So...BoJ WarCry

So I read on the forums that BoJ is (jokingly, I think)… less amazing as the rest of the corps. So here is my call to all my BoJ Mates! Post pictures of your games (all of them are good, of course), and show the rest of the corps that WE ARE BEASTS!




And after that, all I got was a single +1…

If I remember right I had a really hard time last weekend when some of you guys decided to hunt the poor captain Error:D

Cuz every1 knows radix da best ja ja.


mhmmm on a serious note, there are casual corps, comp/casual mix, and comp corps. there’s nothing wrong with being casual. 

Cuz every1 knows radix da best ja ja.


mhmmm on a serious note, there are casual corps, comp/casual mix, and comp corps. there’s nothing wrong with being casual. 

still, now owning 2 zones (thanks, R4GE, and the weird Dread Battle mechanics that let us walk away with a second sector), we are proving our worth.

I do truly enjoy how some other corps which are less able try to muster up against (us) and our allies, only getting knocked down through teamwork and persistence. Or our allies get to them before us (which actually makes it even more entertaining).

I was trying to get to the beacons but these enemy ships keep appearing and distracting me…



I was trying to get to the beacons but these enemy ships keep appearing and distracting me…




The problem is the name i think. Since everyone is calling it “Blowjob” nobody takes it serious. perhaps a namechange?

I was trying to get to the beacons but these enemy ships keep appearing and distracting me…




I can’t understand how your team is full of R9 and the enemy team has literally 1 and the rest is R7


MM is fucked up and T3 is xxxx honestly.

I can’t understand how your team is full of R9 and the enemy team has literally 1 and the rest is R7

MM is fucked up and T3 is xxxx honestly.

if take a closer look you may guess that those r9s are prems…

if take a closer look you may guess that those r9s are prems…


I know but the rest of his team aren’t using premium ships yet they’re all paired together with him against a bunch of R7 guys. 

You forget to take into account the fact that those pilots on the enemy team may have had rank 9s loaded but didn’t want to use them for synergising purposes.

Also that NMS guy seems to be a good pilot since he is in an eagle B/ kite and got kills in it.

You forget to take into account the fact that those pilots on the enemy team may have had rank 9s loaded but didn’t want to use them for synergising purposes.


You know just like me that’s not the case.



Also that NMS guy seems to be a good pilot since he is in an eagle B/ kite and got kills in it.


The only guy doing something is the only guy with R9 ships  :00555:

Well I dunno. All I’m saying is that we don’t have all the info.