So as a T1 pilot, I'm seeing a lot of T2 ships in matches

The ONLY factor that impacts the base MMR (before the recent success ±2 mod) is the rank of the highest ship equipped for the player, or for the squad when entering queue as a squad.



  1. Player has R1, R5 and R8 ships equipped with no modules at all. His pre-mod MMR for queue is 32.

  2. Player has four R8 ships equipped with full purple layout. His pre-mod MMR for queue is 32.

  3. Squad has players one of which has only the starter R1 ships as well as players from examples 1 and 2. Squad’s MMR pre-mod is 32.


than explain why with all R1 ships I still get put against R4s,R5s, and R6s?


this is the xxxx i’m talking about, we all were using T1s expect for one T2 ship which was R4.’>link to image

You’re in a squad. What does everyone else in your squad have equipped?

the rank of the highest ship equipped for the player, or for the squad when entering queue as a squad.

T2 are only a little stronger and have a few more upgrades.   


Can I have some of whatever you’re smoking? They’re well over twice as strong. I can overheat my guns and barely manage to take down the shields on some of the T2s. Now that it started putting T2s in my games my win ratio and average kills per game are dropping like a rock. 

Can I have some of whatever you’re smoking? They’re well over twice as strong. I can overheat my guns and barely manage to take down the shields on some of the T2s. Now that it started putting T2s in my games my win ratio and average kills per game are dropping like a rock. 

May I ask when they “started”? The patch that introduced the potential for mixed tiers happened months ago.


A friendly reminder that this thread was started May 19. Much has changed since then.

You’re likely meeting more experienced players, which is why games are starting to get harder. It’s not so much about tier as about meeting players with much more experience under their belt.