The wait time used to be under a minute. Now I can click ‘launch’, make myself a mug of instant coffee, and come back in time just as the spawning screen loads. 

well when you think about it they are in “beta” so… maybe when they come out of their “beta” they’ll gain more players. many people don’t like playing an unfinished product

Psh, beta is an excuse.

they have been in their precious beta for over a year, it’s not a beta anymore, it’s simply a scapegoat.


progression is slow, we can put money in to the game, there are no signs at all that this is infact a beta.(exept horrrile, horrible patches…but that seems to be happening in released games as well)

[…] Then again, I gave up when they messed up my beloved camera. Haven’t logged into the game since.

The camera for the frigate is fixed now, like it was before the infamous patch.

I’ve saw a significant drop in playerbase and player fervor since 0.8.0 as well.

It used to be pretty good. Then they changed the camera, screwed over paying customers, all in the name of glorified arcade (sector conquest).


Shrinking pretty badly, I’m sure. Then again, I gave up when they messed up my beloved camera. Haven’t logged into the game since.


I log every day to get the bonus (today I finally grinded rank 9 with Armada this way), but I won’t play until they do something with the camera. It’s simply unbearable. I feel as if my pilot is drunk when dogfighting.

I log every day to get the bonus (today I finally grinded rank 9 with Armada this way), but I won’t play until they do something with the camera. It’s simply unbearable. I feel as if my pilot is drunk when dogfighting.


What camera? I’m having no issues at all - in fact I love the camera in this game.

Are you using expert mode or basic?  I use expert just for flying ease, running along asteroids and capturing beacons.  In the basic mode, I just get lost and confused, the only advantage I think is targetting.  I switched to expert early on while playing.  The basic mode just doesn’t work with my brain.

they ruined the game when the new economy came and the fixed role for ship. i liked to put any module on any ship, not like now. i don’t know if i ever play the game again. i hope they will return to old system of modules again, this is the only way to play it .

There is nothing wrong with the new system. If anything, fully-open customisation is harder to balance; imagine a Gunship with Valkyrie Module and a cloak…


The problem is they do too much without warning, or explanation. There’s too much grind, ships within a tier are not balanced against one another (Rank 4 are way too weak) and ships from other tiers keep sneaking in.

they ruined the game when the new economy came and the fixed role for ship. i liked to put any module on any ship, not like now. i don’t know if i ever play the game again. i hope they will return to old system of modules again, this is the only way to play it .

I couldn’t disagree more strongly. Role differentiation makes the game interesting - otherwise we’d only have 3 different ‘roles’ in the game and some ships would be hugely more powerful than others. (Plus we could scrap 2/3rds of the ships as they no longer server a real purpose)

Player Base is about 600 people on any given evening on the east coast of USA! 


Wait times for T3 are from 1 to 4 minutes