So about this chance to get Experimental/Purple loot..

I was both shocked and ecstatic at the same time  :what:



Lol lucky you :stuck_out_tongue:

Throw them over, ill put them to good use x)

And no, i don’t believe in the looting chances per better performance at all.

God. xxxx. Damnit.

Hey, I see myself! I didn’t even see a green/military :frowning:



I hardly get 1 green every 1-2 days and you get 3 purples in the same game ;_;

I hardly get 1 green every 1-2 days and you get 3 purples in the same game ;_;


There’s a very decent chance of getting greens - but it’s all relative. Some days (including the specific example) I can burn through a lot of matches very quickly. 6-8 per hour is not uncommon. That’s a lot of chances for loot, depending on your results.

I think they should alter how the loot chances work.


Make the chance of an item drop 3x (or more) rarer, but increase the chance of successfully extracting them (to 30% from free, and 100% when you spend gold).  The actual likelyhood of getting an item should remain about the same, but the frustration of failing the extraction should be less (especially when you spend real money for it).

I think they should alter how the loot chances work.


Make the chance of an item drop 3x (or more) rarer, but increase the chance of successfully extracting them (to 30% from free, and 100% when you spend gold).  The actual likelyhood of getting an item should remain about the same, but the frustration of failing the extraction should be less (especially when you spend real money for it).


witch will make that system pay to win right of the bat

witch will make that system pay to win right of the bat


Well, its not really fine to spend GS to “maybe” get an item either. but still agree that the non-gs option should be a bit higher then 10%… thats just low :) 


maybe, 20% or 25%? 


then GS… well, thats not for me to decide since i mostly just press the non-gs option through everything. 

Ladies and gentlemen… Math!


Okay, so I am currently getting 5 loot drops with a licence, and I am going to assume that’s the norm. If someone who doesn’t have the Explorer DLC (or any DLC ideally) can confirm it’s 5 loot for a PvP win on licence that’d be great.


I am also assuming it is 3 Loot without a Licence.


With these in place… let’s do some math!


Let’s assume any given loot spot has a 20% chance of being Military gear. what is the probability of me getting at least one piece of Military loot to appear as being available to me?


No Licence:

Odds of getting 1 or more Military loot = 0.488, or 48.8%.

Odds of one Loot = [0.8*0.8*0.2] + [0.8*0.2*0.8] + [0.2*0.8*0.8] = 0.384

Odds of two Loot = [0.8*0.2*0.2] + [0.2*0.8*0.2] + [0.2*0.2*0.8] = 0.096

Odds of three Loot = [0.2*0.2*0.2] = 0.008


Math Check: odds of zero Loot = [0.8*0.8*0.8] = 0.512. 0.512 + 0.384 + 0.096 + 0.008 = 1



Odds of getting 1 or more Military loot = 0.67232, or 67.2%.

Odds of one Loot = [0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.2] + [0.8*0.8*0.8*0.2*0.8] + [0.8*0.8*0.2*0.8*0.8] + [0.8*0.2*0.8*0.8*0.8] + [0.2*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8] = 0.08192 x 5 = 0.4096

Odds of two Loot = [0.8*0.8*0.8*0.2*0.2] + [0.8*0.8*0.2*0.8*0.2] + [0.8*0.2*0.8*0.8*0.2] + [0.2*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.2] + [0.8*0.8*0.2*0.2*0.8] + [0.8*0.2*0.8*0.2*0.8] + [0.2*0.8*0.8*0.2*0.8] + [0.8*0.2*0.2*0.8*0.8] + [0.2*0.8*0.2*0.8*0.8] + [0.2*0.2*0.8*0.8*0.8] = 0.02048 x 10 = 0.2048

Odds of three Loot = [0.8*0.8*0.2*0.2*0.2] + [0.8*0.2*0.8*0.2*0.2] + [0.2*0.8*0.8*0.2*0.2] + [0.8*0.2*0.2*0.8*0.2] + [0.2*0.8*0.2*0.8*0.2] + [0.8*0.2*0.2*0.2*0.8] + [0.2*0.8*0.2*0.2*0.8] + [0.2*0.2*0.8*0.8*0.2] + [0.2*0.2*0.8*0.2*0.8] + [0.2*0.2*0.2*0.8*0.8] = 0.00512 * 10 = 0.0512

Odds of four Loot = [0.8*0.2*0.2*0.2*0.2] + [0.2*0.8*0.2*0.2*0.2] + [0.2*0.2*0.8*0.2*0.2] + [0.2*0.2*0.2*0.8*0.2] + [0.2*0.2*0.2*0.2*0.8] = 0.00128 x 5 = 0.0064

Odds of five Loot = [0.2*0.2*0.2*0.2*0.2] = 0.00032


Math Check: odds of zero loot = [0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8*0.8] = 0.32768.

0.32768 + 0.67232 = 1.


So, just by owning a licence we’re seeing a big jump in the amount of Military loot witnessed. There’s a 10% chance of extraction, so that tanks down to a rather poor 4.8% and 6.9% chance respectively to walk away with one or more loot.


Really… yes, it may be considered “pay to win” if you up the extraction rate to 100% for paying and leave it alone for free. But what if we improve free extraction? Give the odds of recovering loot for free something like… 40% odds. That’d be more than enough to ensure you aren’t buying power- you’re just getting that power slightly faster.



Okay, so I am currently getting 5 loot drops with a licence, and I am going to assume that’s the norm. If someone who doesn’t have the Explorer DLC (or any DLC ideally) can confirm it’s 5 loot for a PvP win on licence that’d be great.


I am also assuming it is 3 Loot without a Licence.

confirming 5 looting chances with license alone and 3 without (PvP)

It is called pay2win, if you cannot obtain it ingame without real money involved*


It is called gambling, if you have to pay for a chance to get it.


Having 100% loot chance for GS is neither, especially if extracting it for percentage is free and gives credits on failure.


*) of course or: it is not really humanly possible without selling your soul.

Should I show a picture where I am 3000+ points vs 2nd 1200, we win and I get 3 X’s ? 


Basically you vice yourself to get a great victory then it slaps you on the hand.


They should remove the X’s. Some junk for 1-3K is “meh” but seeing the X feels bad.


Consider it you being not lucky, but blessed.

Nice. In single game you got as much purples as I got in my first 500.

THIS IS MADNESS!!!  :angry:

Being a GM has its perks, I see… <.<